
For taller special foods, take a look at a few diet therapies to increase your length

author:Love health will live

(1) What are the effects of food on height?

(2) What foods to eat and what recipes to set are beneficial for increasing body length?

Shakyamuni did not realize the hunger strike, and finally drank the milk offered by the girl to fill his hunger, rejuvenate his brain, and complete his philosophical system. It can be seen that food dominates the human body and human spiritual activities, that is, food is the basis of human survival.

However, it is difficult to increase the length of the body by relying on food alone, and it is also necessary to carry out physical exercise that can promote the increase of the body. Food and physical exercise are the two wheels of good health. Losing or ignoring either of the two wheels does not guarantee the health of the body, and naturally does not promote the increase in height.

Food dominates people's entire lives. This is because food contains and supplies all the chemicals that the human body needs for development and brain activity. These chemical components are called nutrients. It is precisely because the nutrients contained in food provide the human body with materials that make up the brain, heart, blood, muscles, bones and other tissues. Not only that, but people judge things, accumulate knowledge, and the mental activities of the brain, such as grief and love, are also maintained by nutrients.

Bones are not long enough to grow

If the human body is likened to a house, then the bones are the foundation and the beam. A house without foundations and beams is unthinkable. Similarly, people without bones do not exist. The thicker and larger the foundations and beams, the more majestic and magnificent the house, and likewise, the thicker the skeletal system of the human body, the larger the man grows. Bones are the foundation and pillar of the body, and every bone is important and indispensable. The spine is particularly important. Because it connects the skull, which is a container for the brain, it is also the main road of the nervous system.

For taller special foods, take a look at a few diet therapies to increase your length

The main chemical components that make bones grow are calcium phosphate and protein. Calcium phosphate is a chemical combination of phosphoric acid and calcium, and phosphoric acid is composed of phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen. There is no other way to replenish calcium and phosphorus in the human body except from food intake, but in our daily food, there is very little calcium, and there is a lot of phosphorus.

For example, 100 g of rice contains 3 g of calcium and 38 mg of phosphorus. The 100g surface contains calcium llmg and phosphorus 68mg. 100g beef contains 9 mg of calcium, 130mg of phosphorus.100g of bamboo shooter contains 12mg of calcium and 200mg of phosphorus

Children in the growing stage need about 100 mg of calcium per day. From the above foods, it is difficult to consume the calcium required.

A potent medicine for growing tall

Milk is the source of calcium, which becomes the dogma of nutritionists. It is true that the best food to compensate for the calcium deficiency is milk, but it is not without defects. Because a bottle of milk contains 185mg of calcium and 167mg of phosphorus. From the point of view of post-drink absorption, calcium is 98mg and phosphorus is 151mg, so that 53% of calcium and 90% of phosphorus are absorbed.

From the results, in terms of calcium alone, milk as the source of calcium is indeed the best food, but from the ratio of calcium to phosphorus, milk does not work.

For taller special foods, take a look at a few diet therapies to increase your length

Since in the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in staple rice and bread, phosphorus has been surplus several times, so this ratio must be adjusted, even if you drink milk, it can not be adjusted, but increase the excess ratio.

Although it is good to drink milk, in order to adjust the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, you must also eat some wakame, kelp, 'fescue and so on.

Most of the products sold in the market are dried wakame, dried kelp, and dried fescue. These dishes are marked with calcium content and phosphorus content per 100g, respectively. The phosphorus content is scaled in (). Such as dried wakame contains calcium 1300mg (phosphorus 260mg), dried kelp contains. Calcium 750 to 1200 mg (phosphorus 170 to 180 mg), dried fescue contains calcium 1400 mg (phosphorus 56 mg).

From these figures, it can be seen that the calcium content is many times more than the phosphorus content, accounting for an absolute proportion. Experiments have proved that the human body's absorption rate of these dishes is 79%. These dishes, as a source of calcium and a food that adjusts the ratio of calcium and phosphorus (but also to promote height), can be said to be the best "special medicine".

People grow old and shrink in height

Whether it is to adjust the balance of acidic foods and alkaline foods, or to supplement vitamin A and vitamin C, it is necessary to eat enough carrots, chicken intestines, parsley, bell peppers, spinach, water vegetables, duck parsley, rape, artemisia, radish leaves, small pineapples, leeks and other colored vegetables (yellow-green vegetables).

Vitamin A is related to all functions of the human body. If vitamin A is lacking, it will lead to the degradation of systemic function, which, simply put, will accelerate the aging process. The lack of vitamin A can also reduce sexual desire, and it also loses the energetic, fleshy body. Naturally, aging is also a major enemy of height.

For taller special foods, take a look at a few diet therapies to increase your length

Vitamin C is closely related to the formation of human tissue. The human body is made up of cells. What connects the cells to produce muscles, hearts, and blood vessels is the binding tissue. If vitamin C is lacking, it will affect the production of binding tissue, which will accelerate the aging process.

For example, if the binding tissue of blood vessels is poorly constructed, the blood vessels lose their elasticity and become fragile. The blood vessels of the elderly are fragile. If a young man's blood vessels also become fragile, then his body becomes an old man.

The best food recommended for those who want to grow taller

Cereals: coarse rice, 30% processed rice, 50% processed rice, wheat rice, rye,

Rye flour, millet, weeds, cereals, buckwheat.

Dairy products: skimmed milk powder, milk, soy sauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, quail eggs.

Beans: soybeans, edamame, adzuki beans, lentils, broad beans, green peas, peas, rainbow beans, tofu skin, frozen tofu dried.

Fruit: Pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, peanuts, walnuts, pine seeds.

Vegetables: Variety rape, spinach, carrots, bell peppers, artemisia, pumpkin,

Duck celery, leeks, hard flower bulb cauliflower, green asparagus, celery, cabbage, radish, onion, tomato, sweet potato, sweet potato.

Fruits: apples, strawberries, oranges, kumquats, bashuo mandarins, summer mandarins, persimmons

Seeds, pineapples, marigolds, figs, grapes.

Fish: Dried small white fish, dried small sardines, male fish, sardines, light red shrimp, oysters, clams, sea urchins, butterfly fish, +, pine fish, eel, eel liver, salted salmon roe, squid, bun.

Meat: beef with little fat, pork with little fat, liver, chicken, lamb. Oils and fats: pure cream, pure cooking oil.

Seaweed: wakame, fescue, kelp, seaweed.