
rare! Fuzhou Fushan Country Park found wild animals eating crab badgers

author:New Fujian

At 6 a.m., in Fushan Country Park in Gulou District, a wild animal appeared, which attracted the attention of investigators. Ms. Li and Mr. Zeng, two investigators of the Fujian Provincial Stone Exploration Biology Research Center, confirmed through observation and photography that this animal is a crab-eating badger, and its diet also includes snakes, which is called "snake catching expert".

An investigator said that this small animal generally only moves in the mountains, and it is the first to appear in fuzhou urban park.

Climb the mountain a hundred times

First encounter

Ms. Li of the Fujian Provincial Stone Exploration Biology Research Center recalled the scene of the discovery of the crab-eating badger. She said that when she walked through a bamboo forest, she found a tail flashing, thinking it was a stray dog.

rare! Fuzhou Fushan Country Park found wild animals eating crab badgers

Walking up high, she was reunited with the little animal. It is relatively large, the fur on the body is close to the body, the tail is very long, and the coat color is earth yellow, which is larger than the civet. At that time, Ms. Li was less than 10 meters away from the small animals, and she hurriedly used the SLR camera to photograph the figure of the small animals.

"I've climbed the mountain hundreds of times over the past year. Previously, there were small mammals in the park, such as small moose, ferret badgers, red-bellied squirrels, civets, and shrews, but it was the first time we had seen such small animals. After the investigation was completed, it was found that there were three protected animals- the cynodo eater. Ms. Li said.

Hidden deep in the mountains

Foraging in the early morning and dusk

According to animal experts, the crab-eating badger is a biological classification belonging to the carnivorous badger genus. In the long process of reproduction, the crab-eating badger has differentiated into four different subspecies, and China has all subspecies.

Zoologically classified, the size of the cynomolgus is not large, but the body is long, the tail is forty or fifty centimeters, coupled with their relatively fluffy fur, so in the senses, in the park, it is considered a large mammal.

rare! Fuzhou Fushan Country Park found wild animals eating crab badgers

Zeng Zhenyu/Photo

Hearing the name, many people think that crab-eating badgers only eat crabs. In fact, it usually hunts snakes, frogs, and birds. The cynodont is a typical diurnal and nocturnal animal.

During the day, the foraging time of crab-eating badgers is almost unlimited, and it is possible to go out to forage for food for twelve hours a day.

Of course, for them, morning and dusk are the best times to forage. First, the climate at this time is more comfortable, and second, there are more prey at this time, and it is easiest to obtain food.

Ms. Li said that she consulted the provinces in The country where crab-eating badgers are distributed, and there has never been a record of this animal in the urban park, and this discovery has also filled the gap in the country.

Experts said that the crab-eating badger is a "three animals", and most of the previous records in the province are in longqi mountain, Tianbaoyan and other national nature reserves, and are taken by infrared cameras, and these video materials are also on the "secret eye" of CCTV. It is rare to be able to photograph this animal in the park of Fuzhou City.

What else is there in Fukuyama Country Park?

According to the survey report of the Shi Tanji Biological Research Center, the investigators have successively carried out biodiversity surveys since the construction of the park began in 2017, and last year the center was officially registered and established, with the support of professional institutes such as the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In the ongoing survey, there are more than 130 species of birds, including 22 species of second and above, and more than 500 species of insects, amphibians and reptiles. From August last year to the present, new records have been added in the park, such as the black-throated noisy partridge (national second-class), the collared ibis (national second-level), the red-throated singing partridge (national second-class), and the new records of mammals include: ferrets, civets, shrews, etc., as well as crab-eating badgers found this time.

Source: Straits Metropolis Daily