
Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

author:Small slow food

Usually visit the supermarket, there are many small snacks, and when I was young, I especially loved to eat snacks, but when I grew up, I couldn't be interested in many snacks. There will always be additives. I think it is better to eat less.

But what if there is always a time to be hungry?

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

Now this season is the season of yellow apricot ripening, teach everyone to make a small snack at home, dried apricots, do not need any additives, sweet and sour appetizers, taste tendons, the method is relatively simple, no oven can also be done.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

First of all, prepare a little fresh yellow apricot that has just been picked and wash it clean.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple
Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

Denuclearized standby.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

Next, prepare a larger basin, put a layer of apricots, put a layer of sugar, put a layer of apricots and put a layer of sugar. After this operation is all processed, it is refrigerated in the refrigerator for one night.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

All the sugar will turn into sugar water, and the juice inside the apricot will also seep out.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

Then pour the apricots together with the sugar water into the pot and bring to a boil. No need to add water, bring to a boil over high heat and stir a few times to bring it out

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

Still poured in a basin and marinated for five or six hours, one night.

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple
Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

The marinated apricot soup can be taken out and stored separately, sweet and sour and appetizing. Take the apricots out and place them on top of a clean mat and expose them to the sun

Teach you at home to make your own dried apricots, without any additives, sweet and sour, chewy, super simple

2 to 3 days can become dried apricots, eat it tweed tendons are chewy, sweet and sour and appetizing when there is no appetite to come to one or two pieces more delicious than the apricots sold outside, dried apricots.

Like friends must try it, simple and good to eat nutritious and delicious, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.