
Common diseases in bayberry cultivation and treatment of bayberry fruit fly

author:The old king of the urban peasant

Bayberry is a sweet and sour fruit, like to eat bayberry people also have many, now the cultivation of bayberry is also very extensive, but bayberry in the planting process often encounter some diseases, today we will introduce the common diseases in the cultivation of bayberry and treatment methods.

Common diseases in bayberry cultivation and treatment of bayberry fruit fly

< h1 class="article-title" > bayberry fruit fly</h1>

Fruit flies are the main pest of bayberry, and female fruit flies lay eggs on the milk pillar of mature bayberry fruit, and the hatched larvae are moth-eating. The affected fruit is uneven and uneven, the juice spills and falls fruit, which reduces the yield and deteriorates the quality, affecting fresh sales, storage, processing and commodity prices.

First, the occurrence of fruit flies

Arbutus fruit fly under the conditions of temperature 21-25 °C, humidity of 75-85%, a generation calendar period of 4-7 days. In the field generations overlap, it is not easy to divide the algebra, the insect states coexist at the same time, and when the temperature is above 10 °C, the adult activity of fruit flies can be seen. Before the hard seeds of bayberry fruit are colored, raw fruits cannot become food for fruit flies, and the food source conditions are poor, and fruit flies occur less and do not cause harm. After the bayberry enters the ripening stage, the fruit becomes soft, the fruit flies have suitable food, and the harm occurs during the peak period, and with the harvest, the bayberry gradually decreases, and the number of fruit flies decreases accordingly. After the arbutus is harvested, the residual fruit on the tree and the fruit under the tree rot, there is abundant food, and there will be a blooming period, and with the gradual disappearance of the residual fruit and the ground fruit, the insect mouth will decline with the lack of food. Bayberry fruit fly occurs during two periods of excellent food conditions, mid-to-late June and mid-to-late July. Economic losses are caused by the occurrence of hazards in mid-to-late June.

Common diseases in bayberry cultivation and treatment of bayberry fruit fly

Second, fruit fly control methods

1. Weed the bayberry garden in mid-to-late May, and spray the ground with 50% octyl thiophosphorus emulsion 1000 times liquid to reduce the source base of insects, which can reduce the amount of occurrence.

2. Pick up the physiological falling fruit before the ripening of bayberry and the rotten fruit of the mature harvesting period, send it out of the park at a certain distance to cover the thick soil or spray it with 30% enemy insect emulsion 500 times liquid, which can avoid the harm of returning to the park after its survival and reproduction.

Common diseases in bayberry cultivation and treatment of bayberry fruit fly

3, in the bayberry fruit hard seed coloring into the mature stage, with 1.82% amylmethrin heavy tobacco agent press 1:1 pair of water, with the smoke spray machinery downwind to the ground spray smoke, smoke to kill adult insects, has a better effect.

4. Using the chemotaxis of adult fruit flies, use enemy insects, sugar, vinegar, wine, and water to make bait according to 1:5:10:10:20, and put the liquid in a plastic bowl in a bayberry garden, 6-8 bowls/mu, and trap the adult insects. Regular removal of insects in the trap bowl and changing the bait once a week can receive a better booby trap effect.

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