
Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

author:Upstream News

The artistic feast of the National Day holiday

——A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Deng Gaoru

Dean TieMei:


During this year's National Day, Chongqing Chuan Theater No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 performed three sichuan operas in a row at the Jintang Street Small Theater in Yuzhong District, and I took my wife Ms. Ren to watch three times. Thank you very much for presenting such an exquisite art feast, let us once again feel the infinite charm of traditional art, and also spent a meaningful National Day holiday in a pleasant way.

Because my son worked in the army in Chengdu, he rarely returned home, and his daughter-in-law and two grandchildren did not live with us. So before the holiday, my son told us that three days before the holiday, he returned to Chongqing for vacation, took his daughter-in-law and grandson to reunite with us, and played around the city.

On September 30th, I learned from the Chongqing Evening News that three days before the National Day holiday, your academy will perform three consecutive Sichuan operas at the Jintang Street Theater, and I am very happy. I thought to myself, don't say that my children, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren are coming back, that is, to move the ancestor board back, but also to ensure that we are reunited with you under the premise of watching Sichuan opera. To this end, the son and daughter-in-law made concessions, and they made lunch in advance to ensure that the father and mother arrived at the theater at two o'clock in the afternoon to watch the play on time.

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Plum Blossom Award winner Sun Yongbo and Sichuan opera rookie Zhou Lu sang "Pan palace" on the same stage

After watching two consecutive shows, yesterday was the third, the last performance on Jintang Street, and the last day of my son's return to the team after his vacation. After watching the performance with my wife, I hurried home to bid farewell to my son. Who knows, people have already gone to the empty building, and returned to the team half an hour ago by taking the train at the West Railway Station at 4:30 pm!

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Plum Blossom Award winner Huang Ronghua sang "Three Niang Godsons"

As soon as the son left, the daughter-in-law and the two grandchildren returned to their quarters in the city almost at the same time, and disappeared in the vast sea of people.

Dean Tiemei, my words are more emotional and lively. In fact, it is very simple, their generation or the separation of aggregation, traditional art is relatively simple, there is no "long pavilion farewell" and "Baqiao pick robe" such feelings and solemnity - father and mother, you are old and have time to watch Sichuan opera, that is your freedom; we have children and practice on the job, it is also our responsibility. Everyone is right, let's seize the time to do our own thing.

Speaking of these three performances, I have three unexpected ones.

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Sichuan opera rookie Zhou Xingyu performed the folding play "Hit the God to tell the temple"

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Sichuan opera rookie Peng Qi performs the folding play "Diao Window"

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Plum Blossom Award winner Hu Yubin and Sichuan opera rookie Bai Mengdi performed the folding play "Cao Fu Walking Snow"

First, the overall strength of the theater is so strong that I can't imagine. This performance, the first one, oratorio, high voice. The second scene, oratorio, huqin, playing. The civil and martial scenes, the collar and the actors all came on the stage and performed face to face to the audience. In this way, the every move of the drummer, the organist and the collar staff, and the subtle emotional changes of the actors, we can really see it. At the same time, I also witnessed the beauty of all the artists, and I usually can't see it. In particular, these singing strips, each only for a few minutes, are all facing the sky, which can best show their true skills. Weak troupes, I really don't dare to arrange this arrangement, I didn't expect you to have this lineup, and you showed it so neatly. Whether it is the plum blossom award winners Hu Yubin, Huang Ronghua, Sun Yongbo, Wu Xi, or rookies Zhou Lu, Zhou Xingyu, Luo Xiaowei, Bai Mengdi, Yu Aibei, Zeng Yi, Peng Qi, Xie Shunjie, as well as Xu Yongming, Wang Ya, Li Run, Wang Tao and the 88-year-old old artist Xia Tingguang, who participated in the performance, or had extraordinary skills or extraordinary kung fu, the audience applauded endlessly! It's just a pity that you haven't performed, maybe you want others to show off their talents!

Second, there are so many big-name rookies, I can't imagine. I love Sichuan opera very much, but I watch it more from TV and the Internet, and I still see less when I enter the theater. This time, I was really surprised by your big show through the concert and the origami play! I can't imagine that your hospital has made great progress in the past ten years, and a group of new people have really grown up. In addition to the two plain makeup oratorio songs "Wen Wu Kun chaos is unstoppable", yesterday's folding scene, a total of four plays: "True and False Li Kui", "Fighting God", "Diao Window", "Cao Fu Walking Snow", one is more wonderful than the other. These four plays, which I had seen in Chengdu thirty years ago, were provincial and at that time also included Chongqing. To tell the truth, the basic conditions and actual skills of those actors at that time did not reach such a level. As soon as I saw the old student Hu Yubin, from the appearance to the singing voice, I thought of Yang Changlin, a famous Sichuan opera artist. At first sight of Qingyi Zhou Lu, Zhou Xingyu and Peng Qi... I thought of Yu Lan, Dou Xiaoxuan, Guo Wei, and Ding Xiaojun, the most beautiful and popular people in the Current Beijing Peking Opera circle. But your group's Zhou Lu, Zhou Xingyu, Peng Qi and others, are all after 90, 00, how young, and graduated from a regular drama school, famous hands to teach, the future is unlimited! This group of people and horses is no less than the rookie celebrities in Huangmei opera, Yue opera, and all kinds of Zizi dramas!

Third, the dedication and dedication of the actors is so prominent, I can't imagine. Before watching the performance, my son told me that watching a so-and-so cross-talk performance in Chengdu, the general ticket was 800 yuan, and I was asked to prepare the ticket money!

I went to the door of the theater and bought two tickets, and the staff said one hundred yuan. I ask a ticket for a hundred dollars? Answer, a total of one hundred yuan, the position you choose freely. I was amazed at how low the fare was. When you look at their serious and attentive performances, sweaty foreheads, sweaty clothes, you will know what is dedication and what is unpaid. My wife said that this is simply doing a public welfare undertaking!

Dean Tie Mei, writing these is nothing more than to show that Chongqing Chuan Theater is really worthy of the unit that the Chongqing Municipal Government has twice awarded the "Collective First Prize" and the "National Advanced Cultural Collective" awarded by the Ministry of Culture, and it is worthy of being an excellent professional art theater!

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

In July this year, the centenary of the founding of the Party and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Ichikawa Theater were performed

Finally, there are two suggestions:

First, in the future, we will continue to strengthen the systematic publicity of theaters and actors, so that their character pursuits and artistic achievements can be seen in books and checked on the Internet, and more people know about it.

The second is the processing of subtitles in the performance, in addition to following up the singing words, the names of the actors should be marked no less than two or three times. For example, the folding play should be introduced once at the beginning, once in the middle, and once at the end. The singing segment should be introduced once at the beginning and once at the end, so that the audience can remember it.

Wish Chuan Theater great development!

I wish you a smooth work and a happy National Day holiday!


Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

Note: Shen Tiemei, Han ethnicity, chongqing Yuzhong District people. Representative inheritors of the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage projects sichuan opera. The first artist in the history of Sichuan opera to have a postgraduate degree in opera performance, a national first-class actor. President of Chongqing Chuan Theater, Chairman of Chongqing Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, Vice Chairman of China Drama Association. The plum was picked three times in the selection of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award. It has won 23 national honors.

Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei

(About author: Deng Gaoru, a famous military writer, honorary vice chairman of the Chongqing Writers Association. He has won the 8th Bingxin Prose Award and Essay Collection Award, the 4th Long March Literary and Art Award of the People's Liberation Army, the Sichuan Provincial Prose Award for three consecutive years, and the first and second prizes of the Chinese Newspaper Supplement. He is the author of "General Cultural Collection, Deng Gaoru Prose Volume", "Broken Hongsheng", "Half Wheel Autumn" and so on. )

(Zhang Qiang/Courtesy photo)

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Upstream • Interactive 丨 Headline Contest (Season 11) 丨 Art Garden Scenery 丨 Deng Gaoru: A letter to Dean Shen Tiemei