
Dog tail red, introduction and maintenance

author:Loved the greenery

☞ 【Conservation knowledge】

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☞ Follow me to introduce you to the various green plants

✔ Introduction

Dog tail red, also known as red spike amaranth, caterpillar, cattail wood, thorny iron amaranth, red tail amaranth, green leaf amaranth and other nicknames

It is a shrub of the genus Amaranth in the family Euphorbia, 0.5-3 m tall, the young branches are covered with short gray hairs, the hairs are gradually shed, the twigs are hairless, the inflorescence is brightly colored, and the inflorescence of the catalpa is drooping, like a fox's tail

Native to India, Myanmar, Malaysia, in the tropical and subtropical regions, in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and other regions, widely cultivated as garden ornamental plants

Color: Red or purple red

Flowering period: February-November

✔ Features and roles

1, sexual warmth, high temperature, afraid of cold, like plenty of sunshine and humid environment

2, with ornamental value, long flower spikes red, slightly droopy, like the tail of a puppy, the posture is cute, very interesting

3, potted plants can be arranged halls, living rooms, there is a harmonious beauty, beautify the environment, purify the air

4, in traditional Chinese medicine, the whole plant can be medicated, the root and bark have expectorant effect, cure asthma, leaves have astringent effect, flower spikes have the effect of clearing heat and dampness, cool blood and hemostasis, treat enteritis, dysentery, chancre, external treatment of fire burns, limb ulcers

✔ Flower language

Flower language: red and red, meaning auspicious, beautiful

Its flowers are peculiar in color, red or purple-red, giving people a warm, festive feeling, belonging to auspicious flowers and plants

Suitable for giving to the family, it means family harmony

Giving it to a friend symbolizes the prosperity of your career

✔ Legends and stories

There is a legend about its alias, cattail wood

A long time ago, in order to control the human rat infestation, the Heavenly Court sent cats to catch mice, but the cat began to be lazy when it came to the human world, and then it was finally discovered by the Heavenly Court to punish the cat, so the cat wanted to turn itself into a tree to avoid punishment, but the ability was not enough, in the process of changing, the tail was left outside, and the cattail wood got its name

✔ Conservation

★1. Soil

Fertile soils are preferred, and well-drained, humus-rich sandy loam soils are preferred

★2. Fertilize

During the growing season, it is necessary to apply a dilute liquid fertilizer or a fertilizer containing potassium once a week

★3. Illumination

Loved the sun

Give no less than 8 hours a day of sufficient direct light, if the light is insufficient, it will cause the plant to grow

In summer, when the sun is strong, shade is required

★4. Temperature

The suitable temperature for growth is between 20-30 ° C

It is not tolerant of cold temperatures, and it takes more than 18 °C to overwinter

Frost damage occurs below 10°C

★5. Water

Not drought tolerant, so be sure to be well hydrated

Frequent watering is required during growth to keep the potting soil moist

High temperatures in summer increase watering, while winter watering needs to be reduced

★6, insect pests

Common insect pests mainly include: aphids, red spiders, whiteflies and so on

It can be sprayed with fish vine essence, happy fruit, etc. for prevention and control

★7, reproduction

Sowing propagation, cuttings propagation, strip propagation.