
The preschool teacher's salary strip was exposed, the teacher was very sad, and the parents complained: there are many holidays with low academic qualifications, what else do you want? The preschool teacher's salary strip was exposed, and the teacher was very sad and the parents complained: What else do you want to do with the holidays with low academic qualifications? When a teacher can only be willing to be poor? That's not a little bit of a good education trend

author:Kindergarten full guide
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"幼师工资条曝光,老师很心酸,家长吐槽:学历低假期多,还要啥?幼师工资条曝光,老师很心酸家长吐槽:学历低假期多还要啥?当老师只能甘于清贫?那不是好的教育趋势略略寄语","en":"The preschool teacher's salary strip was exposed, the teacher was very sad, and the parents complained: there are many holidays with low academic qualifications, what else do you want? The preschool teacher's salary strip was exposed, and the teacher was very sad and the parents complained: What else do you want to do with the holidays with low academic qualifications? When a teacher can only be willing to be poor? That's not a little bit of a good education trend"},"description":{"content":"点击右上角,关注“幼儿园全攻略”。人生百年,立于幼学。幼教不易,任重道远。当清华北大硕博毕业生扎堆去深圳当中小学老师时,...","en":"Click on the top right corner to follow the \"Kindergarten Full Guide\". Life is a hundred years, standing in early childhood. Early childhood education is not easy, and the task is heavy and the road is long. When Tsinghua Peking University graduates gathered to shenzhen to work as primary and secondary school teachers,..."}},"items":[]}