
Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

author:Captain Meng Wang

Pet owners know that dogs need to be dewormed regularly, so how to know if there are parasites on dogs? Just observe whether your dog has these symptoms!

Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > parasitic symptoms</h1>

Symptom 1: The dog is short of breath and coughs incessantly, which may be the presence of heartworms and toxoplasma gondii

Symptom 2: The dog's vomit or excrement contains white worms, which may be roundworms

Symptom 3: The dog's poop is abnormal, such as white particles, black, and red with blood, which is caused by parasites

Symptom 4: The dog frequently rubs his butt on the floor, which is most likely infected with tapeworms

Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

Symptom 5: Eat as usual, the portion increases, but the body is getting thinner and weaker, may be infected with roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms

Symptom 6: The dog has diarrhea and vomiting, and the stomach is abnormally swollen, also due to parasites

Symptom 7: Dogs frequently scratch a part of their body, which may be fleas or lice

Symptom 8: Dogs have rough hair and have dander and small black spots, which are also caused by fleas and lice

Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to deworm</h1>

Once the above symptoms appear, it means that there are parasites, and the pet owner must be repelled in time.

Insect repellent conditions: Dogs must be in good health to be able to deworm

Insect repellent products: Most of them use insect repellents or drops, sprays, and there are also drugs that are used in vivo and foreign

Insect repellents, in general, it is recommended to take it with warm water, or mixed in dog food, so that the dog inadvertently eats it, and the dosage should be fed according to the instructions

Drops, first separate the hair on the dog's neck, it is recommended to choose the position from the neck to the back, the dog generally can not lick, the drops are dripped on the skin according to the dose, and the medicinal effect works

Spray, 15 cm from the dog's body, lift the hair, and then spray in the opposite direction, if you can, it is recommended to bring gloves to massage the body again

Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

Note: Because the deworming drug will have a certain stimulating effect on the dog's stomach and intestines, so after the deworming, the dog's intestinal flora is disordered, there will be vomiting, no appetite, bad spirit and other phenomena, at this time you can fast for a period of time, feed some pet probiotics, help regulate the balance of intestinal flora.

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Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > dietary attention</h1>

Do not give the dog to eat raw meat, raw meat contains a lot of parasites and bacteria, dogs eat more on the body is not good, it is recommended or cooked after the dog to eat, more healthy, but meat can not always be used as a staple food to feed, otherwise the dog will only be nutritionally unbalanced

In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to regular feeding, after all, the dog's stomach is not very good, follow the regular fixed point quantitative feeding, a small number of meals, which will not have a great stimulation to the dog's stomach

Staple food or choose a comprehensive and balanced nutrition of high-quality dog food, although expensive, but better in health and nutrition, recommended "hungry dog food", meat content of up to 50%, balanced and rich in nutrition, and contains yucca powder, etc., can help regulate the stomach, enhance digestion

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Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

Conclusion: How often do you usually deworm your dog?

Once the dog appears on the body of these symptoms, it may be parasite caused by parasite symptoms how to deworm diet attention

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