
Reducing the burden and improving the efficiency in the classroom, how to make education "return to the basics"?

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

Reduce the burden and improve the efficiency in class, and "leave people to pay attention" after class

Reporters Zhang Jianxin and Li Yating

There is less homework, tutoring classes are stopped, after-school activities are enriched... In September this year, the "double reduction" sent a special opening ceremony to primary and secondary school students across the country. The implementation of the "double reduction" policy for more than a month has brought a lot of new atmosphere, and students and parents are not only happy, but also can't help but ask questions, how to ensure the quality of learning after the "double reduction"? How does "double subtraction" make education "return to the basics"? Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporters visited this.

What are the kids doing after school?

At 4:30 p.m., He Guohuan, an eighth-grader at Tianjin No. 2 Xinhua Middle School, did not go home, but came to the drone classroom early and sat in front of the computer with his friends to carry out modular programming. The sound of students' discussions and drone engines filled the entire classroom, and one drone after another took off smoothly from the starting point, flipped over a few heels in the air, and landed firmly at the end.

After the start of the new semester, He Guohuan's after-school life was suddenly enriched. "In the past, when I came home from school, I usually did my own homework, and I didn't have my classmates at home to discuss it together, and I lacked a learning atmosphere. Now I can quickly complete my homework in school and take my favorite Sutuo class. ”

Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, primary and secondary schools in Tianjin have adopted the "5 + 2" after-school service model, that is, they must carry out after-school services on 5 working days a week, at least 2 hours a day, and the after-school service content is mainly Q&A counseling and quality development activities.

On the campus after school, every classroom has "no hole in the sky". In Tianjin No. 2 Xinhua Middle School, in the class of "The Shape of a Great Instrument", students sit on the turntable wearing aprons and shape the clay into the desired shape; in the "Robot" class, students edit the program while fiddling with the electronic components in their hands; in the "Colorful World Journey" class, the teacher leads the students to appreciate the customs and customs of the world...

In addition to teaching the eighth grade physics class, teacher Chen Qunyan is also the teacher of "Life and Physics" in the Sutuo class, and in Chen Qunyan's view, the Sutuo class has a strong role in promoting the learning of students' professional courses. "Physics is a discipline closely related to life, there are certain requirements for students' experimental ability, we teach theory in the classroom, Sutuo class let students do experiments, theory and life combined, let students fall in love with physics."

"The purpose of 'double subtraction' is to make education 'return to the basics', and the key to carrying out after-school services is to 'keep people paying attention', so that children like the curriculum and campus, and if they want to 'call the seat', they must have real skills." Du Huirong, secretary of the party branch of Tianjin Second Xinhua Middle School, said that the professional Sutuo curriculum is inseparable from excellent teachers, in addition to excavating the resources in the school, the power of social resources should not be underestimated.

In order to provide strong talent support for school after-school services, Tianjin Hexi District has explored and established the "Three Hundred" volunteer service team, namely community volunteer team, college volunteer team, parent volunteer team, retired teachers, college students, parents, etc. have taken the podium to spread knowledge in their own fields.

Trampolines, baseball, volleyball, Chinese wrestling... At Dexian Primary School in Hexi District, Tianjin, the children ran and jumped in the sun after a day of professional classes and opened the "sports mode". The smooth development of colorful physical education courses is inseparable from the support of social resources.

Zhou Rui, principal of Dexian Primary School in Hexi District, Tianjin, said, "The school conducted a full survey before carrying out after-school services, and a large number of parents feedback that their children can carry out more physical exercise, and many sports projects require professional teacher guidance, so the District Sports Bureau and other departments give strong support, many teachers are professional athletes, ensuring the safety and professionalism of the curriculum." ”

Is 15 minutes of work enough?

The "double reduction" policy requires that the total amount and duration of homework be comprehensively reduced to reduce the excessive burden of homework on students; vigorously improve the quality of education and teaching to ensure that students learn well in school. When exactly do students write assignments? How to ensure the quality of teaching?

"In the past, students worried about writing homework, but now teachers worry about keeping homework." Sun Yue, a mathematics teacher and grade group member of the ninth grade of Tianjin Second Xinhua Middle School, has specially established a small program for staying homework, and the teachers of each subject fill in the daily homework content and expected completion time into the small program, and Sun Yue carries out overall control to ensure that the total daily homework time of students is controlled within 90 minutes, and the average homework per subject is about 15 minutes.

Is 15 minutes of work enough? Sun Yue said with a smile, "The reduction of the amount of homework does put forward higher requirements for the teacher, and the teacher must improve the scientific design of the homework, so that every exercise of the children can produce the greatest effect." ”

To this end, teachers strengthen the discussion, according to each student's own learning situation, layered homework, so that different students can carry out exercises of different difficulties.

In addition, "Q&A tutoring" is an important part of the after-school service, students complete most of the homework in school, and the teacher understands the students' mastery of knowledge from the feedback of the homework for the first time, so as to provide targeted tutoring for each student.

"Before, the students went home after school, and even if there was no problem, they couldn't ask the teacher for advice in time." Q&A tutoring gives teachers the space to teach according to their aptitudes, and teachers can answer students' questions at the first time. Chen Wen, a Second Grade Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher at Dexian Primary School, said.

There are fewer homework, and higher requirements are also put forward for the efficiency of the classroom. Sun Yue introduced, "Teachers are more attentive in preparing lessons, and at the same time they will conduct small tests in the classroom, and tutor students individually according to the test results to ensure that each student must master the content of the class." ”

What is the effect of reducing work and improving efficiency? Many teachers said that because the new semester has just passed a month or so, the learning effect of students cannot be data-based, but the students' enthusiasm for learning and learning efficiency have indeed been improved.

In Chen Wen's class, she was impressed by the changes in many children. "The parents of a boy in the class once told me that at home a word should be written for a day, and it will be written in ten minutes at school, and because the teacher can guide him in time, the child's words are much better than before, and many children in the class have visible progress."

Chen Qunyan also said that the students' enthusiasm for learning in the class is higher than before, the mechanical homework exercises are reduced, and the topics that reflect the thinking ability are increased, which is more conducive to the improvement of students' learning ability in the long run.

Is the 80,000 yuan tutoring class still used?

The "double reduction" policy stipulates that strict governance should be adhered to and the behavior of off-campus training should be comprehensively regulated. Has the "mountain" of off-campus training, which once weighed on the shoulders of students, been removed?

"The old man in the family takes turns to pick up the child, and every day after lunch at noon, the old man leaves to go to my house to prepare the ingredients for dinner; at 15:30 the child is out of school, the old man picks up the child and starts to cook dinner; at 16:30 I go home from work, eat dinner with the child, and then send him to an off-campus training class; at 18:30 the training class starts, the class ends at 20:30, and goes home around 22:00." "Post-80s" mother Li Yan introduced her son's daily arrangements in the first grade.

Last year, Li Yan enrolled his children in the off-campus tutoring class of the three subjects outside the language, as well as tennis lessons and cello lessons on weekends, and the tuition fee in the off-campus tutoring institutions was as high as 80,000 yuan a year.

However, this exhausting schedule and high tuition fees did not exchange Li Yan's peace of mind, but made her more anxious, "We are always worried that children lose at the starting line, educational institutions are eyeing this mentality of parents, the knowledge taught is more difficult than the school curriculum, but the learning effect and pay is not proportional." ”

Li Yan's son once made an English test paper for an off-campus tutoring agency at school, and the teacher told her that this was the difficulty of the second year of junior high school, which was too difficult for children in the first grade of primary school. "I also thought about not letting him go to these tutoring classes again, but the children around me were all in it, and I couldn't make up my mind to give up." Li Yan said helplessly.

Sun Yue's class also had many students make up classes outside, and students sometimes learned some things that the school teachers had not yet said in advance, and Sun Yue felt that this had little effect on improving academic performance. "Teachers in schools pay more attention to cultivating students' subject literacy, while most tutoring institutions focus on problem solving, so utilitarian learning is not conducive to the long-term improvement of children's learning ability."

Chen Qunyan, who has just taken a junior high school graduation class, also said that the effect of making up classes outside the home is not as good as imagined. "Most of the middle school entrance examination is to assess the knowledge of the textbook, as long as students can fully grasp the knowledge points in the classroom and learn according to the guidance of the teacher, it is not difficult to achieve good results."

With the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, parents who are entangled like Li Yan are relieved. "The development of school after-school services has freed us from fatigue and anxiety, parents can choose the time to pick up their children according to the off-work time, reducing the manpower burden of the family; the school has carried out sutuo courses and Q&A counseling, we do not need to go to extracurricular tutoring classes, and economic pressure and mental pressure have also been alleviated." Li Yan said.

Qi Yunfei's daughter has just entered the third year of junior high school this year, and after the start of the new semester, the math and physics tutoring classes that her daughter had been attending before were suspended. "At first, the child was more anxious in his heart, just like the crutch he had been relying on suddenly disappeared, and it was inevitable that he would not adapt. The teacher also told the child that the after-school service plus the classroom content was enough to cope with the middle school entrance examination, and the child's mentality was gradually adjusting. ”

Zhou Rui said, "Over-reliance on educational institutions is short-sighted education, and the formation of a correct educational concept requires the cooperation of families, schools and society." However, the adjustment of teaching methods and educational concepts takes time, and the 'double reduction' is also a gradual process, and in the long run, the positive impact of the 'double reduction' will benefit the child for a lifetime. ”