
These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

author:Pet Encyclopedia

For the dog shoveler, nothing will be more important than the health of the dog, so many parents will buy a lot of nutrition and health care products for the dog.

Many of these nutritional products will be said to be "IQ tax" products, is this really the case? The following will introduce you to some 6 kinds of dog nutrition products that many people consider to be "IQ tax"!

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="14" > nutritional paste</h1>

Nutritional cream is a kind of nutrition that many shovelers will buy, generally as a dietary nutritional supplement for dogs and cats, and the main role is to supplement vitamins, minerals and amino acids to pets.

The main ingredients are sugar, water, fat and other nutritional additives. I bought it back to feed the dog and cat, mainly to improve the symptoms of pet malnutrition, but also as a "snack reward" every day, to lick it.

Whether this kind of nutrition is IQ tax, it depends on whether the pet owner usually has enough nutrition for the hair child in the diet, and the specific composition of the nutritional cream, sugar, water, oil account for a high proportion of nutritional cream, basically can be said to be "IQ tax"!

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="25" > lecithin</h1>

Lecithin is recognized as a good nutritious substance for dog and cat hair skin care and hair bursting, but some people feel that although lecithin can indeed beautify hair, it is not as cheap as cooked egg yolks, and it is also an IQ tax product.

In fact, lecithin is not necessarily as good as cooked egg yolks, although cooked egg yolks are rich in natural lecithin, but pet lecithin will also have other beneficial hair raw materials to add, such as fish oil ingredients.

Many lecithin will add fish oil, omega3 unsaturated fatty acids, for improving the skin immunity of dogs, nourishing hair, hair beauty effect, than the simple cooked egg yolk effect is stronger.

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="29" > calcium tablets</h1>

In the process of raising dogs, dogs with lame legs, can not stand up ears normally, hooves, X-shaped legs, o-legs are caused by calcium deficiency, so many shovelers will have pet calcium tablets at home.

However, some people say that buying calcium tablets is an IQ tax, normal dogs do not need to supplement calcium, too much calcium supplementation is harmful to the health of dogs. This statement is only half understood.

Dog infancy, old age and childbirth and lactation are the need for calcium supplementation, female dog calcium deficiency is easy to postpartum convulsions, muscle weakness and difficult delivery, calcium deficiency will also lead to hair follicles are not healthy enough, making the dog hair poor.

The more often exercise dogs and large-sized dogs for calcium demand is also greater, daily activities of the body will also let the dog's calcium gradually lost, buy calcium tablets is really not IQ tax, the owner do not blindly supplement calcium, every day excessive feeding calcium tablets is good!

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" data-track="33" > trace element tablets</h1>

Trace elements are a large category of minerals, such as iron, iodine, zinc, selenium, fluorine, copper, cobalt, cadmium, mercury, lead, etc., although the content in the dog body is not high, but the effect is very large.

Many netizens also feel that trace element tablets are IQ tax, usually eat hearty daily, meat, eggs, milk vegetables and fruits contain trace elements, there will be no shortage at all.

In this regard, there is really no need for the shoveler to rush to start, unless you have been fed a staple food very vegetarian and have not considered the problem of nutritional balance, you need to feed some trace element tablets.

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" data-track="36" > probiotics</h1>

Probiotics can regulate the intestinal health of dogs, but also appetizing, improve dog diarrhea, all of which are related to the dog's intestinal colonies, the number of beneficial bacteria in the dog's intestines is rare, and harmful bacteria will multiply in large quantities, destroy gastrointestinal health, cause indigestion, vomiting diarrhea and so on.

Some people say that probiotics are IQ taxes, not as good as yogurt or montmorillonite, which is a big misunderstanding. Although yogurt is a probiotic, but the general probiotics are not high hundreds of thousands or millions, want to regulate intestinal health is a drop in the bucket. And at room temperature, live bacteria will die in a few hours.

And montmorillonite powder is a well-known anti-diarrhea drug, specializing in the treatment of diarrhea, can kill all the bacteria in the intestine, after taking it will also cause accidental injuries to the beneficial bacteria of the intestine, feeding more dogs may have indigestion and constipation.

So it is best not to think that the status of probiotics is really easy to be replaced, buy just IQ tax, and prepare some probiotics at home. For how to select probiotics to avoid lightning, you can take a look at this article: How to choose good probiotics, avoid probiotic selection minefields?

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" data-track="34" > goat milk powder</h1>

Goat milk powder refers to formula made from goat milk processing. Goat milk powder is recognized as the closest dairy product to dog milk. Dog nutrition product feeding goat milk powder is undoubtedly a good choice, itself easy to digest and absorb. Also dripping too, not easy to cause dogs lactose is not milky.

And goat milk powder is also more insensitive, easy to cause allergies s1-casein, β- lactoglobulin content in milk is very good, but in goat milk powder content is lower.

Dogs drink more vigorously and healthily, nutrition is also much higher than yogurt and milk, can be used as a supplement to feed dogs, increase the palatability and balanced nutrition of dog food.

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

In the process of raising dogs, if the shoveler wants to reduce the "IQ tax", then we must pay attention to the diet management of the dog, and choose nutritious and easily digestible dog food as a staple food.

Many pet owners may not know how to choose a good dog food for their dog, so they are very annoyed. The following link can help the pet owner solve the trouble, let you learn to choose good dog food for the dog, dry goods knowledge article: how to choose a high-quality dog food for the dog? This article is enough!

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder

Conclusion: The above few dog nutrition products, what do you think are the products of IQ tax?

These 6 kinds of dog nutrition products bought by the shoveler are all IQ tax? Nutritional cream lecithin calcium tablets trace element tablets probiotic goat milk powder