
Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

author:Khenpo Green

Speaking of the world's most poisonous creatures, spiders, scorpions, poisonous snakes, poisonous jellyfish, poisonous frogs, etc., so many highly poisonous creatures, then who is the most poisonous creature! Well...... The following is analyzed with data hard-core analysis.

Number one player, Spider

First of all, spiders, I have no interest in spiders, but to say that the top toxic spiders, I can think of three kinds: Brazilian wandering spiders, Sydney funnel web spiders, and some kind of black widow spiders, which of them is the most poisonous spider, I don't know.

There are many toxicity test papers about spiders, but many of the spider tests are based on bugs, and there are relatively few on mice, and the tests on mice by the Brazilian wandering spider and the Sydney funnel web spider have not been found at all

Only one meta-spotted spider was found to inject ld50 into the abdomen of mice at 0.39 mg/kg.

However, they have their test data on Wikipedia, that is, they do not know whether it is reliable or unreliable.

The first is the Sydney Funnel Web Spider's Robustoxin toxicity to mice of 0.15 mg/kg, but the injection pattern is not written, which is the purification of a certain toxin (which can enhance toxicity).

Then the subcutaneous injection of Brazilian wandering spider venom into rats was 0.134 mg/kg, and rats were different from mice, and the two could not be directly compared.

There is also a Black Widow test on Wikipedia that does not know where it came from, which is very exaggerated and can be ignored.

Although there is no direct data comparison, but combined with the data of the first three, these top venom spiders can never enter the top 20 in the poisonous snake.

Therefore, I regret to withdraw from the market.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight
Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight
Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Number two player, Scorpion.

The most poisonous scorpion is the Israeli golden scorpion.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

First choose the Baidu description: the Israeli golden scorpion, also known as the Israeli killer scorpion or the Middle Eastern golden scorpion, inhabits the dry desert areas of the Middle East and North Africa, grows slowly, with a body length of about 5 to 8 cm, a body color of yellow-brown, dark brown, black, and a relatively short tail. The Israeli golden scorpion is slender and streamlined, but has a pair of large, powerful claws. This beautiful little golden yellow animal is the world's first poisonous scorpion, known for its ferocious habits and highly poisonous tail spines. Ranked fifth in the World's Top 10 Poison Kings.

(Who made up the top ten poison kings, deliberately went to search for it, I was shocked to see those things, and I can fake it a little more)

Data speaking: found its toxicity test is 0.16-0.5mg / kg, the injection mode is unknown, but even if it is subcutaneous injection, the strongest scorpion, put into the multivenom snake comparison is also 20 out of the woods.

Continue to regret exiting.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

The number three player, Taro snail!

Taro snail... Chinese named Chicken Heart Snail (°°☐!) / Should be able to eat.

The most toxic chicken heart snail is the killer taro snail, which is the following thing.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Then look at how Wikipedia is blowing it, oh no... How to describe it.

The shell of the killer taro snail (scientific name: Gastridium geographus) is cylindrical, with an auburn reticule on the body layer, with a clear pattern, and 2-3 dark brown transverse bands. There are coarse tumors on the shoulders of the body layer, and the shell mouth is wide. The nervous system is concentrated, the esophageal nerve ring is located behind the salivary glands, not passed by the salivary gland ducts; the gastrointestinal ganglion is located near the brain nerve center. The tone is well developed and the esophagus has unpaired esophageal glands. Part of the mantle membrane is wrapped and coiled to form a water pipe. It inhabits the seafloor from the intertidal zone and shallow seas to deeper sand, rock or coral reefs. Carnivorous, feeding on worms, fish, or other mollusks. Poisonous glands in the body that can shoot prey and harm predators, and there have been cases of humans being poisoned by killer snails. It is found in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Yoshiba estimates its LD50 to be 0.001-0.003 mg/kg, requiring only 0.0002-0.0005 mg of venom to cause severe paralysis, and in other estimates its LD50 is 0.012-0.03 mg/kg.

By these estimates, it is the most poisonous animal in the world.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

That's it?

The above LD50 does not have an injection mode, even if it is, why is it all estimated? And there are no sources of experimental data!

Then there is only one truth: made up.

The only data found on this killer snail was an estimate of the lethal dose of humans, 0.038-0.029. Yet it's estimated! And the lethal dose of human is an early formulation, and now this item is at best used for reference, and has little effect on the comparison of toxicity.

So leave it alone, and then look at the most poisonous creature in the legend, the Australian box jellyfish.

The number four player, the Australian box line jellyfish, this is the strength stock!

The most poisonous of the tank jellyfish is the Australian tank jellyfish, and the Australian tank jellyfish is also recognized as the most toxic marine animal, and there is no one. The other jellyfish blown in the documentary took out the data for a comparison, and all hammered out.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Let's take a look at how Baidu exaggerated and blew it up:

Australian box jellyfish, commonly known as sea wasp, transparent killer in the ocean. It is a jellyfish that lives in Australia and northern New Guinea, the Philippines and Vietnam. They have caused countless injuries or deaths to humans in the world and are considered the deadliest jellyfish. The jellyfish is only about 16 inches long, and it has 4 eye clusters for a total of 24 eyes, but it has 60 3-meter-long tentacles, each of which is covered with stinging cells that store venom. Its important features are the shape of a three-dimensional box and the presence of four stout tentacles. Its tentacles are up to 3 meters long, and each tentacle is covered with stinging cells that store venom. It is the most venomous animal in the world, its stinging cells are more poisonous than cobras, and the tentacles of the box jellyfish grow thousands of stinging cells that store venom, not only malicious attacks, but even the inadvertent scratching of shells or skin will stimulate these tiny stingers. As long as anyone dares to provoke it, it will frantically inject anyone or thing with the most effective neurotoxin known. It can kill someone in 30 seconds.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

The celiac LD50 of the box jellyfish on the wiki is 0.005 mg/kg, but note that it is a purifier. (The toxicity of the purifier and the venom cannot be directly compared, because the toxicity of the purifier may be multiplied many times, for example, the eastern brown snake, its vein LD50 is about 0.01 mg/kg, in an experiment on its presynaptic neurotoxin purification, the resulting LD50 is 0.001mg/kg, directly doubled by 10 times!)

Australian box jellyfish to mice vein LD50 is 0.04mg / kg, although it is not in a comparative range with venomous snakes, but it is certain that its toxicity to mice is definitely not as good as the Taipan snake, (Papua coast Taipan snake on the mouse vein, intraperitoneal toxicity of 0.0042mg / kg, 0.0023mg / kg) If you change to other animals, such as fish, arthropods, Australian box jellyfish toxicity can hang Taipan snake.

Because the Taipan snake is more generally toxic to animals other than mammals, and the Australian box jellyfish basically has no shortcomings, this may be the reason why it is called the most poisonous animal in the world.

Next five contestants, Viper!

When it comes to venomous snakes, the most venomous snake is the inland Taipan snake, which is probably the most venomous to rats.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

If you change the home field to fish or frogs, then the most venomous snake is the hook-nosed sea snake.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

And the silver-ringed snake has an anti-heavenly toxicity to birds!

Subcutaneous injection of ld50 for chickens is 0.00095 mg/kg, pigeons 0.00078 mg/kg, and birds 0.00031 mg/kg.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight
Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

I have no idea why it is so obsessed with birds.

So at any time, even if you compare the poisons of the world, venomous snakes can be called the best.

Finally, the sixth contestant appears!

Frogs, the most toxic poison dart frog is the golden arrow poison frog, some people say that the golden arrow poison baby 1mg venom can poison 20,000 rats, but it is said that there is no source.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Let's take a look at the description of Baidu Encyclopedia:

The poison dart frog is the most beautiful frog in the world and one of the most toxic species. Among them, the golden arrow poison frog is one of the most toxic species. The entire skin of the Golden Arrow Poison Frog is poisonous and is considered the most poisonous vertebrate. The toxin in the body of a golden arrow poison frog can poison ten adults in three minutes, and its venom can cause severe pain, paralysis and heart failure. Poison dart frogs are mainly distributed in Tropical Rainforests such as Brazil, Guyana and Chile, with a distinct body, golden yellow on the whole body and limbs, of which lemon yellow is the most dazzling and prominent. Looking around, it seemed to be flaunting its beauty, and like a warning to the enemy who had come to attack. With the exception of humans, poison dart frogs have almost no other enemies.

Three minutes to poison people, this is the basic operation of Baidu, blow the right.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Frogs belong to the poisonous and snake venom belongs to the venomous. Although the former venom is the strongest on land and the most poisonous vertebrate, it is affected by the environment and food, and the latter spontaneously produces poison.

The two are not in a comparison range.

Poison dart frogs have a huge impact on their environmental food, so different geographical differences are also very large. Artificially controlled food, poison dart frogs can be cultivated to be non-toxic. Wild poison dart frogs also lose their toxicity after being caught captive for many years, but they can still maintain their toxicity for many years during this time.

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

Overview: Among these world poisons, the most poisonous Australian tank jellyfish in the ocean and the most poisonous golden arrow poison frog on land, but the most widely distributed, most dangerous, and the highest lethality rate is the venomous snake, and even the Fatality rate of the Australian box jellyfish is not as good as many venomous snakes, and these other poisons are far from the venomous snakes because of the amount of venom.

So...... The most awesome comprehensive, or poisonous snake!

Hardcore analysis of the world's most poisonous creatures! Box jellyfish, poison dart frog, Taipan snake, and golden scorpion requested to fight

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