
Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

author:Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants

Because there is no temperature regulation system in the snake, it is called a cold-blooded animal, and some snakes are also poisonous, so many people are very afraid of it. In fact, many snakes are docile, beautiful, non-venomous, and the metabolism of snakes is very slow, eat less, excrete less, do not consume energy, the feeding cost is very low, and very skinny, easy to raise, very suitable for breeding as a pet.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

White-striped snake

White-striped snake: Widely distributed non-venomous snake in northern China, it has strong adaptability, gentle temperament and slow movement, and is very suitable for domestication as a crawling pet. It is included in the list of beneficial terrestrial wild animals protected by the state and of important economic and scientific research value. It is more resistant to hunger and thirst, and has been recorded for 18 months of hunger tolerance.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Green snake

Green snake: the body and tail are slender, the head is longer, slightly broader and flattened, and the snout is blunt and rounded. The back of the body is emerald green, the juvenile snake is green, the snout is long, the eyes are large, and the pupils are rounded. It is very bright and non-toxic, and it is a very suitable ornamental snake for pet breeding. Snakes are mostly brightly colored, and some species are larger and are often caught or eaten.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Red Chain Snake

Red chain snake: it is a micro-venomous snake, bright and beautiful in color, can be kept as a pet snake, and usually has no violent poisoning reaction after being bitten. It is usually characterized by allergic manifestations of poisoning mainly wound redness, rash, and urticaria. However, patients with allergies may be life-threatening, so do not take medical treatment lightly.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Banded snake

Banded snake: A terrestrial non-venomous snake that inhabits the freshwater waters of wetlands, but is not a sea snake, with a striped pattern, like a garter belt. It is one of the most common snakes in Canada to Central America. When disturbed, hide the head and squirm in the tail while discharging unpleasant secretions from the glands as a defense.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Brown and black snake

Brown and black snake: the body color is mostly brownish black, accompanied by a bright yellow pattern, the color is gorgeous, very beautiful. At present, artificial breeding has been successful, the temperament is relatively mild, when not threatened, generally will not actively attack humans, and non-toxic, has become a popular breed in the hands of pet snake players, is very suitable for novice breeding pet snake breed.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Ball python

Ball Python: When it feels nervous, it will curl its body into a tight ball and hide its head firmly in the center, hence the name. Like most other pythons, it is also very mild, a smaller species in the python family and one of the most suitable python breeds for pet breeding.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Western pig-nosed snake

Western Pig-nosed Snake: A small yellow-jawed snake with posterior groove teeth and an upturned, ridiculous nose. It is slightly stout and weighs much heavier than other yellow-jawed snakes of the same length. The body color is mostly a dull yellow or tan background color with dark spots. "Suspended animation" is a special behavior of the pig-nosed snake to resist enemies.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Milk snake

Milk Snake: One of the three most kept pet snake breeds in the world, it is non-venomous and the most cultivated breed of snake practitioners in the United States. With ever-changing colors, it is an extremely popular and indispensable important role in the pet market, and forms an iron triangle of the snake family with the king snake and the corn snake.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Desert King Snake

Desert King Snake: Low life requirements, easy to care for, is a common pet snake. King snakes get their name from feeding on other snakes, including rattlesnakes and copperhead snakes, which are immune to their venom. The Latin scientific name of the genus means "shining scales" and describes the colorful back scales of the king snake snake.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 introductory breeds of pet snakes for novices

Corn snake

Corn snake: its slim body, moderate body shape, bright pattern, round pupils, although like a poisonous snake, but docile and non-venomous, strong adaptability, almost no illness, relatively simple feeding, is the most common, one of the most ornamental pet snake breeds, one of the main varieties on the climbing pet market, very suitable for novice breeding. There are also differences in price depending on the color, some tens of thousands of yuan.

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