
The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

author:Syrobi flowers

Can you find typos in these idioms?

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Let's first analyze the "àn" character that appears in idioms. Darkness, the original meaning is dark black, but also refers to people's hearts and minds depressed. Dark: Not bright, no light. The sun sinks to the west as "dusk" and complete darkness as "darkness". It also has the meaning of "unspoken, hidden" and "ignorant, confused". These two words have the same sound, the meaning is close, sometimes can be universal, sometimes can not be universal, such as "dark" can not be written "dark". Shore refers to land at the water's edge, such as the coast. There are also meanings of tall and proud, such as Wei An and Shore Ran.

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Sad, gloomy: depressed look. Refers to depressed mood, depressed mood, sad look. For example, he looked at the ruins that had been burned by the fire and was devastated.

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Eclipsed: The original meaning refers to a bad mood and an ugly face. It is generally used as an analogy: there is a big gap in comparison, far less. For example, Xiaoming was really shocked, which overshadowed the speeches of other students.

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Eclipsed, depressed as if he had lost his soul, described as very sad or miserable. The idiom comes from Jiang Yan's "Don't Fu", which is a lyrical small fu. It begins with the following: "The one who eclipses the soul is nothing but that." Through the four words "eclipsed", we can see the lyrical tone of this article. The text depicts seven kinds of parting, using the sentence form of the puppet, painting the sound and color, the language is clear, and it is popular.

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Jiang Yan is also the protagonist of the story of "Jiang Lang Cai Exhausted". He lost his father at an early age and his family was very poor, but he still insisted on studying hard and wrote many wonderful articles. The "Other Endowment" just introduced, as well as "Hate Endowment", are his masterpieces. Because of his fame, he was highly valued by the imperial court, and later entered the court as a lawsuit and held many official positions. But in his later years, Jiang Yan's talent and thinking were greatly reduced, and the articles he wrote were bland. People shook their heads and said, "Jiang Lang is finished." Therefore, there are also many legends, such as "returning the pen in a dream", etc., you can check the information. What we have to think about is: Will it really be "Jiang Lang is exhausted"? If so, what is the reason for "Jiang Lang's exhaustion"? What can we learn from this story?

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

The "shore" here is to describe the appearance of arrogance. Its original meaning is to look solemn and serious, pretending to be a serious person. It is now generally used to satirize people who pretend to be serious and have different appearances. We must be true gentlemen, not hypocrites!

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

There is also the word "dark", which also gives you an example: "If you listen to it at the same time, you will be bright, and if you listen partially, you will be dark." Ming, indicating the discernment between right and wrong. Darkness refers to confusion, ignorance, and inability to distinguish the truth. The idiom means: it is necessary to listen to opinions in many ways to distinguish between right and wrong; only to listen to the opinions of one side, to believe that it is true, often to make wrong judgments. This is a question and answer between Tang Taizong and Wei Zheng, who cited many examples of the destruction of the country and the family due to partial listening. "Listening" is very important, and the decision-making after listening is even more important. For example, your pen bag can't be found, and some classmates say that Zhang San deliberately hid it. When you heard it, you believed it, and you angrily looked for Zhang San's theory, and then you had a conflict.... You see, as ordinary people, we are biased and biased, and it is easy to cause harm to ourselves and others. As the king of a country, if you listen to the bias, you may make the wrong decisions that may lead to the destruction of the country and the family. Therefore, listening to opinions in many aspects, thinking in multiple dimensions, and clarifying the truth of the matter can we make a correct judgment. Remember!

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Today's content sharing is complete, it is considered to be "throwing bricks and leading jade", and everyone can continue to expand and draw a picture with a mind map.

The idiom 9 that is easy to write wrong: Dark shore

Finally, leave everyone an anagram, can you guess? Sound and color (typing a word) stood for two days (typing a Chinese character).