
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log

author:Friends of the Ancient Village
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log


Introduction to Wucun

Wucun, located in Wuzhen Town, Jiaxing City, is a new type of "leisure tourism resort" that retains the original rural style of Jiangnan.

Wucun has a unique advantage: it is close to Wuzhen Xizha, located in the core of the Golden Triangle of Shanghai-Suzhou-Hangzhou Tourism. In addition to the passenger flow of the surrounding mature scenic spots, Wucun also has a rich reserve of local specialties, such as the local Wuzhen Sanbaijiu.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log


Umura with wine

In the first year of Song Jingding, Tao Qizhang, the ancestor of the Tao clan, founded Tao Fuchang Langfang in the local area, mainly producing three liquors and yellow wine; Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang listed the "three liquors" produced by Wuzhen Tao Fuchang Langfang as a tribute during the enthronement ceremony in Nanjing. In the heyday, there were more than 100 liquor teachers in Wucun, and there were more than a dozen bad places in the province and county, and the "three liquors" produced by them have been popular in Jiangnan for hundreds of years and have endured for a long time.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log

In modern times, "Wuzhen Sanbaijiu" has become the business card of Wucun and even Wuzhen in China, and it was selected into the Jiaxing Municipal "Intangible Cultural Heritage" list in 2010, and there are many non-genetic inheritors in related fields.

The innovation and inheritance of the younger generation led by non-hereditary people, adhered to by craftsmen, and promoted the growth of the three liquor industry and also promoted the development of the local economy.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log


Project design

Starting from the pain points of Wuzhen Sanbai liquor industry such as single ecology, low brand awareness and narrow marketing channels, the team of "Dedrug Wucheng" started from the three aspects of "non-genetic inheritance", "product creation" and "industrial promotion", and sought a new development model to promote rural revitalization with intangible cultural heritage product innovation.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log


Research work

The team went to Wucun to conduct field research, and learned about the intangible connotation of Sanbaijiu by visiting Mr. Xu Ziqiang, a non-hereditary person of Wuzhen Sanbaijiu, and experiencing the whole process of winemaking in Gulangfang. In addition, the team also interviewed a number of operators and consumers of sanbai liquor shops in Wucun to obtain first-hand production and marketing data.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log

The team had close exchanges with non-hereditary people, designed a number of series of bottles and gift box packaging for the purpose of cultural promotion, and we also listened to the suggestions of professional winemakers and designed a number of new liquors with the help of the cooperation of the brewing factory.

In addition to packaging and product innovation, the team also makes full use of online channels for marketing, such as the "Get Drunk Wucheng" public account, Mini Programs, etc.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log



The three liquors in Wucun, Wuzhen, are characteristic products that support the development of the local cultural tourism industry, and are also the business cards for the regional cultural characteristics of living alone in Jiangnan Water Town. As a young generation, we must not only actively inherit and promote intangible cultural heritage, but also empower industrial development with innovative thinking. The team of "Get Drunk Wucheng" makes the intangible cultural heritage no longer silent, truly enters the product and service industry, and helps rural revitalization.

"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log
"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log

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"Get drunk wucheng" - Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics to Wucun research log