
Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

author:Explore the Universe Science Log

In nature, in order to survive, various animals have evolved different survival strategies, either for predation or for self-preservation. The most frightening thing for human beings should be the poisonous species, because the venom of those species is not only extremely painful, but also human beings know very little about it, so they have inexplicable fear. In the last video we shared six poisonous creatures in the ocean, and today we continue to take stock of the six poisonous creatures on land.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

The first fine scale is too climbing snake. There are about 3,000 kinds of snakes in the world, and these snakes have extremely terrible entanglement and devouring ability, and one-sixth of these snakes are poisonous, compared to non-venomous snakes, humans are still more afraid of venomous snakes, after all, in addition to the ability to wind and swallow, there are also highly lethal additional abilities. Among these snakes, the most venomous is the fine-scaled Taipan snake.

It is mainly distributed in australia, is a body size of up to 2 meters super venomous snake, its personality is more gentle, generally will not take the initiative to attack humans, will only become aggressive in the case of fright and need to prey, its living habits do not seem to be much different from other snakes, but its toxicity is very different from other snakes. The fine-scaled Taipan snake is super toxic, it discharges about 20 times more venom at one time than the cobra, and the venom it excretes at one time can poison about 20 tons of animals. Its attack speed is extremely fast, almost so fast that the human eye cannot see, and it is the fastest poisonous snake in the world. Because of the super fast attack speed combined with the strong and incomparably poisonous snake, the fine-scaled Taipan Snake became the strongest poisonous snake on the land.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

Second place Palestinian scorpion. There are more than 800 kinds of scorpions in the world, and if you want to say the most poisonous scorpion, it must be the Palestinian scorpion. The Palestinian scorpion has a yellowish brown appearance, so it is also called the Israeli golden scorpion, and its body length is about 5-6 cm. If you think that a scorpion of this small size is harmless to humans and animals, you are very wrong. The Palestinian scorpion is poisonous enough to kill anyone stung by it. In the Middle East, the Palestinian scorpion is known as a "murderous maniac."

This is because the Palestinian scorpion is not only very poisonous, but also very aggressive. As long as an animal enters its attack range, the Palestinian scorpion will not hesitate to sting, so that every year a large number of people die under its sting, one of the world's most feared and famous desert poisons. The reason why palestinian scorpions are so poisonous is because their venom is too special, is a neurotoxin, according to the dose of venom they inject, after being stung, there will usually be extreme pain, convulsions, paralysis, and even heart stopping or respiratory failure, and they are sharply aggressive, once disturbed, they will raise their hind legs to continuously attack the victim, so it is also known as one of the "world's top ten poison kings".

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

The third poison dart frog. In nature, beautiful creatures are often more difficult to disguise themselves and attract attention, and perhaps for this reason, those beautiful creatures always contain highly toxic bodies, perhaps to seduce prey or to protect themselves. In the tropical rainforest of Brazil, Chile and other places, there is an animal that is all bright golden yellow, small in size, but it contains high poison, this animal is called the golden arrow poison frog. The golden poison dart frog is extremely small, the largest is only five centimeters at most, and there are very few natural enemies in the tropical rainforest, but it is the natural enemy of many animals.

If you don't know that it contains high poison, it is indeed pleasant to see it, but knowing that it is highly toxic, it may only be creepy to see this creature. It is said that the toxin in each frog can poison dozens of adults in three minutes, and one gram of purified toxin can kill 15,000 people, and its venom can cause severe pain, paralysis and heart failure. Fortunately, this venom can only work through human blood, and if there is no wound on the body, its venom can only cause a rash on the fingers at most and will not be fatal.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

The fourth funnel-shaped spider. The funnel spider is not actually a species, there are 36 species, distributed in the bay forests of eastern and southern Australia, they are Australia's most poisonous spider, but also one of the deadliest spiders in the world, funnel-shaped spiders are often active in the suburbs of Sydney. The consequences of being bitten are severe and can lead to death within 15 minutes. Considered to be the most venomous spider, although it appears that the funnel spider is weak, its poisonous fangs are quite strong and can penetrate human nails. Usually the spiders we see avoid people, and when we see people shrink and hide, but the funnel spiders are completely different, they are very aggressive, they will lift their hind legs once disturbed, and constantly bite the victim.

Funnel spider males are more than 5 times more toxic than females, but they are much smaller than females, so don't think that funnel spiders are less toxic. After being bitten by a funnel-shaped spider, the venom can cause severe discomfort and even death, because these venoms are particularly effective against primates, so it is difficult for humans themselves to resist these venoms. However, other mammals have a certain resistance to its venom, such as cats, dogs and other animals. Fortunately, humans have developed anti-serums for this toxin, which can effectively prevent the damage of the toxin to humans.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

The fifth bullet ant. In the ant family, there are the "four killers", they are man-eating ants, marching ants, explosion ants and bullet ants. Bullet ants are one of the largest ant species in the world, inhabiting Central and South America, mainly in the rainforests of the Amazon region, bullet ants usually go out alone to feed, they rarely appear in groups. The bullet ant has this name not because it looks like a bullet, but because of the poisonous spines on its tail. Although for a person, its amount of venom is not fatal, if a person is stung by it, it feels like being shot by a bullet. Biologists describe the feeling of being bitten by a bullet ant this way: "Being stabbed by a bullet ant feels like being pierced by a 7 cm long iron nail into the heel of a foot." And after being stabbed by a bullet ant, the burning pain lasts for 24 hours, and the area of the stab is accompanied by severe spasms.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

The sixth Gila's poison lizard. There are 2,500 species of lizards worldwide, and only two are highly venomous. One is the Gila lizard and the other is the beaded lizard. The girassa generally range in adult length of about 40-60 cm, and most of the ones we see are around 45-50 cm. It is a species of large lizard found in the Gila River Basin, hence the name Gila Basilisk. It is known to be found in the western and southern states of the United States, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico. The venom of the Gila tarpon is located in the lower jaw, and its venom has a strong nerve poison component, and the bitten person will have symptoms such as bleeding, swelling, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, paralysis, fever and so on! Since the venom of the Gila poison lizard is a nerve poison, the pain in being bitten is even more alarming, but usually there is no fatal danger! But! Its bite force is not only very large, but also does not actively let go, basically will continue to bite at the wound, resulting in a serious wound! So it's best to stay away from them.

Take stock of the most toxic creatures on land, and you can only look at them from a distance and not play with them

Nature is full of magic, but also pregnant with a lot of dangerous things, without nature, we will not see so many interesting creatures, although some creatures will pose a threat to the survival of human beings, but only if they exist in this world, the balance of nature can be maintained. So some animals attack humans, but we also have to protect them so that we can live in harmony with nature. Friends, please write your thoughts and opinions in the comment area.