
Web Front-End Training: Why JavaScript is essential for web developers

author:Cantonese embedded education

JavaScript is a programming language that enables you to implement complex features on web pages such as interactive maps, timely content updates, animated 2D or 3D graphics, and more! It is the third layer of current standard web technologies, the other two being CSS and HTML. Below, we'll take a look at the reasons why JavaScript is becoming increasingly popular among web developers. If you want to learn more about JavaScript, you can take the Web front-end training and have a more comprehensive and systematic course to learn to help you better understand and use JavaScript.

1. Application of client script

JavaScript is a high-level programming language specifically designed as a client-side scripting language. Web developers can use this language to encrypt client-side script and then integrate it with HTML to produce high-quality output. These are highly responsible responsive and interactive web pages with better user interfaces. In addition to that, these websites don't handle much server interaction, helping to minimize server load.

2. Simple web application development

Shaded DOM boundaries can be developed using the JavaScript library. These help to break down the individual JavaScript library components. Thanks to the shadow DOM, web browsers can generate documents encrypted with HTML tags such as select, div, and input. Thus, JavaScript helps programmers simplify the composition of applications, although it is a programming language that must be interpreted.

3. Write server-side code

We know that web developers use cross-platform runtime engines such as Node .js) to write server-side code in JavaScript. However, these cross-platform engines are also designed as server-side runtime environments. Node .js further efficiently execute JavaScript code through the Google V8 JavaScript engine. It has several built-in libraries that enable web developers to seamlessly execute their web applications without having to rely on any external web servers. As a result, JavaScript can help developers write both client-side and server-side code with Node .js. In the Web front-end training, there are experienced professional teachers who teach and guide the teaching, and teach JavaScript knowledge through the combination of theory and practice, so that you can quickly learn JavaScript use skills.

Web Front-End Training: Why JavaScript is essential for web developers

4. Adaptive web design

If the website is not attractive and responsive, it is difficult to attract potential users. These are the basic elements of a website; using a business identity to build a strong impression of your brand and survive in a competitive market is indispensable. For this reason, the goal of most developers is responsive web design. Such a website can only be created with the help of JavaScript.

5. Use of mean stack

Developers can further streamline the development process by leveraging the four components of the MEAN stack, namely Express.js, MongoDB, Node.js, and Angular .js. MongoDB is a newly defined NoSQL database, Angular .js is a popular JavaScript framework supported by Google, Express .js is a framework made up of specific features to simplify the development of any website for just one or more pages, and Node .js is a cross-platform platform designed as a popular server-side runtime environment. These four components of the MEAN stack enable experts to write the back-end and front-end of any website in JavaScript.

6. Use of transponders

For professional web developers, it is possible to easily extend JavaScript features. They can do this with the help of Transpiler or Transformers such as CoffeeScript, DukeScript, TypeScript, and Vaadin. Each transpiler helps meet the specifications of large applications. While this process may seem useful, it also complicates the workflow. Taking web front-end training is the best choice for getting started, and mastering JavaScript as soon as possible in a short period of time will help you better develop.

7. Use of frameworks and libraries

Developers can use JavaScript's frameworks and libraries to extend their use. These featured JavaScript libraries consist of React.js, Ember, and Angular .js. In this way, JavaScript developers can incorporate functionality into complex web applications without writing any additional code. You'll also come across open source tools such as NPM, which you can use to install and manage JavaScript libraries.

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