
Sweet and sour, delicious and crispy, sweet and sour fish is the next meal, and brine chicken is super easy to make

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"酸甜可口香酥美味,糖醋鱼就是下饭,盐水鸡制作超级简单","en":"Sweet and sour, delicious and crispy, sweet and sour fish is the next meal, and brine chicken is super easy to make"},"description":{"content":"酸甜可口的糖醋鱼,酥脆可口好吃非常,爱吃鱼肉的朋友,可以买上一条再试试哦。糖醋鱼是一道大菜,很多人都爱吃它,这道菜一般都...","en":"Sweet and sour sweet and sour fish, crispy and delicious very delicious, friends who love fish, you can buy one and try it again. Sweet and sour fish is a big dish, many people love to eat it, this dish is generally ..."}},"items":[]}