
Wuhan university student self-report: I cured the new crown pneumonia at home

author:Bright Net

Source: The Paper

On February 7, after 20 days of isolation and treatment at home, Jia Hu (pseudonym) came out with a nucleic acid test result, negative, and he finally defeated the new crown pneumonia.

All the things he experienced during the illness made Jia Hu feel very emotional. He said that the most important thing he wanted to do after recovering was to listen to a concert by idol Saika Ohashi.

Jia Hu, 21, is a junior at a university in Wuhan, majoring in English and minoring in Japanese. He enrolled in a language class to learn Japanese during his winter vacation, and was ready to work in the voice actor industry in Japan after graduation.

At first, he thought it was just a common cold, but Jia Hu didn't care. Until January 21st, the symptoms of soreness in the body were still not alleviated, and the reports related to the epidemic gradually increased, and the Jia Hu family realized that "there may be a problem", so they immediately sought medical treatment; on January 29, Jia Hu's nucleic acid test results showed double positive and were officially diagnosed with new crown pneumonia.

After the diagnosis, the hospital distributed the drug Klizhi free of charge, and Jia Hu isolated and medicated at home. After 20 days, Jia Hu finally recovered. He told the surging news ( that in this experience, special thanks to the medical staff.

When in the hospital, he once noticed a detail that the doctor's isolation clothing brand changes every few days, DuPont, Steady, 3M, Kimberly-Clark ...

"When I asked, I learned that the hospital procurement had long been used up, these were all donated by the society, and they were all heroes." Jia Hu said.

【Jia Hu Dictation】

"The days of diagnosis were so uncomfortable"

On January 17, when I was in class at the language school, I felt sore and probably started a fever. Thinking it was just a common cold, I started taking Tylenol, and now that I think about it, the soothing effects of Tylenol most likely masked the condition, a little regretful.

At noon on January 21st, I felt very sore, so I contacted my father, who was keenly aware that something might be wrong and told me to hurry home. Take your temperature at home in the evening, low fever, but my body still has no special feelings, because after eating hot pot, my mother proposed to take the temperature later, if it is still low fever, go to the hospital. At 11 p.m., he found that he still had a low-grade fever and immediately went to Tongji Hospital.

After that, I found that there were many people, and for the first time I saw the doctor wearing isolation clothes, the medical records were piled up, and I felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, so I decided to go to the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital not far away.

After successfully hanging up to the emergency room, I checked the blood routine, liver function, lung CT, CT that night out of the results, patchy shadow, double lower lung infection. The liver function that came out the next day showed that everything was normal, and the blood routine was normal, but the hypersensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) was slightly higher.

Around January 25, I gradually began to cough, with a very small amount of phlegm, which was difficult to cough up. I went to Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital for a follow-up examination, and the results showed that the condition worsened and the infection spread to the whole lung. An elevated CRP generally indicates an exacerbation of an acute infection, my CRP spiked to 39.76, and my doctor prescribed infusions.

It was particularly difficult to get out of bed the next day, and I kept shivering, taking a temperature of more than 39 degrees. I began to isolate at home, and stayed in the room basically did not come out.

When I reviewed on the 28th, my lung infection improved, and the expert group gave me the test qualification of the kit after consultation.

On January 29, my test kit test resulted in double positive covid-19, was officially diagnosed, and the hospital distributed the HIV antiretroviral drug Kristo for free for 5 days. As my condition continued to improve and the hospital beds were tight, the doctor told me to go home and continue to isolate, the infusion stopped, and the oral medicine continued to be taken.

Those few days were really uncomfortable, and I vomited and had diarrhea, and my whole back hurt and I didn't have an appetite. But I couldn't resist eating, so I had to force myself to eat.

"The most important thing I want to do after I recover is to listen to an idol's concert"

When my condition improved, I was tested again with a kit. I tested twice, both of which were negative, and I was cured. Looking back on the healing experience, I am really lucky that after I live, I will try harder to live.

Now I'm recovering well, there are no sequelae, basically the same as before I got sick. When the epidemic is over, the most important thing I want to do is to listen to the concert of my idol Ohashi Caixiang. During my illness, I watched anime dubbed by idols and gave me a lot of encouragement.

After the lockdown of Wuhan, the city traffic stopped, many people without conditions could not go to the hospital, delayed the condition, I felt very uncomfortable, the only thing I was glad about was that we still had a car at home. In addition, during the treatment, I also encountered many things that shocked and sadder me.

Once infusion in the hospital, a grandfather next to me had a swollen arm and was old and tall, which frightened me. It may be because the blood vessels in the elderly are relatively brittle and run the needle. There was no one around this grandfather, and there were many patients, and the nurses did not notice. I quickly called a nurse for him, and as soon as the needle was pulled, the back of the grandfather's hand was full of blood, and I really couldn't bear to look at it.

Another time I saw a grandmother in her eighties, taking oxygen from her hospital bed. The sound of her oxygen was like a moan, and I could feel that she was very uncomfortable when I listened to it, and I couldn't forget the sound.

I hope that the patients are calm, don't lose their temper with the doctors and nurses, they are fighting for their lives on the front line. When I was in the hospital, I also noticed a detail that the doctor's isolation clothing brand changes every few days, DuPont, Steady, 3M, Kimberly... When I asked, I learned that the hospital procurement had long been used up, these were all donated by the society, and they were all heroes.

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