
Men and women

author:Qilu one point

Men, the standardized image is strong, aggressive, ambitious, and like to conquer.

The standardized image of a woman is gentle, considerate, attentive, and loving.

And how many people can be standardized? hehe. They are all people with mood swings, they are all things with seven passions and six desires, so the men and women they meet are flawed people, and those beautiful people live in the imagination like gods.

Life will distort people beyond recognition, men and women, tempers flying into the sky, hurting each other, only because they are tired and powerless to shake off. How pathetic.

Some people say that Chinese especially need psychological counseling, because under normal circumstances, people's emotions are suppressed. On all occasions, one can only be good and yes, losing one's own ability to think, and finally doubting one's own existence. Start learning to hate, starting with hating yourself and then spreading around you. So psychology, very much admired look.

Men and women can't escape the influence of the social environment, and who can live smugly in the smokey environment really needs skills.

No one wants to be an undead Xiao Qiang, and everyone wants to live with dignity and comfort, but the environment forces them to change into Superman.

Men and women live on the track, running everywhere, communicating when there is something to communicate, and living their own lives when there is nothing to do.

Men and women

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Men and women