
Huashan Yuquan Temple

author:Hongnong Huayin

Huashan Yuquan Temple is located in the southernmost part of Yuquan Road, Huayin City, Shaanxi Province, is the main place of Huashan Taoist activities, built in the Song Dynasty, the famous Quanzhen Taoist Temple in northern China.

Huashan Yuquan Temple

Huashan Yuquan Temple was built by The Taoist priest Jia Desheng during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of Song (1049-1051) as a master. After several destructions and repairs, it was only in the Ming and Qing dynasties that it had the current scale, named Xiyi Ancestral Hall, which was named after The Song Taizu gave Chen Zhuo "Mr. Xiyi", and later renamed Yuquan Temple. "The mountain is not high, there are immortals and spirits", for more than a thousand years, many celebrities have gathered here to teach and cultivate.

Huashan Yuquan Temple

The main building area of Yuquan Temple, the style adopts Jiangnan garden-style architecture, with the pool as the center, surrounded by pavilions and pavilions, giving people the impression of seeing the big, the existing main buildings are: worry-free pavilion, seventy-two windows, Quanzhen Seven Sons Hall, main hall, Tongtian Pavilion, water pavilion and so on.

Huashan Yuquan Temple

Xiyi Temple: Divided into two halls: front and back. On the left side of the front hall is the "Huashan Quantu Stele", and on the right side is the stone stele of the Song Dynasty calligrapher Mi Fu's handwriting "First Mountain". There is a statue of Chen Zhuo in the apse. The Pavilion was built on a large stone, and it is said that Chen Xuan often admired the mountain scenery here and wrote books. There is an ancient tree next to the pavilion, named Sanssouci Tree, which is said to have been planted by Chen Zhuo's hand.

Over the water pavilion: Legend has it that when Tang Xuanzong Li Longji's sister Princess Jinxian was in Huashan, she and several maids went up Mount Hua with her to the Zhenyue Palace under the West Peak, there was a jade well in the palace, the well water was clear to the bottom, the Golden Immortal Princess stood by the well to illuminate her shadow, accidentally, dropped the jade hairpin on her head into the well, after going down the mountain, they rested and washed their hands under the water pavilion, inadvertently found the jade hairpin under the pavilion, and were surprised to find that the spring water under the pavilion and the jade well on the top of the mountain were connected. At that time, the spring water did flow through the pavilion to the outside of the courtyard, but unfortunately, during the Qing Dynasty, flash floods broke out, and the river was diverted, and the spring water of that year was no longer seen. According to this legend, later generations renamed the Xiyi Temple to Yuquan Temple.

Xiyi Stone Cave: Legend has it that when Chen Zhuo was alive, he often collected medicines to treat the people, and later became an immortal, and people believed in him. The Stone Reclining Statue of Him is enshrined in the Xiyi Stone Cave, and every year on the 15th day of the third month of the lunar calendar, at the Ancient Temple Fair of Huashan Mountain, good men and women from all over the world come to worship and say that touching the statue of Chen Zhuo can cure all diseases and get peace.