
The Changchun Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported that since the beginning of this year, the Changchun Municipal Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs have investigated and dealt with 6 typical problems that violate the spirit of the eight central regulations

author:China Jilin Net

On April 26, China Jilin Net learned from The Integrity changchun that in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, further tighten discipline, strengthen warning and deterrence, and continuously deepen the construction of work style, the Changchun Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission reported 6 typical problems of violating the spirit of the eight central regulations investigated and handled by the Changchun Municipal Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs this year. The details are as follows:

Li Wei, president of the Changchun Drama Theatre, illegally issued and received subsidies. From January 2013 to December 2018, when Li Wei was the vice president of changchun drama theater, the manager of Changchun People's Art Theater, and the president of Changchun drama theater, he decided to issue post subsidies in violation of regulations, of which Li Wei himself received 176,400 yuan. In February 2021, Li Wei received a severe warning from the party and was refunded for receiving subsidies in violation of the law.

Li Jingyi, former chief of the landscaping section of the Housing Security and Housing Administration Bureau of the Automobile Economic and Technological Development Zone, accepted shopping cards in violation of the law. From 2017 to 2020, Li Jingyi illegally accepted a shopping card with a face value of 11,000 yuan from service recipients during the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. Li Jingyi also has other serious problems of violating discipline and law. In January 2021, Li Jingyi was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and the suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with law.

Li Liang, principal of Shanhe Central Primary School in Shuangyang District, accepted gifts in violation of the law. In June 2019, Li Liang illegally accepted a gift of 2,200 yuan from a number of university personnel through his mother's funeral; In November 2019, Li Liang invited the relevant personnel of the university on the grounds of his granddaughter's full moon and accepted a gift of 4400 yuan in violation of the law. In February 2021, Li Liang was punished with a warning from within the party and accepted gift money in violation of the law.

Wang Fengge, general secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Chaoyang Village, Chaoyang Township, Dehui City, illegally distributed welfare. During the Spring Festival in 2018, Wang Fengge illegally distributed benefits to village cadres, equivalent to 9240 yuan. Afterwards, Wang Fengge used false bills to arbitrage funds of 25,000 yuan to deal with the above expenses and other unreasonable expenses. In February 2021, Wang Fengge received a severe warning from the party and confiscated the funds in violation of discipline.

Liu Yaobing, former member of the Party Working Committee and director of the Emergency Management Bureau of the Airport Development Zone of Changchun New Area, illegally borrowed private owners' vehicles. In September 2017, Liu Yaobing borrowed a private owner Li Mou's vehicle for up to 3 years and did not return it, causing adverse effects. Liu Yaobing also has other disciplinary problems. In February 2021, Liu Yaobing received a severe warning from the party and was punished by the administrative secretary.

Sun Yang, deputy director of the Qingshan Judicial Office of the Yushu Municipal Bureau of Justice, has the problem of private use of buses. During the National Day in 2020, Sun Yang privately drove his unit's police vehicle to visit relatives in Yumin Township, Yushu City, causing adverse effects in society. In February 2021, Sun Yang was punished with a warning from within the party.

The above-mentioned 6 typical problems involved the illegal acceptance of gifts and shopping cards, the illegal issuance of subsidies and benefits, the private use of public buses, and the illegal borrowing of vehicles, reflecting the stubbornness, complexity, and repetitive characteristics of the "four winds" problem, and exposing that under the high-pressure situation of comprehensively and strictly administering the party and continuing to uphold the correct style and discipline, there are still a small number of party members and cadres who have weak political awareness and lack of discipline concepts, turn a deaf ear to the party's disciplinary requirements, and are willing to take chances and break discipline. To seriously investigate and deal with and publicly report on these problems of violating discipline and the law is to release a strong signal that the building of work style must be comprehensively strict and strict to the end, educate and warn party members and cadres to take the case as a lesson, self-vigilance and self-examination, strictly abide by the red line of discipline, establish a solid bottom line of self-discipline, and earnestly enhance their ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness in implementing the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities.

Party organizations at all levels in the city should deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of work style, profoundly understand the political essence and political harm of the "four winds" issue, seize the opportunity of the "year of work style construction", combine the study and education of party history, with the determination of not leaving the saddle and not letting go, with the tenacity of repeated grasping and grasping repeatedly, and with the concept of "not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt", deepen the management of work style, so that the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government can truly be implemented and rooted.

The discipline inspection and supervision organs of the whole city should profoundly understand the importance and urgency of promoting the building of the party's work style, and unremittingly correct the "four winds" and create a new style. It is necessary to take effective measures to resolutely stop the wasteful behavior of catering, and to prevent and investigate and deal with the old problems of illegal receipt and delivery of gifts, illegal subsidies, and private use of public buses that are prone to be issued frequently during the festival, as well as new problems of invisible mutations such as receiving and sending electronic red envelopes, transferring them to private clubs to eat and drink, and using precious specialties and special resources to seek private interests. It is necessary to continue to increase efforts and resolutely rectify the problems of not taking responsibility, inaction, false action, and chaos in consolidating the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and the construction of the business environment. It is necessary to persist in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, resolutely prevent the recurrence of old problems, the occurrence of new problems, and the enlargement of small problems, and constantly win new victories in the construction of work style.

China Jilin Network Jike APP reporter Li Yishu