
Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

author:Poison Jun

In the blink of an eye, bin Laden has been killed for 6 years. For him, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has not stopped researching.

On November 3, they officially released nearly 470,000 documents recovered from bin Laden's computer. Among them is the list of movies to watch.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

These films range from American blockbusters to Chinese animation to National Geographic documentaries. As a result, netizens boiled over.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Some people say that this kind of person is really quite common, and while opposing US imperialism, he enjoys the poisonous weeds of capitalism.

Others say that the world's number one terrorist is actually a dead house, no wonder it can't be found...

Everyone is so enthusiastic, poison jun will not be idle, selecting 10 movies recommended by bin Laden with his life.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Brother Ant is in the true tradition

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

That's right, it's a cartoon. The film also received multiple nominations for the Annie Award, known as the Oscars of the animation industry.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

The theme of the film is to show the contradiction between individualism and collectivism.

The cast of casts voiced by him is also quite dazzling: big director Woody Allen, action superstar Sylvester Stallone, sexy goddess Sharon Stone, and so on.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

The Chinese version also includes Ren Xianqi in the dubbing lineup. That year, he was still Xiao Qi, and "Heart Too Soft" was played over and over again in the streets and alleys.

Racing Story

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

As one of Pixar's most important works, "Cars" is worth brushing.

Bin Laden, an anti-American fighter, watched American animation so fondly, and there was a kind of enigmatic cuteness.

Then again, the Story series is probably the most cheesy one of the Chinese translations.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Racing Story, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Incredibles, Food Story... It seems that the whole world is going to be mobilized by these title translators.

What scares poison jun even more is that a domestic director also created a "Autobot Story".

Not only are the names similar, but the style of the posters is very twin.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

In fact, "Cars 2" bin Laden is not seen.

The film was released in the United States on June 24, 2011. Bin Laden died on May 11, 2011.

Batman: Knight of Gotham

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Bin Laden is definitely animated. This DC-produced Batman: Knight of Gotham is also an animated film.

You think it's another Hollywood blockbuster.

Not really.

This time it's Japanese cuisine. Six Japanese directors each direct a short film. Propositional essays, each made a short film about Batman.

It was 2008, and Nolan had taken over the batman series. His Batman: The Dark Knight fetched $1 billion.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

▲ Heath Ledger's clown image is very classic

The blessing of The Great God nolan once made Batman the highest-grossing superhero.

The anime also suffered a chain reaction, with theatrical box office plus DVD sales and earning at least $9 million.

It is worth mentioning that bin Laden seems to have a soft spot for superheroes. For example, he also loves Teen Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.

In his values, he has always regarded himself as a hero.

Ice Age 3

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

With the Glacier series, Blue Sky Studio has become a new upstart in the field of cartoons.

Because of the money to be made, the Ice Age series has been making sequels.

From Ice Age 5 in 2002 to Ice Age 5 in 2016. We followed the "Ice Age" series for 14 years before it finally came to an end.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

It was also quite competitive, earning a total of $3 billion, making it the most profitable animation series in the world.

Of course, whether it's Ice 4 or Ice 5, bin Laden has no chance to chase it.

Because by then, he had already hung up.

Being a terrorist is not good, and even Ice Age 4 has no chance to chase.

Final Fantasy VII: The Coming of the Son

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

It's a story about a non-mainstream teenager saving a child with a skin disease, inspired by a game called Final Fantasy.

Some netizens said that it is said to be the most successful game adaptation movie.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

The production of the film is also quite legendary, and the company originally planned to make a 10-minute CG short film. Because of the will of the people, it was made into a feature film.

In 2004, before the film was finished, the Venice Film Festival sent an invitation to participate. So the producer edited a test version and received high praise.

In 2005, the film was re-produced and re-appeared at the 62nd Venice Film Festival. As a result, the film has also become a rare film that has been invited to participate in the exhibition for two consecutive years.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

The film was a huge hit, and the main audience was, of course, game fans.

From this, we can speculate that bin Laden most likely also loved to play games.

Dead House Properties add another star.

One Piece

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

After talking about European and American animation, I also want to talk about Japan.

Bin Laden loves Detective Conan, Dragon Ball, Naruto, and of course One Piece.

"One Piece" with a Douban score of 9.5 has burned too many people. Also burned by Luffy was bin Laden.

The one who said, "I'm going to be One Piece!" "The guy is a pirate who constantly chases dreams, and he is also the youth of many people."

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

There is a moment when bin Laden will also shed tears of sadness inside, and rejoice in the joy of the bridge. He is also just a general audience who loves animation.

Of course, these are only speculations.

The only thing we can be sure of is that he never saw a One Piece finale in his life.

Storm decides

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

From Europe and the United States to Japan to China, bin Laden's cinematic taste is global.

You read that right, the domestic animation "Storm Decision" is also in bin Laden's watch list.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

The film is adapted from Ma Rongcheng's masterpiece "Wind and Clouds".

This animation lasted for 5 years, and the biggest attraction was the stunts. Poison Jun saw a statement that "Storm Decision" is still recognized as the highest quality 2D+3D film animation in Chinese mainland.

Whether this is an exaggeration or not, I will not say it. What Poison Jun dares to say is that this kind of film that sells visual spectacles is definitely two grades to watch and use on the big screen.

To use an analogy, the big screen looks like kissing a beautiful woman. Looking at the screen, it is at best a picture of kissing a beautiful woman.

Resident Evil

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

There is no doubt that Resident Evil also belongs to the series that can be made to death as long as it makes money.

<h1>In this series, Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist. </h1>

And this series is probably one of the few live-action films on bin Laden's list of films.

Could it be that he has an obsession with Mira?

In 1986, Mira was also voted "the most memorable woman in the world."

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Where exactly is Osam bin Laden

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

During those years of bin Laden's ups and downs, it seemed that the whole world was paying attention to where he was.

The leader of this "al-Qaida" organization, the world's number one terrorist, made the "9/11" incident, OPERATION SEAL and other major events that affected the world.

The emergence of such a documentary can attract many people.

Bin Laden watching the documentary might think, "I'd like to see where I am." ”

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Fingers crossed, bin Laden has been dead for 6 years, and terrorism is still haunting.

And he has always been in the hearts of terrorists.

Recommend the above 10 films. It is worth mentioning that bin Laden is also passionate about various humanistic history films. For example, "Inside the Kremlin", "Peruvian Civilization", "The Story of India".

He is also a big fan of National Geographic.

National Geographic: Deadly Weapons, National Geographic: The Legend of the Green Beret, National Geographic: Animal Fighting, National Geographic: Deadly Toxins, etc. all lie on his hard drive.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

Watching so many documentaries, bin Laden wanted to understand what others knew.

It is good to know oneself and know one's enemy and never lose a battle. However, bin Laden failed.

He seems to have forgotten that good will triumph over evil.

Take a quick look! Bin Laden loves these movies in this series, where Mila Jovovich fights zombies to the end. Better than anyone can fight, better than anyone can resist.

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