
Give cats and dogs a body and a body of anti-insecticides, this insect can not be repelled?

author:No mind black and unhappy white

Now there are many internal and external repellents on the market, such as big pampering. Because the big pet propaganda is also internal and external driving, only need to drip on the neck can be, many shovelers only use this insect repellent.

In fact, the main ingredient of the big pet is sairamectin, which can drive away fleas, lice, roundworms, prevent heartworms and so on.

However, there is a kind of insect, is also more common, called tapeworm, tapeworm segments look like rice grains, white sesame seeds, sometimes you may see the cat's anus, or the cat's sofa appears this kind of thing, then you have to pay more attention, may have worms in the cat (picture source Baidu, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

Give cats and dogs a body and a body of anti-insecticides, this insect can not be repelled?

So why do pets get tapeworms?

(1) Maternal infection, from cat and dog mothers, transmitted to kittens and puppies.

(2) Environmental factors, pets may not go out, but the shoveler usually goes out, the soles of the feet may bring some dirty things home, some dogs also like to go to the grass to play, may also bring eggs.

(3) The most common point is a flea infection. The route of infection is as follows:

Tapeworm eggs → fleas eat → cats and dogs lick fleas→ infectious larvae develop into tapeworms→ tapeworm mature segments fall (1 segment contains 500 eggs)

Fleas caught from a kitten (be cautious with dense phobias)

Give cats and dogs a body and a body of anti-insecticides, this insect can not be repelled?

In theory, big pets can kill fleas, so tapeworms can also be prevented. But the breeding of fleas is very fast, once the cat and dog are infected with fleas, the home environment is not killed, the owner and pet will be plagued by fleas, and the probability of infection with tapeworms is also greatly increased.

Therefore, if you give your pet such an in vivo and internal deworming drug, it is best to take an additional internal deworming drug that can repel tapeworms, like some ingredients for praziquantel and albendazole, which can repel taenia.

If you have any questions about pet keeping, you can ask them in the comments section