
23 of the most dangerous species on earth

author:Hani coffee sauce

1, The Inland Taipan

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Going to Australia? Be sure to watch out for the most venomous snake on the planet – the eternally dangerous inland Taiban snake, a species you must avoid at all costs. The reclusive reptile is so deadly that experts estimate that a single bite is enough to kill 100 people.

For those unfortunate enough to suffer death, death often comes quickly, possibly in half an hour. Bitten? You're unlikely to survive to tell this story.

So far it's been bad, but the good news is that chance encounters are not common. The inland Thai spotted snake prefers to be alone, and they make their home in australia's semi-arid central and eastern regions, which are sparsely populated.

It is a fast and agile snake that will try to avoid others and will do its best to hide in the shadows. But there's no doubt about it: if cornered, the inland Tai spotted snake will defend itself, so if you see it, leave quickly.

2, African Buffalo (Cape Buffalo)

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Buffalo in sub-Saharan Africa is also known as the "Black Death". It is a very large beast, weighing up to 900 kilograms, and their thick horns are usually 100 centimeters wide. The African buffalo is not tall and has short legs and looks almost harmless, but trust us, you wouldn't want to attack it.

It is estimated that about 200 people are bitten, trampled and killed by this beast every year... Hunters usually think that this big bull is not a big challenge, but they make a mistake and the consequences are at their own risk. The African buffalo is one of the most dangerous hunting animals, with more large hunting animals dying from African buffalo than lions, tigers and other fearsome predators.

This animal is famous for ambushing attackers ... Circle back the pursuers and fight back.

3, Great White Shark

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

There may be no more terrifying predator on Earth than the great white shark. The great white shark is a marine monster that weighs up to 1900 kilograms and is usually 20 feet long from nose to tail.

It is one of the most dangerous predators because it swims very fast, reaching speeds of up to 35 miles per hour, and it can detect a drop of blood in 94 liters of water. The reason sharks bite people is that they get curious when they encounter something unusual on their own turf, and the only way they explore an object or organism is to bite it. The animal will then swim away, however, just one bite can seriously injure a person.

Many of the attacks occurred in coastal waters near Australia, Florida and Reunion Island. According to the International Shark Attack Archive (ISAF), between 1958 and 2016, there were 2,785 unconfirmed shark attacks worldwide, including 439 deaths. If the death toll is low, it's because sharks typically launch a quick attack, then retreat, and wait until the victim is dead or weak before returning to feed. This protects sharks from harm. This also gives humans time to survive without water.

In 2019, 64 unexplained bites and 41 provocative bites were recorded. "Provocative bites" occur when humans begin to make physical contact with sharks (divers get bitten while trying to catch a shark, or when they remove a shark from a hook and net). Despite these reports, the actual number of fatal shark attacks worldwide remains uncertain, as there is no existing methodology for reporting suspected shark attacks in most third world coastal states.

4, Siafu ants

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The Siafu ant, also known as the driver ant, is common in Central and East Africa. When food was scarce, the siafu ant colony began to migrate, a real army of twenty million ants that devoured everything along the way.

Their scissor-shaped jaws cut through unfortunate prey, while the powerful dissolved acid oozing from their mouths ensures that food is digested quickly. Large numbers of ants can kill small or immobile animals and eat their flesh. You can easily avoid them because the colonies don't move very fast, but if they decide to walk through your house, it can be a highly dangerous area, and if you don't move, they're sure to attack you.

The bites of these ants are very painful and, when removed, leave two puncture wounds. In addition, moving is very difficult because its jaw is very strong and can lift something equivalent to 5,000 times the weight of an ant.

5, Black Mamba

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Toxic, aggressive and fast-moving, the Black Mamba enjoys a terrible reputation in sub-Saharan Africa. In this region, about 1.5 million people suffer snake bites of one kind or another each year. If you are under attack? You'd better hope it's another species. Most people who encounter a black mamba end up sinking to six feet deep.

You can run, but the black mamba is the fastest land snake on Earth, reaching speeds of up to 12 miles per hour, and escape on foot is unlikely. This is one of the most poisonous predators, and in just 20 minutes, a fatal bite can lead to death.

In sub-Saharan Africa, about 20,000 people die each year from snake bites, and black mambas cause more deaths than it should. Avoid it anyway, or you may pay the ultimate price.

6, Saltwater Crocodile

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Up to 20 feet long from nose to tail and weighing about 1,000 kilograms, the saltwater crocodile is a terrifying beast. Mainly found in India, Australia and Micronesia, this predator shows no mercy to prey.

Find yourself locked in by its powerful jaw, and you'd better pray. For those who are unfortunate enough to be attacked, there is no second chance.

As one of the largest crocodiles around, the saltwater crocodile has the most potent bite force of any animal on Earth today. Its victims are usually ambushed before being drowned and swallowed, sometimes even swallowed in its entirety. According to experts, it's a creature most likely to eat humans, and the number of animals that suddenly die in the mouths of crocodiles is not insignificant. Be careful in salty puddles and seas, as cunning crocodiles can easily lurk beneath the surface of the water, waiting for an opportunity to launch a devastating attack.

Saltwater crocodiles have a strong tendency to prey humans, and have a long history of attacking humans who enter its territory. The only advice against saltwater crocodiles is to avoid their habitat as much as possible, as once their territory is invaded, they become extremely aggressive and you are unlikely to survive their attacks. One study estimated that there are 30 saltwater crocodile attacks each year, 50% of which are fatal (Wikipedia). Although exact data on crocodile attacks are limited outside Of Australia, where humans and saltwater crocodiles coexist in relatively underdeveloped, economically low-level and rural areas, attacks in these areas are likely to go unreported.

7, Hyena (Hyena)

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

You might think that as a famous scavenger, hyenas pose little threat to the living. Then you're dead wrong. Striped hyenas do like to eat animal carcasses, but spotted hyenas are a predator to avoid anyway.

Spotted hyenas kill up to 95% of their food, preying on animals large and small in their wild African homeland. Humans are not safe in the presence of these relentless nocturnal predators, and nocturnal attacks are not uncommon. Spotted hyenas are cunning man-eaters that are simple and straightforward.

Hyenas are probably best known for their distinctive calls, but coming face-to-face with them is no fun thing to do. Huge claws, sharp teeth, and jaws capable of crushing bones make it a very dangerous beast. It's scary and fast, and it's impossible to escape a hungry hyena. Take our advice, be prepared, take precautions, and make sure to avoid it.

8, Pufferfish (Pufferfish)

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The pufferfish is an extraordinary creature that lives mainly in the warm waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. They are slow to escape approaching predators. However, this surprising fish has a deadly defense mechanism. It can swallow large amounts of water, inflating itself to several times its size, and in the process, it becomes inededible.

This creature is also full of poison. Tetrodotoxin is 1200 times more toxic than cyanide, and the toxin in one puffer fish is enough to kill about 30 adults. Worse still, there is no known antidote – which makes horrible death inevitable.

It is worth noting that, given its immense toxicity, the pufferfish is a delicacy in Japan, and it appears on the premium menu. However, it should be noted that even after death, this creature is still dangerous. Chefs who make puffer fish must be very skilled, because in Japan, 30 to 50 people are hospitalized for puffer fish poisoning each year.

9, Flower Urchin (Flower Urchin)

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The most dangerous sea urchin on earth should be avoided anyway. Unfortunately, things aren't always that simple, and flower urchins are often partially buried in soft sand or lurking in coral reefs and rocks, hidden out of sight, ready to cause great suffering.

Found in warm waters near Indonesia, Australia and Japan, it is a common species in the Indo-Western Pacific. It may look beautiful, but don't be fooled. Flower sea urchins are both dangerous and deadly.

Growing to 20 centimeters, the flower sea urchin emits devastating spines from its fangs, causing debilitating pain, muscle paralysis, breathing problems and disorientation. Those who are unfortunate enough to be stung are in great danger, and drowning is the real danger. Divers preparing to explore the reef were told to give the flower urchin a wide berth. Those who ignore these suggestions may have to pay the ultimate price.

10, Stonefish

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Accidentally stepped on a stone fish? You could die within an hour. What is our advice to the unfortunate? Immediately seek emergency help and start praying. Most commonly found in the Indo-Pacific coastal region, the stonefish lurks on the ocean floor, hidden in corals and rocks, and its extraordinary camouflage makes it almost invisible.

Once you touch it, you'll soon know it's there. The good news is that there are antivenoms now, but you have to move fast.

The reef stonefish, native to Australia, is considered the most poisonous fish on earth, and it can cause great pain when stung, which in some cases can lead to heart failure. Do you feel safe to stay on the beach? Think again. Stonefish can survive for 24 hours without leaving the water, so even on the beach, it's not as safe as you might think.

11, Cone Snail

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

It may seem harmless, but the chicken heart snail is dangerous and deadly. Those who are unlucky enough to come into contact with it may pay a price for it. Want to fish one out of the ocean? Take our best advice – don't.

The chicken heart snail has a poisonous harpoon that can be fired in any direction without warning. The venom contains countless compounds, and different kinds of venom are also different. Given that there are more than 800 species – some up to 23 centimeters long – finding an effective antidote is indeed a daunting task.

Those who are stung may develop muscle paralysis, blurred vision, and difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, death may result. Lurking in coral reefs and rocks, the snail tends to make its home in tropical and subtropical waters. For anyone who enters their immediate environment, the risks are enormous and the dangers are serious.

12, Golden Poison Dart Frog

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

It's an inch long and weighs an ounce, but don't be fooled by this little golden poison dart frog. This is one of the most venomous creatures on earth. It may be the size of a paper clip, but it has considerable impact.

Native to the rainforests of Colombia's Pacific coast, the golden poison dart frog comes in a variety of colors — it may be yellow, orange or green — but no matter how appealing its appearance, it is an amphibian that should be avoided.

The skin of this deadly frog is covered with an extremely potent toxin. Each had enough venom to kill 20 people — or two African male elephants. Muscle paralysis and heart failure ensure that those who are unfortunate enough to enter a tight contract experience a brutal end. Although the golden poison dart frog is small, the danger it poses cannot be greater. Size is not a panacea.

13, Gray Wolf

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The first is the good news, that gray wolves like to avoid humans, choose to live in remote areas, and avoid contact with humans as much as possible. What's the bad news? If you encounter it, a deadly attack will occur.

Native to North America and Eurasia, the gray wolf is a cruel and powerful beast that becomes aggressive when confronted. In countries like Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, such encounters are not uncommon.

Gray wolves are natural predators, they are swarmed, sensitive and skilled. Weighing up to 45 kilograms, it has no fear of these natural killers when dealing with large prey, including humans. The head and face are the primary targets, and the brutal bite is designed to weaken and inflict maximum damage. Their prey was weak and lifeless, and the gray wolves dragged their prey away, ready to enjoy the spoils of war and enjoy a well-deserved meal.

A 2002 global study by the Norwegian Institute of Nature showed that 90 per cent of victims of predatory assaults were children under the age of 18, especially children under the age of 10. In the very few cases where adults have been killed, almost all of the victims are women.

Historically, children have been more vulnerable to wolves because they were more likely to enter unattended forests, pick berries and mushrooms, and sometimes mistake wolves for dogs. While these practices have largely disappeared in Europe, they remain so in India. In recent decades, there have been a number of attacks in India.

14, Hippopotamus

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Hippos are huge. They are also aggressive. The hippopotamus, which kills about 500 people a year in Africa, is one of the most dangerous large terrestrial mammals on earth. Take our advice and steer clear. Go head-to-head with hippos and you may pay for it.

16 feet long, 5 feet high, and weighing up to 4500 kilograms, this is a huge beast. Hippos have huge teeth and fangs and are able to move at an extremely fast speed, so it is ruthless.

It is an unpredictable, battle-ready territorial monster that can attack land or water. Whether it's rushing across the plains or capsizing a ship with its massive head, the hippopotamus is a serious killing machine. Some people underestimate hippos because they don't understand their nature, which can be a costly mistake.

15, Indonesian Needlefish

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The Indonesian needlefish swimming just below the surface of the water are not considered an aggressive creature. However, it is a dangerous species and does kill people. The injuries caused – fatal or otherwise – are in most cases accidental. However, this makes the risk of needlefish in the slightest.

This 3-foot-long dagger-shaped sea creature has a long beak covered with razor-sharp teeth. From time to time, needlefish rush out of the water at speeds of 40 miles per hour. People on the road will be stabbed to death by these fast-flying spears. The injuries caused can be serious, the wounds are deep, and the consequences are severe.

Needlefish are often attracted to artificial light, which puts those engaged in night fishing at the greatest risk. They will jump on boats and pierce unfortunate anglers. For many traditional Pacific Islander communities, they usually fish in small, low boats, which are more susceptible to injury than sharks.

16, Deathstalker

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

A death stalker found in the deserts and bushes of North Africa and the Middle East, its name says it all. Considered one of the most dangerous scorpions on Earth, it is a creature to be avoided anyway. If you see one running in the desert, take our advice and take evasive action.

It is a massive scorpion, up to 3 inches long, although it is difficult to spot lurking in rocks or mixed in sand. Its venom contains a powerful mixture of neurotoxins that attack quickly by aggressive death stalkers.

Although antivenoms are available, effective treatments are not always available in deserts and bushes.

17, African Lion

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

It is not surprising that lions are on such a list. This is one of the most important predators on earth and is a beast that was born for hunting. African lions prefer other animals to humans. But that doesn't mean the threat should be taken lightly.

In fact, far from it. In Africa, lions are ferocious and swift, killing about 250 people a year. It is indeed a powerful animal – ironically, it is believed that the greatest danger to human life comes from the sick and the elderly.

The inability of old and/or frail lions to effectively catch their natural prey makes humans who are relatively easy to kill an attractive option. For those unfortunate enough to encounter them, running is not an option, and the lion's feet are fast and easy to pounce on you the moment you turn.

18, Assassin Bug

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Bug hunters are a strange creature. It feeds on insects, pierces the prey with its long, long beak, sucks it dry, and then carries the body of the prey on its back as a form of camouflage and temporary armor.

At first glance, it doesn't seem to pose much danger to humans, although its stinging beak causes painful stings, sometimes injecting toxic venom and digestive juices into wounds. Maybe not pleasant, but by no means fatal. But consider the following scenario.

There are more than 7,000 species of hunting bugs around the world, one of which is the vampire bug found in the United States and Mexico, and it is a dangerous opponent. The animal waits until a person falls asleep and then performs a series of painless bites around its mouth.

"Vampire bugs" then excrete feces into tiny small holes, causing Trypanosomiasis, an infection that can take decades to manifest. The resulting problems include chronic heart problems, sometimes even more severe.

19, Saw-scaled Viper

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The saw-scaled viper is a very small snake, but don't be fooled. This grumpy reptile is very lethal. This snake is believed to be the culprit in human death, more than all the other snakes combined, and is a creature you wouldn't want to see.

The venom of the saw-scaled pit viper contains a mixture of four deadly toxins, and while death is not instantaneous, the damaging effects are felt quickly. Those who are unfortunate enough to be bitten experience uncontrollable bleeding, dissolution of body tissues, loss of limbs, and the ultimate price to be paid soon. Know what's scariest? There is no antidote.

The saw-like scaly pit viper found in arid regions of Africa, Pakistan, India and the Middle East warns potential victims that it is about to attack, rubbing parts of its body, producing a sound that may best be described as "sizzling." It's called a treble, and it's your best chance to avoid an unhappy ending.

20, Blue Ringed Octopus

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

The blue-ringed octopus looks like a magical creature, but its appearance can be deceptive. Yes, it's colorful and beautiful. But it's also one of the most venomous marine animals on the planet, and close encounters can have deadly consequences.

Found in tide pools and coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, this creature is common from Japan to Australia and in all ports in between.

The highly venom of blue-ringed octopuses contains tetrodotoxin, a dangerous and deadly venom. Nausea, respiratory arrest, heart failure, paralysis, and blindness can all occur, while in severe cases, the bitten person can die within minutes. If a threat is sensed, the creature's unique blue ring will begin to change color.

21, Brazilian Wandering Spider

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Don't like arachnids? The Brazilian spider is an animal to be avoided anyway. It's fat and hairy. It's also fatal. The Guinness Book of World Records lists this South American stalker as the most poisonous spider in the world.

Also known as banana spiders, this creature wanders the forest floor after dark, always looking for food, and insects, amphibians, reptiles and rats are all threatened by this natural killer. Humans are also at risk, and being bitten by a venomous snake is often fatal, with children at greatest risk.

There is a recognized antivenom that can treat the bites of Brazilian spiders – although receiving proper treatment in time is a considerable challenge for those deep in the jungle.

22, Mosquito

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Mosquitoes are small. However, the danger posed by these tiny blood-sucking animals could not be greater.

In itself, mosquito bites are nothing more than a nuisance that causes swelling, irritation and mild symptoms without causing any real problems. But this is an insect that can transmit deadly diseases. Health experts estimate that millions of people around the world die each year from mosquito-borne diseases.

What diseases? Malaria is known to most people and is believed to kill more than 400,000 people worldwide each year. Among the effects of yellow fever, dengue, Zika and West Nile viruses, it is clear that the devastating effects of mosquitoes on human health are largely underestimated.

23, Dogs

23 of the most dangerous species on earth

Cute, cute, furry, and probably your best friend, unless we're talking about dogs of large or aggressive breeds, or dogs kept for fights, we don't usually associate dogs with dangers to humans. And the vast majority are not dangerous, "the most likely danger you are to encounter is to be licked to death!" ”

But dogs are carriers of rabies, a dangerous disease that causes disturbing symptoms in humans. These symptoms include high fever, headache, hallucinations, foaming, muscle cramps, and aggressive behavior. As a result of our strong animal quarantine measures, rabies has not been found in dogs in the UK. However, the bacterium has been found in some bats in the UK.

Overseas, particularly in countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, rabies occurs mainly in dogs, but also in cats, foxes, raccoons, bats and jackals. Rabies is transmitted from animals to humans by biting or scratching, or caring for infected animals.