
Coli generation sheep of the meat-wool combined type semi-fine wool sheep breed

author:Ecological farm breeding masters

The Collida sheep is mainly a meat-haired semi-fine wool sheep breeding with the British spear-type Lincoln, Leicester and border area Leicester as the father and the Merino ewe as the mother.

Coli generation sheep of the meat-wool combined type semi-fine wool sheep breed


Native to New Zealand. It is cross-bred with Merino sheep and several long-haired breeds in the United Kingdom.

Variety adaptability

Excellent meat quality. Medium fertility, strong physique, but low adaptability, requiring higher feeding management conditions.

The process of nurturing

It was bred between 1880 and 1910 with the British long-haired Lincoln sheep and Leicester sheep as the father and the Merino sheep as the mother. In 1910, the Variety Association was established.

Body shape

The head is wide and large, the forehead is covered with wool, the male and female are mostly hornless, and some rams have small horns. Coated with white hair. The head is wide, the neck is short, and the ribs are open. The head, ears, and limbs are black, and the lips and hooves are black.

The neck is short and thick, the skin is wrinkleless, the chest is deep and wide, the back and waist are straight, and the body is barrel-shaped. The muscles are plump, the hindquarters are well developed, and the limbs are strong. The abdominal hair is well grown. The coat is white and closed tightly.

Coli generation sheep of the meat-wool combined type semi-fine wool sheep breed

Sheep weight

Adult rams weigh 100-115 kg; adult ewes weigh 60-65 kg; ram shears 10-12 kg; ewe shears 5-6 kg.

The length of wool is 12-14 cm, the fineness is 50-56 sticks, the uniformity is good, the strength is large, the bending is obvious, the oil sweat is moderate, and the net grossness is 60-65%. Lambing yield 125%

Production performance

It has the characteristics of early maturation, good meat production and hair production performance. Adult rams weigh 100-105 kg and ewes 45-65 kg; 4 months old lambs can reach 35-40 kg. The shearing amount is 10-12 kg for rams and 5-6 kg for ewes, and the net gross yield is 60%-65%. The lambing rate is 110%-130%.

The hair is long, and the adult ram is 10.7 to 13.8 cm, and the adult ewe is 11.4 to 11.7 cm. Wool fineness, 31.52 microns for adult rams and 30.22 microns for adult ewes. The slaughter rate of adult sheep can reach 52%. Fineness 56 sticks.

Coli generation sheep of the meat-wool combined type semi-fine wool sheep breed

Domestic introduction and utilization

China first introduced nearly 1,000 animals from New Zealand in the mid-1940s, which were raised in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, Gansu and other provinces. It was introduced from Australia and New Zealand in the mid-1960s and late 1980s and raised in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Anhui, Shandong, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and autonomous regions.

In addition to pure breeding, it is used to improve Mongolian sheep, Tibetan sheep, etc., so that the improvement of the quality of local sheep and the breeding of new breeds of sheep have achieved obvious results.

As a patrilineal line, he participated in the breeding of northeast semi-fine wool sheep, Lingchuan semi-fine wool sheep, Guizhou semi-fine wool sheep, and Yunnan semi-fine wool sheep breeds. As a female hybrid with Lincoln ram, the offspring are significantly improved by the quality of the hair and the size of the meat.

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