
Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

author:Pu'er Daily

"Look, gibbons are there!" An exclamation caused everyone to look sideways... Along the Sixiao Expressway, you can reach the Sun River National Forest Park in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, accompanied by a variety of precious wild animals, and truly feel the beauty of Pu'er biodiversity. Looking at the many honors won by Pu'er City, one of them is the "National Forest City", in this "Forest City" ecological environment is superior, Pu'er is the largest ecological oasis on the global Tropic of Cancer, with a forest coverage rate of 75%, and the forest area and forest accumulation rank first in the province. There are more than 5,600 kinds of higher plants and more than 1,490 kinds of animals in Pu'er City, known as the "treasure house of biological germplasm genes" and "the royal palace of the kingdom of animals and plants in Yunnan", which can be called the epitome of Yunnan biodiversity.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Marvellous park samples

Walking into pu'er Sun River National Forest Park, the green is full of people's hearts. "The forest coverage rate of our park is as high as 97.45%, and the animal and plant resources in the park are very rich, and there are more than 2,100 kinds of higher plants and more than 800 kinds of animals known to have more than ferns." Li Fuchen, assistant general manager of Pu'er Sun River National Forest Park, introduced to everyone that you can see precious plants such as alder trees in the park, and you can also tickle white rhinos, let red pandas hold their thighs, and sing with gibbons to experience the wonders of biodiversity up close.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Photo by Hou Zhongmin

Pu'er National Park, located in the transition zone from tropical to tropical South Asia, has a forest coverage rate of 97.45%, which preserves The largest and most complete South Asian tropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, Simao pine forest and a small number of precious seasonal rain forests in China. The good forest vegetation of the national park provides or continuously replenishes a steady stream of water for more than 10 large and small rivers such as the Sun River, providing sufficient water for the surrounding areas. The national park has an important impact on the local climate, ecology and economic development, and can be called the green heart of Pu'er, the "tea capital", and the ecological green island. The unique natural geographical location of the national park and the suitable climate of cold and warm provide a unique habitat for the survival and reproduction of wild animals and plants, so the biodiversity here is extremely rich.

Well-preserved vegetation also provides habitat for many wildlife. Pu'er National Park is distributed with 11 kinds of national Level I protected animals, such as bee monkeys, gray langurs, monitor lizards, pythons, black-necked long-tailed pheasants, etc., and 46 kinds of national Level II protected animals such as short-tailed monkeys, sambar deer, snake eagles, red wart salamanders, tiger striped frogs, etc. Red chamois, porcupines, and crab-eating badgers forage in the forest, while giant squirrels and red-bellied squirrels dodge in the trees. A total of 102 species of beasts are hidden here. 222 species of birds, including the black-toad-mouthed bird, the proto-chicken, the blue-bearded night humming tiger, the rhubarb-crowned woodpecker, and the large pantail, fly, chirp and forage in the forest, making the quiet forest more vivid. Deep in the dense forest and between the valleys, there are also many mysterious amphibians and reptiles, such as the 91 species of amphibians such as the Gorbachev bark tree frog and the Lichson lizard, which reflect the high biodiversity here. And various unique insects such as termites show the world the magic of the life that inhabits them.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Photo by Wu Yongkang

"This wetland used to be planted by villagers, but now it is a paradise for birds." Zhang Denglin, director of the Sun River Provincial Nature Reserve Management and Protection Bureau and the Director of the Sun River National Forest Park Management Bureau, pointed to an open wetland in front of him, following the principle of "ecology first, protection first", the Management and Protection Bureau has continuously strengthened the publicity and law enforcement supervision of forest ecological environmental protection, the awareness of ecological environmental protection of the surrounding masses has been continuously enhanced, and illegal acts such as indiscriminate logging, indiscriminate hunting, and indiscriminate mining and digging have been effectively curbed. Since the establishment of the scenic spot, 22,000 hectares of primary forest have been directly protected, and the area of returning farmland to forest in the surrounding areas has increased by 25%. At the same time, millions of tourists have been introduced to Pu'er, and more than 90% of the employees employed are local ethnic minorities, which has promoted the development of tourism and the increase of income of the masses.

Long-term protection mechanisms

For a long time, Pu'er City has firmly established the development concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", adopted positive and effective measures, scientific planning, systematic planning, reform and innovation, and strict management, and created a new situation in biodiversity conservation.

Improve mechanisms for biodiversity conservation. Establish a working system for the Biodiversity Conservation Committee and the Joint Conference on Biodiversity Conservation, take the lead in compiling and implementing the "Pu'er Implementation Plan for the Strategic Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation in Yunnan Province (2013-2020)" in the province, promulgate and implement a series of local regulations such as the "Regulations on the Protection of Ancient Tea Tree Resources in Pu'er City", and implement the city's biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. The establishment and improvement of the green performance appraisal system, the DUAL ACCOUNTING system of GDP and GEP, the audit system for the departure of leading cadres and the ecological compensation system have laid a foundation for accelerating the construction of the national green economy pilot demonstration zone.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Photo by Xia Xiang

Strengthen the supervision and management of nature reserves. Carry out the protection of ecological public welfare forests and drinking water sources, implement natural forest resources protection projects, projects for returning farmland to forests, and lancang river shelter forest projects, and consolidate the foundation of ecological protection from the source. Protected areas such as nature reserves, national parks, drinking water source protection areas, and scenic spots designated by the city account for 20.1% of the national land area. In 2020, the city's forest coverage rate will reach more than 70%, and 1 national wetland park, 3 national forest parks, 1 provincial forest park, and 18 nature reserves will be built. The East Asian Tropical Botanical Garden was built, and two species protection communities with extremely small populations were established.

Strengthen the conservation of wetland biodiversity. The wetland protection rate of Pu'er City reached 68.8%, the "Opinions on Strengthening Wetland Protection Work" was formulated, the Pu'er Five Lakes National Wetland Park was built, and the construction of the Simao River Environmental Comprehensive Improvement, the Wild Duck Lake Environmental Comprehensive Improvement, and the "Returning The Pond to the Wetland" of the Xianma Lake Wetland were significantly improved, the habitats of animals and plants were well protected, the native plants and biodiversity were restored, and the public's awareness of wetland protection was significantly improved.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Xiaomi rifle photo

Conduct biodiversity resource surveys. There are about 55 ecosystem types in Pu'er City, accounting for about 32% of all ecosystem types in Yunnan Province. Among the 1591 species of terrestrial wild animals under key protection in China, there are 591 species distributed in Pu'er City.

Explore the establishment of a value assessment system for biodiversity and ecosystem services. In 2015, Jingdong Yi Autonomous County carried out the assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services, becoming the first listed demonstration county in China. In 2018, Pu'er City took the lead in completing the assessment of the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the city and 9 counties and 1 district, and became a national ecosystem and biodiversity economics research (TEEB) demonstration base, with a value of 742.9 billion yuan in biodiversity and ecosystem services in the city, and found a green home.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Photo by Zhang Hong

Promote research on biodiversity conservation. Actively carry out research on wild animal breeding technology, basically master the breeding technology of wild animals such as white stork, raw chicken, wild boar, etc.; the artificial breeding technology of rare fish forktail catfish has been successful, and the artificial breeding and artificial domestication of Chinese knot fish and giant catfish have been successful. Field monitoring, ex situ conservation and population breeding of indian bison, green peacock, western black-crowned gibbon, Jingdong wing tree and other very small populations have been carried out. A 24-hour real-time video surveillance probe was installed in the main activity area of Asian elephants, and a drone was introduced for early warning monitoring, and the image data of green peacock activities was taken in the field monitoring of green peacocks, filling the gap in the domestic wild green peacock image data.

Construct an urban ecological life landscape system. Implement wildflower engineering, wetland engineering, wildlife engineering and biological rehabilitation center engineering, strive to enhance the artistic level of urban forest landscape culture, build a colorful urban ecological life landscape system, build an urban wetland ecosystem and multi-layer green space system, increase the biodiversity of green tree species, and build a flexible green city with a hundred flowers competing for glory and a hundred birds singing together. Vigorously build forest cities, forest tourism towns, ecological villages (villages), and ecological homes, and carry out comprehensive greening and beautification along highways, cities facing mountains, banks of rivers, and around lakes to restore biodiversity.

Pu'er, Yunnan: An ecological sample of a forest city

Provided by Pu'er Forestry and Grassland Bureau

Carry out publicity and education on biodiversity conservation. The Provincial Education Base for Biodiversity Conservation in Naozhadu, the Biodiversity Science Education Hall of Pu'er University, and the Biodiversity Conservation Education Base in Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County and Mojiang Hani Autonomous County were built. Widely carry out biodiversity conservation activities of "entering units, schools, communities, villages, and enterprises", make full use of the media to publicize the results achieved in the protection of Pu'er biodiversity, and shoot a special film on wildlife rescue; Pu'er Radio and Television Station recorded and broadcast a special program on wildlife rescue and breeding; during major meetings in the city, a publicity album was distributed to the delegates attending the meeting to create a good atmosphere for the whole people to participate in the protection of biodiversity. (Source: Pu'er Daily Reporter Zhang Guoying/Wen Editor: Zhang Kejia)