
After the Spring Festival, the deputy secretary of the autonomous region's political and legal committee, who was named a "protective umbrella" by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, was dismissed by Shuangkai, who served as the director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau for nearly 6 years, and regarded public power as a "cash cow" for getting rich

author:Political knowledge new media

Written by | Gao Yuyang

On March 14, Dai Guanghui, former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, was double-dismissed. Dai Guanghui is an "old public security officer" who served as party secretary and director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau and served in the Autonomous Region Public Security Department for many years.

In June 2020, Dai Guanghui was subject to censorship and investigation and was removed from office in September of the same year.

Dai Guanghui was named by an article published on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, and is a typical example of corruption in the political and legal fields.

Since last year, the fight against corruption in the political and legal fields has been a major event in the discipline inspection and supervision and political and legal systems.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission proposed to "intensify the punishment of corruption in the political and legal system," and specially wrote the anti-corruption in the political and legal fields into the communiqué of the plenary session, alongside the anti-corruption work in the financial and state-owned enterprise fields. At the same time, this year, the education and rectification of the political and legal system has been rolled out throughout the country after last year's pilot work.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > served as the director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau for nearly 6 years</h1>

Dai Guanghui was born in February 1963 in Fengtai, Anhui Province, and has been working in Xinjiang.

After the Spring Festival, the deputy secretary of the autonomous region's political and legal committee, who was named a "protective umbrella" by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, was dismissed by Shuangkai, who served as the director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau for nearly 6 years, and regarded public power as a "cash cow" for getting rich

In the early days, Dai Guanghui served in the Kashgar Public Security Bureau, starting from the people's police and serving as an official to the director of the Shache County Public Security Bureau.

From October 2006 to March 2009, he was transferred to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Public Security Department as the deputy chief of the Public Security Management Corps. After that, he returned to Kashgar and served as a member of the Kashgar Prefectural Committee, secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau, and director of the Bureau.

After nearly six years of working as the "number one" of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau, Dai Guanghui returned to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Public Security Department in January 2015 as a member of the party committee and deputy director.

In September 2017, Dai Guanghui was promoted to deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee (at the level of director).

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > use public power as a "cash cow" to make a fortune</h1>

Dai Guanghui pointed out in his shuangkai briefing that he has been colluding with lawless businessmen for a long time and seriously undermining the business environment; taking over the welfare and dividing up the houses; living a lavish life and coveting pleasures; he wants to become an official and want to get rich; he regards public power as a "cash cow" for making a fortune, and unscrupulously engages in power and money transactions.

After the Spring Festival, the deputy secretary of the autonomous region's political and legal committee, who was named a "protective umbrella" by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, was dismissed by Shuangkai, who served as the director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau for nearly 6 years, and regarded public power as a "cash cow" for getting rich

The anti-corruption work in the political and legal fields is in full swing.

On February 19 this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission published an article entitled "Deepening the Struggle Against Corruption in Key Areas." The article mentions that corruption in the political and legal fields has exposed the problems of laxity, unfairness, injustice, and incorruptibility in law enforcement and justice, and has eroded the party's foundation for ruling the country. Xinjiang has continued to carry out the "umbrella" of sweeping away organized crime, eliminating evil, punishing corruption, and smashing the "protective umbrella" of a number of political and legal systems, such as Dai Guanghui, former deputy secretary of the political and legal committee of the autonomous regional party committee, And Jin Hu, former vice mayor of Turpan City and former deputy secretary of the political and legal committee of the municipal party committee.

This is the first time that Dai Guanghui has appeared in official reports since his fall, and he has been accused of being the "protective umbrella" of the political and legal system.

In addition, Zheng Zhijun noted that just one month after Dai Guanghui's downfall, on July 9, 2020, Xinjiang held a meeting on the mobilization and deployment of education and rectification of public security organs throughout the region, calling for the promotion of self-revolution, strengthening supervision and inspection, and strictly enforcing discipline and accountability.

On February 27 this year, the National Political and Legal Contingent Education, Rectification, Mobilization and Deployment Conference was held, and the political and legal system carried out work nationwide.

On March 1, the Xinjiang Political and Legal Affairs Commission held the first plenary meeting of 2021 and the first meeting of the director of the office of the leading group for the education and rectification of the autonomous region's political and legal contingent.

After 14 days, Dai Guanghui was double-opened.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the two main halls of the political and legal system fell</h1>

As far as the bureau-level cadres of the Xinjiang Political and Legal System Department are concerned, from the middle of last year to the present, at least two people have fallen.

In addition to Dai Guanghui, the other person is Fan Jun, deputy secretary of the party group and vice president of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Academy of Culture and Museum.

After the Spring Festival, the deputy secretary of the autonomous region's political and legal committee, who was named a "protective umbrella" by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, was dismissed by Shuangkai, who served as the director of the Kashgar Public Security Bureau for nearly 6 years, and regarded public power as a "cash cow" for getting rich

In December 2007, Fan Jun was appointed as a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Regional Public Security Department. In June 2013, he was transferred to the Judicial Department of the Autonomous Region as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Department, and concurrently served as the Secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Prison Administration of the Autonomous Region. Fan Jun worked in Xinjiang's political and legal system for 12 and a half years.

In March 2020, Fan Jun was transferred to the Autonomous Region Academy of Culture and Museum as deputy secretary of the party group and vice president (at the level of the main hall).

On December 14, 2020, Fan Jun was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection Commission.

During Fan Jun's tenure as a member of the party committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region Public Security Department, Dai Guanghui successively served as deputy chief of the Public Security Management Corps of the Public Security Department, member of the Kashgar Prefectural Committee, secretary of the party committee of the Public Security Bureau, and director of the Bureau.

Information | Central Discipline Inspection Commission State Supervision Commission website Xinjiang Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission website Chang'an Jian WeChat public account

Proofreading | Item warfare

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