
Iran and Russia said they would continue to promote the resumption of the implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement


Beijing, 30 Oct (Xinhua) -- The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on 29 October saying that Russian Vice Foreign Minister Ryabkov and Iranian Vice Foreign Minister Shakheri held talks on the Iranian nuclear issue in Moscow, the Russian capital, on 29 October, and said that they would continue to work hard to promote the restoration of the implementation of the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" (that is, the Iranian nuclear agreement).

The statement said that relevant parties are working hard to restore the stable implementation of the Iranian nuclear agreement. During the talks, the two sides focused on consultations on this prospect and said that they should continue to promote relevant work. According to the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency, the two sides reiterated during the talks that the new round of negotiations can only be successful if the United States lifts sanctions against Iraq and the relevant parties resume compliance. Bagheri said the parties to the JCPOA need to fulfill their commitments and work to lift illegal sanctions against Iran.

After arriving in Moscow on the evening of the 28th, Bagheri told the media that Iran will hold bilateral meetings with the existing signatories of the Iranian nuclear agreement to exchange views on the Iranian nuclear negotiations. The sole goal of the new round of talks is to "lift the brutal and illegal U.S. sanctions on Iran." Bagheri posted on social media after holding consultations with EU External Action Agency Deputy Secretary-General Mora on the Iranian nuclear negotiations on the 27th that Iran agreed to restart Iranian nuclear negotiations before the end of November, and the specific date will be announced next week.

In July 2015, Iran reached a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany. In May 2018, the US government unilaterally withdrew from the Iranian nuclear agreement, and then restarted and added a series of sanctions against Iran. Since May 2019, Iran has gradually suspended the implementation of some of the terms of the JCPOA, but promised that the measures taken were "reversible".

The talks between the parties to the Iranian nuclear agreement began in Vienna, the capital of Austria, in April this year to discuss the resumption of implementation by the United States and Iran, and have been held for six rounds so far. Due to the serious differences between the United States and Iran and the change of leadership of the Iranian government, the new round of talks has not been held. (Participating reporters: Li Ao, Gao Wencheng, Wang Shoubao) (End)