
Jingji Zhinong: The pig breeding projects in Xuwen, Gaozhou and Wenchang, Hainan, Guangdong, which have been introduced into production by the company, are in the early stage of production


Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center on June 21, some investors to the Kingkey Zhinong (000048) questions, please ask the secretary of the board of directors, pig prices have now seriously fallen below the self-breeding cost line, the company in the second half of the year is to continue to plan to expand the scale of breeding according to the beginning of the year or adjust the strategic planning? Now the company's farming cost line is how much is per kilogram?

The company replied that hello, the company has introduced and put into production in Guangdong Xuwen, Gaozhou and Hainan Wenchang pig breeding projects are in the early stage of production, at present only Xuwen project has a very small amount of fat pigs out of the pen, the recent pig price decline in the short term has little impact on the company. The development of modern agriculture is the company's long-term development strategy, in the face of market cycle changes, the company will continue to focus on cost control and biosecurity prevention and control, and steadily promote production and construction. Relevant data, please refer to the company's subsequent announcement, thank you for your attention.

This article originated from the Flush Financial Research Center