
Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

author:Mr. Big said history

I believe that everyone must remember that at midnight on May 3, 2011, when the then US President Barack Obama's speech, when he said that the US military had killed al-Qaida leader Bin Laden, all the victims who had suffered terrorist attacks, all the families of the victims, all of them shouted with their arms raised, all of them clapped their hands with tears in their eyes, because in their view, this ten-year-long revenge operation finally came to an end, but a few joys and a few sorrows, while the United States was full of joy, Bin Laden's wife, Amal, could not be calm for a long time, so the question is, how did Bin Laden, who had been hiding for ten years, be discovered by the US military, and what was he doing before he was killed?

According to the US government, before finding bin Laden's residence, they searched for eight years, from Afghanistan to Pakistan, for eight years without stopping, but because bin Laden was too cautious, since he came to Pakistan, let alone television, computer, telephone, in order to avoid the search of the US military, and even all the products of modern civilization have been abandoned by him, which makes the US military proficient in high-tech means have to use the most primitive "tongue grabbing", carpet, squatting surveillance and other means. It took bin Laden to escape for so long.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

So how did os-jain bin Laden come to light? The US government has not given a clear and convincing answer to this question to this day, but through the clues revealed in some interviews, experts and scholars around the world have still given some reliable hypotheses, one of which is that one of bin Laden's subordinates was finally exposed by the eavesdropping of the US intelligence service when he contacted the Afghan Taliban personnel, and the other is that few people in Pakistan can afford to live in villas, even if there are official records, plus the number of clothes dried in the villa. Coinciding with the number of bin Laden's family, the U.S. military suspected that bin Laden's family was in the villa.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

On May 1, 2011, the sixth unit of the AMERICAN SEALs crossed the ocean and quietly landed on a flat land about one hundred to two hundred meters from bin Laden's villa in the early hours of the morning, and when they used thermal imaging equipment to reconfirm the number of armed personnel in the house, the hunting plan began.

The Navy SEALs first killed a man and a woman who were letting the wind at the door directly from the main entrance, and then went around to the back door of the villa, kicked open the door and rushed into the house, at the same time Bin Laden also heard the gunshots at the front door, and was holding an AK-47 ready to take two sons and brothers to support, but unexpectedly a team of special operators suddenly appeared behind them, they saw that Bin Laden was holding a gun in his hand, followed by three men with guns, so for his own safety, he had to give up the plan to capture alive. All four were killed, and their bodies were carried by the special operators to the US aircraft carrier and thrown into the sea.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

It is ironic that it took eight years to find bin Laden's trail and kill him for only eight minutes, so what was bin Laden doing in the days leading up to his murder?

It turned out that according to bin Laden's wife's recollection, in fact, two days before the arrival of the US military, bin Laden was insomnia, he would often wake up in the middle of the night and then breathe heavily, and he would stare in the direction of Afghanistan all day long, until the night of May 1, bin Laden finally fell asleep, but only more than two hours, that is, when the US stealth helicopter landed, bin Laden woke up again, he hurriedly told his wife that he heard the sound of the US helicopter landing, and then found two sons and brothers, chanting" The Americans are coming, and I'm going to die. ”

After all, there have been many times before bin Laden is in this state, so the people present did not care too much, only when he was having a nightmare, but what they did not expect was that less than five minutes after bin Laden's chanting, the US military shot at the main entrance, bin Laden saw that today was probably a disaster, he first sent his wife and young son to the basement, he took a gun to prepare to support the war, and then he was killed, and with bin Laden's family of men who were more than adults all killed. This drama of the United States and bin Laden falling in love and killing each other has finally come to an end completely.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

Or that sentence, a few joys and a few sorrows, just when the American people were rejoicing in their revelry, some experts and scholars who understood the relationship between the United States and os-bin Laden sighed, why? Because they know too well why bin Laden would rather fight for a family and die, but also to face the United States hard steel, but also know how close he was to the United States as a top rich second generation, and they know why americans are staring at os-laden, of course, if we talk about this, we have to start from bin Laden's own experience.

In 1955, bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia in a wealthy merchant family, that is, known as the Bin Laden family whose wealth is only slightly lower than that of the Saudi royal family, as his father's favorite child, bin Laden can be said to have lived a life of fine clothes and food from an early age, if this life trajectory is developed, bin Laden will either be a top rich businessman or an idle rich young master in the future, so what changed the trajectory of his life?

In general, there were two people and two things that changed him, these two people were bin Laden's two teachers in college, they were the top scholars specializing in religion, especially Islam and the Qur'an, they were the most authoritative interpreters in the world, so bin Laden had special respect for them, not only bowed when they met, but also listened to their teachings every day, of course, and gradually bin Laden became a little crazy, because his understanding of the doctrine was very narrow. And his stubborn personality also makes him unable to listen to the corrective opinions of others, which is why his personality is so radical.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

And the two things are, the first Afghan war, and the United States to establish a permanent military base in Saudi Arabia, the first thing is the first thing, when the Afghan war broke out, the young bin Laden just inherited his father's two billion yuan inheritance, the economic base determines the superstructure, so his heart is naturally towards the capitalist camp, and the US-Soviet hegemony at that time because it just needs to choose "agents" in the Arab region, bin Laden did not hesitate to join the Camp of the United States. In order to defend the Arab world, following the United States in Afghanistan is the eastern crusade and the western war, made a lot of merit, the US government is also very optimistic about this young man, so it also asked people to give people guns.

Under their "joint efforts", the Soviet Union was forced to withdraw in 1989, but it was also at this time that bin Laden broke with the United States, because bin Laden suddenly found that the Americans did not actually take him as a friend, and helping the Arab world was not simply for peace, they only wanted oil from the Middle East, they just regarded bin Laden as a puppet, and then the policy implemented by the United States in the Middle East, and the attempt of the US military to settle in Saudi Arabia in the Gulf War. The establishment of permanent military bases also confirmed his suspicions, so in retaliation for this act of contempt for Muslims and the faith of the Arab people, bin Laden began a "vigorous" act of revenge.

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

From the attack on the US military base in the Middle East, to the double blow to the Saudi government, we can see that at this time, bin Laden is still to a large extent just a hot-blooded person who is not willing to let the motherland be controlled by the United States, it can be said that if it were not for the "9.11" incident that shocked the world afterwards, then bin Laden would not be so disgusted by the world, because if you only attack the US military and only attack the US military base, then there is still forgivable, after all, the Americans did do a lot of domineering things in the Middle East. But in 9/11, bin Laden attacked not only the U.S. military and the U.S. government, but his misdeeds that killed nearly three thousand civilians, injured thousands more, and caused direct or indirect economic losses of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Such a crime, let alone the United States, which has always pursued hegemonism, even other small countries are bound to die with bin Laden, but to be honest, the Americans' revenge action is not so simple, because if you simply want to take revenge, you can't fight in Afghanistan for twenty years, and the terrorist attack is only Bin Laden alone, in fact, it has nothing to do with the Taliban, if you really want to retaliate, you can't target Bin Laden alone or a family? Why bother to sacrifice so much manpower and material resources to occupy Afghanistan in order to prop up a puppet government?

Before bin Laden was killed, he had actually expected it! Demystify the path of terrorist leaders

Besides, in 2011, the US military had already killed the culprit bin Laden, and didn't it still not withdraw its troops? Therefore, the Americans' retaliation against os-im-bin Laden is only incidental, and their real purpose is still for the Middle East strategy, in order to sever the ties between China and Russia and the countries in the Middle East in Central Asia and the Middle East, and also to let Iran erect a backstab around them, so that they no longer dare to resist the United States, so that the dollar and oil will always be linked together, so that the hegemonic position of the United States will last forever.

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