
Unified into the countdown! The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently stated that the mainland has made arrangements for Taiwan after reunification

author:Row head observation

Recently, the Western countries led by the United States have played the "Taiwan card"; former US President Biden claimed in a television interview program that he would "aid Taiwan"; later, US Secretary of State Blinken issued a statement, flagrantly violating UN Resolution 2758, supporting Taiwan's participation in the UNITED Nations system, and trying to exert pressure on China through repeated speculation. This kind of behavior of the United States in heating up the Taiwan topic seems to have cast a shadow over the reunification of the two sides of the strait.

However, today, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has made it clear for the first time that the motherland will be reunified! At the fourth "National Reunification and National Rejuvenation" seminar on October 29 with the theme of "Peaceful Development of Cross-Strait Relations in the New Journey," Liu Xiaojun, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that national rejuvenation is both a great righteousness and a great benefit, and Taiwan's fiscal revenues will be used to improve people's livelihood as much as possible after reunification. As soon as these remarks came out, they completely dispelled the haze that has recently been shrouded by US politicians on the island of Taiwan, and also once again demonstrated our firm determination to reunify the motherland.

Unified into the countdown! The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently stated that the mainland has made arrangements for Taiwan after reunification

In fact, this is the first time that china has talked about the relevant policies after national reunification. Prior to this, whenever we faced the provocations of US politicians and Taiwan "independence" elements, our response was very restrained, stressing that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and demanding that other countries not interfere in China's internal affairs. However, the speech at the seminar this time was based on Taiwan's reunification, which gave a shot of strength to the people on both sides of the strait who yearn for the reunification of the motherland, and also announced to the world that China's reunification has entered the countdown.

In fact, it is precisely the United States that has played the "Taiwan card" again and again, but on the contrary, it has strengthened our determination to reunify the motherland as soon as possible and boosted the process of cross-strait reunification.

Unified into the countdown! The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently stated that the mainland has made arrangements for Taiwan after reunification

Recently, the United States has been constantly stirring up the Taiwan issue in the international community, which on the one hand is exerting pressure on us; on the other hand, it has also encouraged the arrogance of the "independence" elements, causing them to misjudge the situation of cross-strait reunification. Some "independence" elements have even unabashedly acknowledged the existence of military forces in Taiwan, as if they were going to put "resisting reunification by force" on the table. Within the Taiwan region, the voices of separatism are also getting stronger and stronger, and with the "support and encouragement" of the United States, the ruling party in the Taiwan region is also becoming more and more rampant, frantically waving the flag for the United States, and going around visiting and co-opting other countries to stand for the Taiwan region.

Every such move is stirring the nerves of the people who are looking forward to reunification across the strait, and reunification is already urgent. Although we have repeatedly protested through diplomatic channels against countries that have interfered in our internal affairs, each time the results have been very limited. If we continue to allow the "independence" elements to continue to carry out propaganda and agitation on the island and make a big concerted visit in the international community, the situation of cross-strait reunification will certainly develop in a direction unfavorable to us.

Unified into the countdown! The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently stated that the mainland has made arrangements for Taiwan after reunification

In the international community, if the two sides of the strait are delayed in reunification, the United States will continue to use the Taiwan regional issue to challenge us, and the problems we will face in the future will only become more complex and sharper, and it will not be as simple as "standing up for Taiwan and joining the United Nations."

It is precisely this situation, which is almost in crisis, that has strengthened our determination to reunify our two sides of the strait. I am afraid that even the United States never imagined that such extreme pressure would become a booster for cross-strait reunification. The current economic arrangements made by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council after cross-strait reunification have also confirmed from the side that cross-strait reunification has entered the countdown stage. Let us look forward to the day when Taiwan returns to the motherland!