
Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

author:Kangaroo JumpIng Kids Picture Book Reading

I don't know if you parents and friends have seen the cartoon "Interstellar Dinosaurs" when they were young, this animation tells the story of stegosaurus, triceratops, Tyrannosaurus rex, and pterosaurs fighting against evil dinosaurs, is it a bit familiar?

Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops
Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

Stills of interstellar dinosaurs

Have familiar images pulled you back into your memories, recalling the moments when watching this cartoon were captivated by interstellar dinosaurs or cute or domineering performances? And do you know all the physical characteristics and stories of the "supporting actor" Triceratops of this anime? It doesn't matter if you haven't seen this cartoon, don't you want to be your child's encyclopedia to enjoy the adoring eyes of your child? Then let the kangaroo jump take you to learn about the mysterious "Triceratops"!


Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

The picture shows the Triceratops that scientists have reconstructed from part of the skeleton, which does not look as cute but domineering as in the cartoon. Triceratops, also known as "Three-horned Dragon", means "a face with three horns". They were plant-eating dinosaurs that lived in North America about 68 million to 65 million years ago. Triceratops appeared later and is often thought to be a representative dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous period. Although it is relatively close to our age, the complete skeleton of the Triceratops has still not been found.

The first specimen to be named Triceratops, found near Denver, Colorado, in 1887 consisted of a skull topped with a pair of forehead horns attached to it.

Posture characteristics

Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

Triceratops was a medium-sized quadruped dinosaur with a length of about 7–10 m, a hip height of 2.5 to 3 m, and a weight of 6 to 12 tonnes. Triceratops, who were so strong, also became one of the strongest dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous period, and adult Triceratops could even defeat T. rex.

Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

Close-up of the head

The most notable feature of Triceratops is their large head, the largest of all land animals. Their head shield is more than 2.5 meters long and can reach 1/3 of the entire body length. Most horned dinosaurs had large holes in their head shields, but Triceratops' head shields were solid and had no holes. For a long time, there has been controversy about their three horns and the function of the head shield. These structures were previously thought to be weapons against predators. But recent theories suggest that these structures may be used for courtship and to demonstrate dominance, as in the case of the horns of modern reindeer and goats.

Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

Close-up of the mouth of Triceratops

Triceratops has a nose horn above its nose and a pair of frontal horns above its eyes, which can be up to 1 meter long. The front of the jaw of Triceratops had a long, narrow beak-like beak, which was more suitable for grasping and pulling than biting. The teeth of Triceratops are arranged in a tooth system, each consisting of 36 to 40 tooth groups, 3 to 5 on each side of the upper and lower jaws, and the number of teeth in the tooth group varies according to its size. In total, Triceratops had 432 to 800 teeth, which were constantly growing.

Picture Book Reading - Dinosaur Series of Triceratops

Toe features

Triceratops had a strong body and strong limbs. The forefoot has five toes but only the first three toes help support the weight, and the other two toes have degenerated without short hoofed toes. The hind paws have four short hoofed toes.

Now you know the Triceratops "from head to toe"? Do you want to learn more about dinosaurs? So what are you waiting for to download Kangaroo Jump to learn more about what little kids want to know!

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