
To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

author:You Research Club
To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

Make up for it

Pornhub, the world's largest adult content website, has left a relatively neutral impression on people because of its active participation in environmental protection activities and the organization of public welfare fundraising.

However, pornhub is still an adult website that will tip over in the face of some insurmountable red line.

On December 4, the New York Times published a story titled "Children Ruined by Pornhub." According to the report, there are many videos of sexual assault and abuse of minors on Pornhub, many videos are suspected of rape, and some videos are secretly filmed, and the parties may still not know that their pornographic videos have been widely disseminated on the Internet.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

On December 11, Visa and MasterCard, two credit card companies, announced the suspension of cooperation with MindGeek. Pornhub is part of MindGeek, and the suspension of cooperation means that Pornhub has two fewer ways to pay and tip, which is a major blow to Both Pornhub itself and sex workers who rely on the site's revenue to survive.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

MindGeek is a private adult content group with hundreds of websites. According to the New York Times, MindGeek has only about 80 auditors worldwide, but more than 1.36 million hours of new videos are uploaded to Pornhub each year, and for this site alone, each reviewer reviews hundreds of hours of content every week.

Auditing is not as easy as one might think of as a surveyor. Judging whether the person in the video is underage or not is already difficult from the appearance alone; it is even more difficult to confirm whether the video content is performed or true.

Pornhub is already working with companies like Google, Youtube and Facebook to apply the technology tools they use to detect illegal images to censorship. However, there are still fish that have slipped through the net and uploaded to the website, and after deletion, some people have re-uploaded illegal videos that have been downloaded long ago.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

Pornhub has already adopted the technology

Faced with a flood of criticism and accusations, Pornhub had to make amends. On December 8, Pornhub revised its user agreement and issued a new announcement that made their attitude clear: Pornhub is always committed to eliminating illegal content, including involuntary adult content and child sexual abuse content.

The new user agreement takes a one-size-fits-all approach, allowing only officially authenticated users to upload content on the site. Currently, users who want to be authenticated must submit a selfie with a blank piece of paper with their username and Pornhub URL written on it.

Pornhub will no longer offer video downloads, videos that have already been uploaded by uncertified users will be removed, and the new illegal content censorship panel ,"Red Team", will re-review them from next year.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

There is a blue checkmark in front of the ID of the officially authenticated user

On Dec. 13, Pornhub's search bar showed about 13.5 million videos on the site. Two days later, that number fell below 3 million, and more than 10 million uncertified videos were taken down.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

Visiting the removed video will see a prompt that says, "In accordance with our Trust and Security Policy, the video has been marked pending review." ”

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

Any resident veteran driver knows that there is a lot of less adult content on Pornhub. Many netizens uploaded segments, funny videos and even film and television dramas to Pornhub, and two days ago, players uploaded the non-anchor mode of "Cyberpunk 2077" on Pornhub.

Some domestic netizens also took the opportunity to exert their creativity. They have uploaded ghost animal videos, classic film and television works such as "Bright Sword", Guo Degang cross-talk, and even CCTV news broadcasts and examination materials.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

A few days ago you could also see Mr. Luo Xiang on Pornhub

After this takedown storm, countless users' favorites have become empty, and keyword searches along the tags such as "Douyin", "Kaoyan", "Li Yunlong" and "Sun Xiaochuan" have been searched, and no relevant non-pornographic videos have been found.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

The search for these tags may be the same group of people

Pornhub's initiative is based on the author's advice from the New York Times story. Even if Pornhub's removal of tens of millions of videos is too "one-size-fits-all," "illegal adult content" is still an unavoidable problem.

The same problem doesn't just happen with Pornhub. In the past two days, several other keywords that are not part of MindGeek's adult content websites have been sent to the Twitter trend hot search list by netizens. Even if Pornhub is "forced to rectify", the part of the content that netizens like to hear still has its corresponding place.

To weed out illegal content once and for all, Pornhub "one size fits all" 10 million videos

However, the same is probably true for adult content that hurts the person concerned.