
How to control heartworms? There are two methods, one is chemical prevention and control, and the other is physical prevention and control

author:Post-90s talk about planting

Pomegranates are the main insect infestation

How to control heartworms? There are two methods, one is chemical prevention and control, and the other is physical prevention and control

Prevention and control measures

How to control heartworms? There are two methods, one is chemical prevention and control, and the other is physical prevention and control

Peach borer hosts are mixed, occur for many generations, and the overlap of generations is serious, and once the harm occurs, it is more difficult to prevent and control. Plant protection workers and growers, etc., according to the local main host and host transfer hazard law and the occurrence of different generations of adult insects and other factors, in the peak of spawning and the early stage of larval hatching timely use agricultural, physical, biological, chemical and other measures to comprehensive prevention and control, in order to effectively reduce the harm of peach borer borer.

Agricultural prevention and control

How to control heartworms? There are two methods, one is chemical prevention and control, and the other is physical prevention and control

(1) Thoroughly clean up the country and reduce the source base of wintering insects. After pomegranate harvest to before the germination of new shoots, it is necessary to remove the zombie fruit on the tree in time, pick up the stem, zombie, disease, and insect fruit under the tree, burn it centrally or bury it deeply, pay attention to fire prevention when burning, and assist in sprinkling lime or medicine when deep burial, and the depth is not less than 20em. Remove overwintering hosts such as corn and sorghum straw in and around the orchard. Do not remove the old bark of the pomegranate tree and reduce the overwintering base. During the growth of fruit trees, the insects and fruits are removed at any time and pests are treated. After the first generation of pests, grass ropes can be tied in the main trunk to lure larvae and pupae and concentrate on elimination. Chickens are raised in orchards, which can peck at the fruitless larvae and play a certain role in prevention and control. It can be installed in the pomegranate garden from the next sentence in April

Black light, hanging trap canisters, sexual lure cores, etc. trap adult insects, and can play a role in prediction and forecasting.

(2) Tie the trunk to the grass or plant sunflowers to trap it. Before fruit harvest, the trunk is tied with a circle of debris such as straw, weeds or fruit bags, which can induce some larvae, pupae and adult insects, and then concentrate on complete destruction. Taking advantage of the characteristics of the adult peach borer on the sunflower disc with strong appetite and the joy of laying eggs on it, the sunflowers are planted in stages and batches to attract adult insects to lay eggs, and before the larvae mature, centralized treatment can effectively reduce the fruit rate of pomegranate insects, reduce the density of insect populations and the number of sprays in orchards.

Physical prevention and control

Pomegranate fruit bagging can effectively reduce the damage of peach borers. Fruit bagging can be carried out about 20 days after fruit set, and the effect is better. Before bagging, you can first carry out fruit thinning treatment, spray 1 to 2 times insecticide, fungicide, fruit surface drying can be bagged, spraying fruit should try to complete bagging in about 3 days, the time is extended, the effect will become worse.

Chemical control

(1) Pharmaceutical treatment. At the peak stage of spawning of adult peach borer borers, sprayed with 2.5% high-efficiency cyfcfluthrin water emulsion 1000 to 2000 times, or 3.2% methyl vitamin salt chlorocyanide microemulsion 100 to 1500 times, or 25g/1 polycycline suspension suspension 1000 to 2000 times liquid spray treatment. It can also be used to poison cicadas, cypermethrin, methyl vitamin salt, chlorantran benzamide, ethyl polybactericide, cyanogen fibroid traces and other agents according to the recommended concentration of uniform spraying to kill the hatching larvae.

(2) Sexual seduction booby traps. It plays a larger role in orchards where the occurrence is lighter and in smaller quantities. Orchards with heavier and larger numbers should be timely combined with the number of booby traps, assess the degree of harm, and carry out appropriate chemical control.

Biological control

How to control heartworms? There are two methods, one is chemical prevention and control, and the other is physical prevention and control

(1) Biopesticides. Orchards with higher food grade requirements can use Bacillus thuringiensis 800OU/q

The suspension agent is sprayed with 500 ~ 1000 times the liquid, and it can also be uniformly used under the recommended dose of white zombie and green zombie

Spray to reduce the harm of peach borer borer.

(2) Protect and utilize natural enemies. When the density of the insect population is low, the bees can be released to control the larvae. Adults release red eyes during the spawning period

bee. During the woodpecker nesting season from August to September, artificial nest boxes are hung on large trees to attract woodpeckers and other beneficial birds.