
What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?

author:Modern new agriculture

There are now many orange orchards that resemble the fall of fruit in black spotted spots, just like last year, and this happened in many orchards at this time last year.

What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?

The incidence is small fruits, large fruits are not found, and it is not yellowed and fallen, but some small fruits are still green when they have symptoms on the tree before falling, falling to the ground is still cyan, and only yellow in the back.

What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?
What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?

The probability of occurrence in orchards with closed and poor light conditions is large, and the probability of occurrence in well-lit orchards is small, which is quite suitable for the occurrence of fungal diseases.

What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?

The more small fruits there are, the more pit fruit falls in the orchard, and the fewer the orchards with more large fruits, especially the high incidence of small fruits with tail flowers.

What happened to the black spot pit on the surface of the citrus fruit in early November?

Personally feel: this phenomenon I think is not a matter of importance, this is just some small fruits or zombie fruits fall normally, the reason why small fruits are slow to expand, is to get less nutrients, encounter the recent low temperature weather resistance is poor to fall away from the layer, of course, this is just my personal speculation. What do you think? Welcome to exchange views.

The above content is a personal opinion, for reference only, please combine the actual situation of your own orchard.

Hello everyone, I am Xiao Li, welcome to leave a comment.