
Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

author:Wan 1,000

Choosing a dog as a family member isn't as easy as you might think. There are many important factors you need to consider before starting a dog, especially if you have small children. While dogs are considered humans' best friend, you need to make sure that the breed you choose will not only get along with your own children, but also with other young visitors and neighbors.

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Not all dog breeds can be trained to get along with their children. To make matters worse, some varieties may even expose owners to more risk. The following are the dog breeds that experts agree should not be fed in children or young families .


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Chihuahuas are cute and are loved by children due to their small size. But in fact, they are one of the dog breeds with very strong willpower and stubbornness. They have a hard time training, especially when they feel the weakness of human leadership. They also have a tendency to become aggressive and jealous of young children, all because they want to show dominance over younger members. Obviously, they see your child as part of the group.

Alaskan Sled Dogs

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Alaskan sled dogs were bred to survive in the harsh and isolated environment of the tundra; therefore, they were adamantly opposed to being with naughty children. They are also notorious for being difficult to train, especially if their owners show signs of weakness. They are known to attack small animals, including children. In addition to the potential harm they can cause to children, they also shed a lot of hair, which is not good, especially if someone in the family has asthma.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Rottweilers can grow very large. Originally bred to see their power, they were used to pull carts and graze livestock. Rottweilers are very brave and loyal; as a result, they may have a tendency to be violent around strangers. Their strong personalities can be controlled by proper training, and it is quite important to always show the strong leadership of their masters. That's why rottweilers are the perfect police dog. Although strong, they do have a playfulness, so much so that they sometimes mistake the playing process for real.

Bulldog mastiff

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Bulldogs can grow so large that they don't seem to know their size. This can cause potential problems, especially if you have small children, as the dog can easily knock them down when your child starts running. They are also more aggressive than dogs of other breeds, but their aggression can be trained as long as you show strong leadership. However, you need to train them early because they will be difficult to train later in life. They see their owners as the leaders of the group, so you should avoid showing signs of weakness.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Due to the movie Beethoven, the St. Bernard is very infamous. These dogs are very cute and can be trained, but are more difficult to train due to their very naughty nature. They can be trained to behave well around small children. Although they look cute, the main problem with these dogs is their huge size. They tend to hurt small children by knocking them down.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Originally a hound, weimars like to run around, so if they get in the way, they have a tendency to knock their children down. They get bored easily, and their hunting instincts excite them when they're in front of small animals, including your kids. But in addition to their excitable nature, WM is also extremely talented in physical activity and exercise.

Australian Shepherd

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Australian Shepherd is an energetic and brave dog breed that has been bred as a relief dog and watchdog. This breed requires frequent physical activity because they are energetic. They need to take a walk every day or they will have behavioral problems. Maybe another reason this dog breed is not suitable for families is that they get upset when they first meet a new friend (stranger). In addition, they tend to mistake their children for one of them, so they become aggressive towards their children.

Siberian Sled Dog (Erha)

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Siberian Husky is a strong dog breed that is popular for its inexhaustible energy. They were bred to pull sleds in the snow, and their instincts told them they had no interest in protecting their families and guarding their homes. They need to be taken care of and given by their owners, and if you have to take care of both the husky and the child, it's too much effort for you because these huskies compete with the little ones for favors. Although it has a strong personality, it can be trained to make a Siberian husky a very loving pet, provided you are very patient.

Affen Pingshe

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Affen Pingshe is a naughty dog breed that is known to scurry around. They are also naturally curious and stubborn. They're fun, but if you have small children at home, then they can be a problem. Because children are still young, they often think they are toys, so they are prone to "misoperation". Although Affen Pinshe can tolerate rough play by children, they sometimes defend themselves, especially when they feel uncomfortable. They can be trained, however, you need to show extreme leadership, because once you show signs of weakness, they will disobey.

Pine lion

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Pine lion dogs look like the perfect companion for kids because they are as fluffy as teddy bears. But in reality, there are other better dog breeds that are more suitable for your child. Pine lions may be cute, but they are large dogs that are known to inadvertently harm small children. In addition, pine lions are very attached to their owners, so they will be jealous of others who approach their owners.

Afghan Hound

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Afghan Hounds are bred to hunt and guard their homes. This makes them inherently strong-willed. They always need strong leadership. Without proper training, they can easily become disruptive and disobedient. But beyond instinct, the reason they're not suitable for families with young children is their size. When interacting with them, you also need to stay calm, calm and friendly. Their large bodies can be a danger to small children who are easily knocked down by these hounds. In addition, they may behave aggressively because of the naughtiness of the child.

English Toy Hound

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Everyone thinks that the British Toy Hound is a good dog for kids, and another reason for this misconception is their cute appearance and cute size, but herein lies the problem. Toy hounds may see the rough play of children as a threat. If they feel abused, they react violently. It's important to show them strong leadership because they can dominate the family. The dominant toy hound is very aggressive and can attack both children and adults. But if properly trained, they can become magical cute pets.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Greyhounds are bred for competition, and they are bred for their incredible speed and energy. As part of their exercise routine, they need to run around a lot, which can be difficult, especially if you have to take care of small children. There is a tendency to attack small animals and small children. They also don't like rough play, so they can't tolerate children wandering around or trying to hug them. If not properly trained, they have reservations about their owners, making them unpredictable.

French Bulldog

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

French Bulldogs are a naughty dog breed, but that doesn't mean they're perfect for kids. They have high demands on time and affection, which is lacking in families with young children. Without proper training and care, they can feel undervalued and neglected, leading to behavioural problems such as aggression and mischief. If you still decide to take care of a French bulldog, make sure your child understands that they need to show authority over the dog.

Japanese chin

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Japanese have small jaws, and their instinct is to ask their masters for time and affection. Unfortunately, time and affection are hard to give, especially if you have small children. When training your dog, you need to show strong leadership. If they are overly pampered, they will feel like they are in charge. Once they feel neglected, they become very jealous. Think of it this way, having a Japanese chin is like adding a child to your home.

Xi Shi

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Xishi is the least recommended breed for families with small children. The reason is that they are easily over-excited and scared, which can cause them to bite the child. This is especially true when children play with them. As part of their natural defense mechanisms, they bite when frightened, so it's important to never leave a child unattended when playing with it. At the same time, they also need the company of their hosts, because they are prone to anxiety.

Peking Dog

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Peking dogs may look cute, but they don't want to be treated like toy dogs, they are independent and brave. Unfortunately, young children don't understand the nature of peking dogs, so they have a tendency to play and hug dogs. When Peking Retrievers feel uncomfortable, they become difficult to control. If you choose to take care of this breed, make sure your child understands their nature. When your child is with these cute dogs, your child also needs to be the leader and show authority.

Jack Russell Terrier

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Jack Russell Terrier is known to be an energetic dog breed. They always need continuous training. Children are characterized by the tendency to pinch, pull and poke the dog. Since Jack Russell Terriers can't tolerate rough play, they have a tendency to bite children to protect themselves and their space. Taking care of these pets also requires a lot of time and attention. If not trained properly, they may have behavioral problems. Due to high energy and low tolerance thresholds, feeding is not recommended for families with young children.

Shar Pei

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Sharpie dogs look cute, have extra skin and folds, and are docile by nature, but they are not suitable for families with small children. First of all, sharp dogs are often plagued by health problems, and their skin folds can become a paradise for various pathogens. Children may be at risk of getting sick when exposed to sick Sharpie dogs. Another reason they are less family friendly is that it is difficult to train due to their aggressive nature.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Dachshund is a small dog breed that originated in Germany in the 17th century. They are used to hunt small prey. They have a strong hunting instinct, so they don't like other small pets such as kittens and hamsters. Because of their small size, they are prone to "puppy syndrome," in which they try to compensate for their small size by having a big attitude. This often leads to behavioral problems. They can do well around their children, but can't tolerate rough play. If they feel that they are being treated roughly by humans, they tend to become aggressive.

Spotted dogs

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Dalmatian is a large dog that was originally bred to hunt small rodents, and in the past they were also used as guard dogs. Although they are portrayed in the film as cute and friendly dogs, they are very conservative about other dogs. They need constant care and attention from their hosts. Otherwise, they will have behavioral problems such as biting and scratching. They are great for playing with older kids, but because they need to release high energy, they can easily knock small kids down while playing.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a dog breed that originated in southern Italy and was originally used as a guard dog. They are very large but very gentle and very strong. Older children find them very affectionate. But because of their large size, mastiffs tend to be a bit clumsy for younger children. They may inadvertently knock, stomp, or sit on a small child. They also like to drool around after eating or drinking, so they'll also add more clutter to your house.

Skye Terrier

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Skye Terrier is a medium-sized dog breed bred for its hunting skills, and it is known for its fearlessness and self-confidence. Like any other type of terrier, it can attack other dogs of any size, and they like to hunt smaller animals. Like most pets, they need some love and affection. Ignoring them, they retaliate by chewing, digging, and barking to express their anger.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Petite and cute, silky and silky, like a girl's hair, pouring down from the head and neck and torso, dazzling, this is the Yorkshire Terrier with the reputation of "moving gems". Like a housekeeper, watching over the big and small things in the house, and even spying on any of your small secrets, you can't idle for a moment. Very easy to be jealous, Yorkshire's possessiveness of the owner is very strong and jealous, it does not allow other small animals to approach their owners, or the owner is good to other dogs, even in the face of some medium and large dogs, Yorkshire not only will not be afraid, but even self-defense, are derived from the owner's possessiveness and jealousy.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Akita inu has been used as a guard dog in Japan since ancient times and is renowned as a family guard dog. They are aggressive bellwethers, especially when you have other dogs in your home. The problem with this dog breed is that it may see small children as intruders, especially if your child brings friends to play. Of course, this breed can become more friendly through training.

Pit Bulldog

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Although sometimes considered a good guard dog or even a domestic dog, pit bulls are very dangerous. They are usually bred for dog fighting, so they are sometimes grumpy. If they attack, they sometimes bite to death without letting go. There are even studies that show that pit bulls are responsible for more than 30% of fatal dog bites, and their temper is always at risk of getting out of control.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

It turns out that Dobermans are sometimes very useful and are often used by the military. However, this means that they are bred and trained to be aggressive and to fight when necessary. They were popular in the 1970s, but during that time, the number of bites exploded. There were also some horror stories about Dobermans attacking their owners for no reason in those days, not just being aggressive with strangers and intruders.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

If trained the right way, German Shepherds can breed excellent pets that are obedient, intelligent and loyal to their owners. It is this intelligence that makes them useful in law enforcement. However, through their use in law enforcement, we know they have a positive side. After all, they are large, powerful animals with sharp teeth, and they are not shy about using them. Even if they are well trained, they can always accidentally injure people around them, so keeping them as pets can be a risky decision.

Great Dane

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

This is one of the tallest dog breeds, giving them an almost monarch-like appearance, but it is this size that sometimes makes them dangerous. They are able to suppress smaller animals, including other dogs nearby, and even small children are sometimes targeted. If they don't get trained early, it's hard to know when their aggression will show up. While aggression may be rare, it will be difficult to stop them when they get out of hand.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

It is undeniable that the appearance of this animal is beautiful and majestic. However, wolf dogs are half wolves, which means that although they are similar to domestic dogs, they are wild in nature. They have an animal instinct that kills a small animal if it wants to eat it, which makes it very dangerous to keep as a pet. Even with proper training, this wild instinct always hovers beneath the surface, ready to act. If locked up in any enclosed home space, the wolfhound will begin to behave like an uncontrollable wild animal.

Staffordshire Terrier

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

The Staffordshire Terrier is more or less a cousin of the Pit Bull, a strong breed that must be well trained early on to prevent it from becoming too aggressive. To be fair, they have a history of being friendly with humans, which is why some people tend to keep them as pets. However, they have been bred over the years to fight with other dogs, so there must be many fighting factors in their bloodline.


Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

This dog originally came from the Canary Islands. However, unlike holidaymakers in the Canary Islands, it is not at all laid-back or relaxed. This is a large dog that, although useful for keeping livestock in captivity, has been infamous for years. It was this work as a sheepdog that gave it the instinct to knock down a human being who was seen as a threat. It is included in the list of banned dog breeds in many countries. They are not bred to live in houses or apartments, so unless you have some livestock to take care of, you'd better stay away.

Tosa Japan

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

It's a rare breed, and at least a dozen countries ban keeping them as pets. Historically, they were bred as fighting dogs. But unlike other types of fighting dogs, their aggression is not always focused on other dogs. They are described as a bold and fearless breed that is often aggressive toward humans (including their owners). Once the Japanese Tosa began to attack the target, it was impossible for the master to control it.

Argentine Dogo

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

This rather ugly dog was bred in Argentina to help humans with large hunting. It has even been trained in several other duties, including law enforcement and guiding the blind. But the aggressiveness of Argentine Dugos has led to their banning as pets in several countries. Even if dogs of this breed are trained, they will attack humans without warning.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

This large dog breed comes from southern Africa. Hunters in Africa tend to use lions when they track them. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are also known for attacking children. If they jump over fences or break free of their belts outside, they are in great danger.

Speaking of which, which dogs are suitable for family feeding? Here are probably the following recommendations:

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu: Friendly, gentle with people, and loves to be clean.

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding


Samoyed: Not aggressive, and has an intoxicatingly beautiful appearance and a charming smile.

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding


Corgi: Cute looking, very weak damage to furniture.

Look at the characteristics of dogs to see which are not suitable for home feeding

Side shepherd

Bian Mu: Not only has a high IQ, it is easy to train, but it will also observe the color of speech and comfort people.