
Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

author:Pengxiang E Education

Keynote speech of the Third Global Women's Development Forum: Promoting the All-Round Development of Women in the Context of Solidly Promoting Common Prosperity

China Women's College

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

On October 23-24, 2021, the 3rd Global Women's Development Forum was successfully held in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province. The forum was hosted by china women's college/all-china women's federation cadre training college, Zhejiang provincial women's federation, and hosted by the Cpc Jiande Municipal Party Committee, Jiande Municipal People's Government, Hangzhou Women's Federation, and The Global Women's Development Research Institute of China Women's College. Xiaobian will continue to edit and launch the theme speech of the forum, and the wonderful views of the relevant experts of the parallel forum, so please pay attention to it.

To adapt to the changes in the main contradictions in our society and better meet the people's growing needs for a better life, we must take the promotion of common prosperity for all people, including women, as the focus of efforts to seek happiness for the people. The "Keynote Speech" session focused on gender equality, women's development and common prosperity.

The Party attaches great importance to promoting equality between men and women and giving play to women's subjectivity in different historical periods. Professor Jin Yihong of Jinling Women's College of Nanjing Normal University traced the two climaxes of the "Iron Maiden Movement" in the 20th century and analyzed the labor characteristics of women in the two periods. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the "Iron Maiden Movement" has played an empowering role in women's initiatives, breaking the gender segregation of occupations, changing the old labor gender division system, mastering modern production technology, exercising women's organizational talents, and winning mobility opportunities, and it is women who have created another kind of "cool" beauty.

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

The dissemination of female image has a positive effect on highlighting female characteristics, displaying female achievements, shaping female images, and promoting women's development. Professor Li Tao, dean of the Institute of Marxism of the Party School of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, believes that deepening the grasp of the law in the context of the dissemination of the overseas image of the Communist Party of China in the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China is of great significance to promoting the construction of cultural soft power in the new era. In addition, the characteristics of the dissemination of women's vision of the overseas image of the Communist Party of China in different historical periods are expounded. It was pointed out that in the process of disseminating the vision of overseas images of women in the new era, the Women's Federation is an important mass organization to promote common prosperity, women are an important subject to promote common prosperity, and the "Thousand Cranes Women's Spirit" is an important spiritual force to achieve common prosperity.

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

In the new era, the party and the government have closely integrated economic and social development in the new era with the promotion of women's all-round development and embarked on a road of solidly promoting common prosperity. Professor Cao Li, deputy director of the Economics Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) and doctoral supervisor, pointed out that for common prosperity, it is necessary to pay attention to the distribution of concerns to human development, from the individual gap to the group gap, from emphasizing the distribution results to attaching importance to the development process. At the same time, emphasis was placed on rural women, women's spiritual life and the enhancement of women's development capacity from the perspective of inclusive development.

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

Professor Wei Kaiqiong, director of the Department of Women's Studies of the All-China Women's College (All-China Women's Federation Cadre Training College), combined with the concept and main content of the "Women's Development Program (2021-2030)", pointed out that in the process of solidly promoting common prosperity, it is an aspect that should be paid attention to at present by incorporating the perspective of women and gender, establishing a scientific public policy system, forming a reasonable distribution pattern for everyone, and taking more practical measures to let the people, especially women and children, have more sense of gain.

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

This session was presided over by Professor Zhou Yingjiang, Vice President of China Women's College (All-China Women's Federation Cadre Training College).

Promoting the All-round Development of Women in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity - China Women's College

(Photo from the Conference Committee of the Global Women's Development Forum)

Contributed | Global Institute for Women's Development

Editor-in-chief review | Zhang Xiangxi

Written by Wei Kaiqiong li huibo

Edited | Zhang Yifei

Typography | Li Yufei