
Four consecutive levels downgraded, the first "cliff" after the Nineteenth National Congress! Another similarity to the Guangxi Erhu who gave the son a platform was three vice-chairmen who were demoted

author:Political knowledge new media

Written by | Li You

Before the Spring Festival, another "tiger".

On February 12, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that "Liu Jun, a former member of the CPPCC leading group and vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was expelled from the party and dismissed from his post for serious violations of discipline."

From the sub-provincial level to the deputy department level non-leading positions, four consecutive levels of demotion, Liu Jun is the first cliff-like demotion after the 19th National Congress. Comments distributed on the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that Liu Jun's "cliff-like demotion" is a concrete embodiment of deepening the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement.

Zhengzhi Circle (WeChat ID: wepolitics) noted that Liu Jun stepped down as vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region CPPCC on January 29, 2018, and it has only been 14 days.

Four consecutive levels downgraded, the first "cliff" after the Nineteenth National Congress! Another similarity to the Guangxi Erhu who gave the son a platform was three vice-chairmen who were demoted

<h1>Another one for his son to stand on the platform</h1>

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported Liu Jun's question --

Violation of political discipline and confrontation with organizational scrutiny;

Violating the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, entering and leaving private clubs in violation of regulations, accepting arrangements from private business owners to play golf, and using public funds to pay personal expenses;

Violating organizational discipline and failing to truthfully explain the problem when organizing a conversation letter;

Violating honesty and discipline, using his power for personal gain, accepting gifts and gifts, and conniving and acquiescing to his son's use of the influence of his position for personal gain.

Born in March 1957, Liu Jun will turn 61 years old, and after stepping down as vice chairman of the Guangxi CppcC Committee, he should have enjoyed retirement. Since his work in 1982, his career experience can be divided into two stages, the first 16 years in the former State Forestry Department and now the State Forestry Department, once served as the secretary of the General Office of the Ministry of Forestry, the last 20 years in Guangxi, Wuzhou, Yulin, Beihai, Guilin and other cities have been spent, before being elected vice chairman of the Guangxi Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was the secretary of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee.

The secretary of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee is also one of the most concerned posts in Liu Junshi's journey. The full text of Liu Jun's speech taking over the post circulated widely on the Internet. Liu Jun said, "In the end, I have an explanation, my family of three are all civil servants, I have two younger brothers and a younger sister, my wife has two older brothers, they all eat the national imperial grain, no one does business or runs a company." Therefore, I implore you all to ask for projects and benefits in my name and in the name of my relatives, please give a resolute stop and never be deceived. ”

The contrast between the front and back can not help but make people sigh, 10 years later, Liu Jun, who gave his son a platform, was demoted.

<h1>The similarities between the two tigers in Guangxi</h1>

Liu Jun was the first tiger in Guangxi after the 19th National Congress.

The first tiger in Guangxi after the 18th National Congress was Li Daqiu, former vice chairman of the Guangxi Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The political knowledge circle (WeChat ID: wepolitics) found that there are many similarities between the two "first tigers" in Guangxi, and both of them were vice chairmen of the Guangxi CppcC before they fell from power, and both served a full term in office. Judging from his resume, before Li Daqiu fell, Liu Jun also worked with him in the Guangxi CPPCC for about half a year.

Judging from the corruption deeds, the two also have similarities - there is no shortage of sons in their corruption stories. Among the issues reported by Liu Jun by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the closest to breaking the law and committing crimes is to use his power to seek private interests, accept gifts and gifts, and connive and acquiesce in his son's use of the influence of his position to seek private interests. Li Daqiu once accepted bribes through his son.

Li Daqiu was laid off in July 2013 and was "double-opened" two months later. During the trial, the procuratorate alleged that from 2003 to 2013, Li Daqiu took advantage of his position as secretary of the Hezhou Municipal CPC Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region CPPCC Committee to provide assistance to 17 units and individuals in matters such as project contracting, project development, job promotion, and enterprise development, and directly or through his son Li Mou successively accepted property from relevant personnel totaling more than 10.95 million yuan.

In 2014, Li Daqiu was sentenced to 15 years in prison for accepting bribes.

To put it another way, Li Daqiu, the "first tiger" of Guangxi, who is imprisoned in Qincheng Prison, was recently commuted by 7 months. In January, Zheng Zhijun discovered this on the Chinese judgment documents website, and after the commutation, Li Daqiu's sentence was changed from September 4, 2013 to February 3, 2028.

<h1>Three Vice-Presidents who were demoted</h1>

Since the 18th Party Congress, many officials have been demoted.

The political knowledge circle (WeChat ID: wepolitics) combed and found that there are not many non-leadership positions like Liu Jun who have been demoted from the sub-provincial level to the deputy department level. As of now there are --

Zhang Tianxin, former member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee

Xu Aimin, former member of the party group and vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Yin Hailin, former member of the party group and vice mayor of Tianjin Municipal Government

Cao Jianfang, former member of the Standing Committee and secretary general of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee

He Ting, former member of the party group and vice mayor of the Chongqing Municipal Government, and former secretary of the party group and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau

There are not many clerks who have been demoted to section members, and there are—

Liu Lizu, former member of the party group and vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Zhao Zhiyong, former member of the Standing Committee and secretary general of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee

Lai Derong, former member of the CPPCC leading group and vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region CPPCC Committee

Liu Jun is the third deputy provincial official in Guangxi to be demoted.

In January 2016, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) announced 10 central management cadres who were given heavy party disciplinary sanctions and major job adjustments in 2015, and Liu Zhiyong, former member of the CPPCC group and vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was listed. Due to serious violations of discipline, Liu Zhiyong was dismissed from his party post and demoted to a non-leading position at the level of the main department.

In July 2016, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Lai Derong, a former member of the CPPCC group and vice chairman of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region CPPCC Committee, had been expelled from the party, administratively dismissed from his post, and demoted to section member.

Lai Derong was demoted from the sub-provincial level to a section member, and was demoted to 7 levels in a row, which is the most "cliff-breaking" among Guangxi officials. He was accused of "taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres" and "gambling abroad many times."

Judging from their resumes, Li Daqiu, Liu Zhiyong, Lai Derong, and Liu Jun have all worked together in the Guangxi CPPCC. The longest time together was Lai Derong and Liu Jun, who were elected vice presidents together in January 2013 and worked together for more than three years from July 2016. Unfortunately, their careers ended in corruption.

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