
The most is the battle song to strengthen the hearts of soldiers

author:China Youth Daily
The most is the battle song to strengthen the hearts of soldiers

Performed and sang "The Old Squad Leader Says". Courtesy of the author

"Singing the five-star red flag in the wind, I stand on the grassland looking at Beijing..." Recently, the air force's "Blue Sky Light Cavalry" integrated service team came to a certain brigade of the airborne troops to perform a condolence performance. The song and dance skewer "Standing on the Grassland and Looking at Beijing" as the opening program, with an impassioned melody inspiring, ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

Many of the shows in this show are based on stories from grassroots officers and soldiers. The cross-talk "The Way to Lead the Soldiers" made the fourth-level sergeant major Zhao Zongshan sigh: "I saw the shadow of myself leading the recruits in the performance of the team members. This year, I am also leaving the barracks, and the experience of leading soldiers for more than ten years makes me unforgettable. The sketch "Take You Flying" is adapted from the creation of the true story by the team members, telling the story of the dispute between the master and the apprentice about the "Golden Helmet", which aroused strong resonance among the officers and soldiers on the scene. "This show is very well received by the officers and soldiers, and we do not fall behind in the middle of the tour." Team member Zhang Xiaoran said.

For the team member Zhiyu, this performance was a big test for him - he participated in 5 shows, 4 of which were soloists, and also had to be the host. "The warriors have expectations of us, which is precious trust," he said. It is my responsibility to finish every performance. ”

"I want to be invincible to victory, and this is the ultimate goal of the Chinese soldiers..." "I want to win" with a strong taste of war and military flavor shows the heroic ambition of the Chinese soldiers who are not afraid of life and death for victory, sings the voices of officers and soldiers, and wins warm applause. Team member Jin Jianhua said: "In this condolence performance, we closely revolve around a 'war' word from the selection, arrangement and performance of the program. ”

It tells the story of the battle and sings the common voice. Meng Qinggui, chief of the propaganda section of the brigade, was deeply touched by the role of this performance in strengthening the hearts of soldiers and igniting passion: "A edutainment and education performance has invisibly touched and inspired officers and men, and has boosted the morale of our front-line troops, and the effect achieved is no less than a political education class." ”

The performance and singing of "The Old Squad Leader Says" restores the growth experience of an old squad leader in the form of singing, and the singer is the backbone of the grassroots literature and art of the brigade. Zhang Feng, captain of the integrated service team, introduced: "On the basis of providing high-quality and accurate services to officers and soldiers, we must also play the role of 'tinder'. Through touring and teaching, we will arrange programs together with the backbone of grass-roots literature and art, and perform on stage together, leaving behind a literary and artistic light cavalry team for the grass-roots level, and leading the troops to carry out more colorful cultural activities to achieve the purpose of serving combat effectiveness. ”

The dance "Rain in the Barracks", the song "In the Age of Peace", "The Place Where I Stand is China"... One program after another was staged, the stage and offstage interacted with each other, and the wonderful performance climaxed.

After completing the condolence performance, the team members packed up overnight. Another dawn came, and they greeted the morning sun and rushed to the next stop of singing for the soldiers...

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily