
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Just today, with the approval of the State Council, the adjusted Directory of Wild Animals under Key National Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "List") was officially released to the public. After the adjustment, the "List" includes a total of 980 species and 8 categories of wild animals, including 234 species and 1 categories of wild animals under national first-level protection, and 746 species and 7 categories of wild animals under national second-level protection. In terms of management system, 686 of the above species are managed by the forestry and grassland department according to terrestrial wild animals, and 294 species and 8 species are managed by the fisheries department according to aquatic wild animals, and a "*" is added to the List

Due to the long list of this "List" and too many newly included species, RZ has specially simplified the inclusion of more common and familiar amphibians and reptiles in the national protected animals for reptiles (the complete list please check at the end of the article), in order to facilitate identification, the brackets are also marked with aliases, please see if there is a familiar bar ~

Level 1 Checklist (Lite)


Burmese tortoise, concave tortoise (unicorn), four-clawed tortoise (Russian tortoise)

Green sea turtles, hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles, shrews (giant shrews), spotted turtles


Big-eared sand lizard, crocodile lizard (Yaoshan crocodile lizard), Bengal monitor lizard, round-nosed monitor lizard (water monitor lizard, Ze monitor lizard, five-clawed golden dragon)


Mangshan soldering iron head (Mangshan original spearhead pit viper, moss snake, white-tailed small green dragon)


Zhenhai sea axolotchia

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Secondary Checklist (Lite)

Eagle-billed turtle (wild only), black-necked turtle (Guangdong grass turtle| wild only), turtle (grass turtle | wild only), flower turtle (Chinese flower turtle| wild only), yellow-throated water turtle (Daqing, Xiaoqing | wild only), closed shell turtle genus (yellow edge, golden head, three-line, saw edge, Yunnan, etc. |free only), ground turtle (maple leaf turtle, Hainan maple leaf, Vietnamese maple leaf), mountain turtle (wild only)

Great Gecko (Daishougong/Red Spotted Daishougong/Arbor Daihogu), Black Warty Gecko (Clam/Grey Spot Daishougong/Iwasu Daishougong), Ili Shahu (Fine Scaled Frog-Eyed), Turpan Sand Tiger (Frog-Eye Shougong), Wax Lizard (Butterfly Lizard), Long Iguana (Chinese Water Dragon/Green Water Dragon), All Domestic Cave Bleep Tiger Goniurosaurus spp. (Yingde, Vietnam, Bawangling, Hainan, Kadoorie, Guangxi, Libo, Pingxiang, Pushi/Sting dragon, Zhou)

Non-venomous snakes:

Red-tailed serpent, glittering snake (Vietnamese glittering scale), sanso, tuanhua, pointed beak, black-neted udon (keel spp.), brachycephalus snake, red sand python (borer), oriental sand python (borer), python (Burmese python)


King Cobra, Blue-gray Flat-tailed Sea Snake, Thai Round Spot Viper (Round Spot Viper), Snake Island Viper, Horned Plains Spearhead Viper (Horned Viper), Far North Viper


Banna fish salamander, extreme northern salamander, Guizhou warty salamander, red warty salamander (fire unicorn), giant salamander (wild only) Hong Kong salamander

Emei toad (bearded frog), Shi's toad, Tiger frog (wild only)

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

After reading it, I guess you may have 3 feelings:

1, "There are so many people I don't know, worthy of the big things"

2, "Huh? Does this also protect? ”

3, "Finished climbing the circle to be cool"

Don't be in a hurry to spit out the fragrance. Today, let's talk about the significance of "protecting such a bunch" to "China climbing the circle"

Perhaps some friends have seen the simplified version of the above to realize: there are so many native species in China!

In fact, even if you count the number of species in the complete list, it is also the tip of the iceberg of China's native amphibians and reptiles, and China's "vast land" is really not blown

However, due to the previous neglect of management, some native species flow into the pet market, which is the so-called "national climb". This includes not only the abundant turtles, but also various snakes and lizards

However, "carrying forward the national climb" should be a symbol of national cultural awakening, but some merchants regard China's rich native species as a "gold rush market" to catch wild goods in batches and buy wild goods to sell for profit!

Looking at your circle of friends, is there more and more [unknown] "domestic non-guarantee" listed? How did they come about? Artificial? No, many species have not overcome the problem of artificial breeding at all, and some seedlings have only caught the pregnant mother's birth, or plucked wild eggs to hatch.

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Many of the snake eggs sold at low prices in the early years were this way

Many of these are today's secondary species

For "national climbing", artificial breeding is mature, and there are legal purchase routes for some turtles, we should support; but other species that are difficult to breed and have a small number of artificial people should have a clearer bottom line than ordinary people.

Not all reptiles are "crawler pets"

But the boundaries of "pets" are blurred

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

The soul of 996's part-time worker should rest

How could the state allow people who struggled to feed themselves to breed?

However, with the current living conditions and popular science of residents, the consumption potential of the pet market is still very limited. When it comes to "catching wild animals", the most important direction is still used for food and medicine. Therefore, climbing friends do not have to complain to themselves, the current market share occupied by "climbing friends" is a dime a dozen of the entire wildlife product consumption market, the state is not to combat the "climbing friends" to develop a new list, the interests of some climbers are only a small price in the process of China's standardized wildlife products trading process

So here's the question:

Some are raised, some are eaten, and there is habitat destruction

Should we plan the pet market first?

Or should wild species be protected first?

Obviously, it must be the latter

"Why not regulate the pet market first?"

What about the interests of climbing friends?

Is the pet market unsaved? ”

First of all, to be clear: the new List protects native wildlife, some of which will be raised, but more of which are threatened by food and habitat destruction, and many of the reptile pets that everyone expects to open are alien species under the CITES Convention. The two systems are different, and in general, the status of the former should be significantly greater than that of the latter (the same penalty for both is the current drawback, but this issue is certainly not as important as the local wild protection)

If we look at it from a historical perspective, we may suddenly be enlightened

Looking at the developed countries in the world that make climbers "envious", in fact, they have first tightened their protection policies, and after strict implementation for a period of time, when the regulatory system is mature enough (or there is a certain consensus in the social atmosphere), they gradually liberalize private breeding. "Tighten first, then relax" is a worldwide law

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

This is true of the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and so on. Australia, a "reptile paradise", was once also an extensive treatment of native wildlife, which led to a large outflow of species in the last century; after the promulgation of export bans and the implementation of strict native species protection and prohibition policies, private breeding was gradually opened. The enviable "breeding grading system" was also gradually established under this premise

To put it bluntly: their own children are not well managed, who has the kung fu to manage the foreign?

Therefore, the "legalization of climbing pets" must be ranked after the initial results of local wild protection

"Free climbing" is even more after that

Chinese probably understands what "freedom" is better than anyone in any other country in the world. True freedom is precisely "relative" freedom. There are constraints, there are prohibitions, there are regulations, in order to make people more free. The current new "Catalogue" is the foundation of the future "freedom": first let the barbaric development of the market stop and stop the loss in time. Then explore the most appropriate plan and implement it. How to supervise and constrain is the biggest test in the future

In recent years, China's economy, science and technology have developed rapidly, its national strength has become stronger and stronger, and its national status has been significantly improved. However, China's land is vast, the development of the east and west is very different, and the places that need to be built and spent may be several times that of the small countries in Western Europe. Even if there are only a few native species, European countries will spend millions of euros every year to protect, so what about China, which has dozens of times the number of native species? Therefore, China's wild protection is not destined to be achieved overnight

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

We are fortunate that in a unified country, we can see the world and know millions of people. But it is precisely because of this that the challenges and pressures facing China's regional economic development and wild protection are also enormous. For example, china's native two-rich southwest region cannot be built as drastically as the eastern coast. But if we don't build, we can't continue to carry out the wild protection, how to coordinate economic development and ecological construction, no one can give us a clear answer, we are looking for the answer ourselves. But what is certain is that only by becoming richer and stronger can we raise the "average" of wildlife conservation in this vast territory a little

If you think that China's development is very slow and cannot keep up with the needs of "climbing friends", then please ask yourself: Is China not developing fast enough? Throughout history, China has made fairly rapid progress, ask the elders in the family, 20 years ago, they dared to think about today's life? Ask foreigners who have never been to China, do they believe in China's achievements today?

Our time as an economic power is still short, and the conditions in all aspects are not mature enough. People in the industry know that "wild protection" is a gold-devouring beast, and it is a huge project to start protecting native wildlife, and the country can make up its mind to do it, which is also a manifestation of the initial prosperity of economic strength

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Only by being more developed and affluent can we make the situation of China's native wild animals better; when we have explored the experience of moving forward in this stage, we have the basic conditions for decentralization of private breeding, that is, the "legalization" that climbers are eager for.

The "legalization" in some people's minds is actually a "barbaric state" in which the state has no supervision at all more than a decade ago. With this expectation in mind, legalization is not possible. The focus of "legalization" is to have a law to follow, and this "law" comes from the experience of protecting wild animals: the efficiency of species breeding, whether there is a risk of invasion, whether it is suitable for domestication, how safe it is, disease medical problems, and so on

Even if we refer to the ready-made experience summarized by the West, it will take a long time to screen out the programs suitable for our country and make new plans according to local conditions

Being proactive is a traditional virtue

But to dream of ascending to the heavens one step at a time is impetuous

If you really love "national climbing" and don't see your heart itch for a day, there is a good way to do it: save up the money you want to buy them, change into a small camera (or mobile phone), free up the time you want to take care of them, and consult the species information and environmental information of various languages. During your holidays, bring your equipment and go to the wild in China to have a look!

Tell the world what you see and record, tell the world about their differences and beauty!

Let more people pay attention to them! Let the road of popular science education go further!

Make the meaning of the List faster! Let more institutions be willing to participate in conservation and research!

Wailing in a small circle is like a battle of trapped beasts. Only by letting more people know and pay attention to it can we "keep the clouds open and see the dawn"!

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Finally, in order to let more people know about them

In order to let the climber know more about them

We have prepared a Special New Year's Program:

Visit germany's famous reptile

Terrazoo Rheinberg

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Go there and see how their yellow edges are growing?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

What is the treatment of the national snake treasure black eyebrow snake?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

【Level 2 Dragon】How strong is the movement ability of the King Cobra?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

What does the largest white crocodile in Europe look like?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

How is the 2-meter black-throated monitor lizard raised?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

Is the Black Mamba really that scary?

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated

… …

Next Friday · New Year's Day

Take your understanding to the next level


The List of two climbing categories

"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
"Bad news about climbing the circle?" just! The List of Wild Protection Laws has been fully updated
