
The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

author:Aspen Observation Room


India is a neighbor of China, but also an Asian power, has a certain degree of influence in the world, and is supposed to be a regional power. However, in recent years, because of India's unwise choice on certain issues and border affairs, the relations between China and India have begun to change from relatively good and good development in previous years to a sharp turn for the worse now, and so far, there is still no sign of improvement in relations between the two countries, and the reason is attributed to India itself. Although the main reason for this is that India itself has caused itself, in terms of some objective factors, strictly speaking, India has also been influenced by many ulterior motives, such as the Western anti-China forces led by the United States, who instigate and conspire to cause harm behind their backs. There are many experts and scholars in India who can see the truth clearly, and have written articles pointing out the ulterior motives of this part of the Western anti-China forces, revealing their deliberate separation and sabotage of Sino-Indian relations, hoping to see the real purpose of China and India opposing each other. Moreover, he bluntly said that with regard to this kind of Remarks that the West deliberately slanders and smears China and says that China is a villain, whoever believes it is stupid, and lists many facts and truths to support the viewpoint, and this unscrupulous Western anti-China force will only blindly mess up and fool India.

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

According to Indian media sources, Jamal Mecklai, an expert author of India's Financial Express, recently wrote and published a signed article analyzing the recent Sino-Indian relations and some realities currently encountered by China and India. In the article, Merklee first affirmed China's development and behavior at this stage, pointing out that "the Chinese government is currently one of the most progressive governments in the world", and the protection of personal information security and human rights issues is actually far better than the US government that "just talks and does not do, only lip service". Citing the security of citizens' personal information as an example, Merklee said the Chinese government is constantly strengthening its supervision of the Internet and large technology companies to prevent citizens' personal information from being leaked for profit or sold to foreign forces for certain actions that are unfriendly to national security. All control measures have been implemented at the fastest speed, and relevant laws and regulations have been promulgated, which truly has a law to follow and a law to follow, not just lip service.

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

In contrast, the measures taken by the US federal government today against some big chaebols and technology conglomerates in the United States are really "turning a blind eye" and "talking about one thing and actually doing another". Merklee said that some technology companies in the United States monitor and even steal citizens' personal information and use it for profit or some improper and illegal purposes, which is no longer a day or two, and it is well known to the world. For example, google, Facebook, and Twitter, well-known technology giants in the United States, have previously reported scandals of embezzlement and deliberate disclosure of citizens' personal information. But the U.S. federal government is a blind eye, a blind eye, as long as the company itself does not admit it, the U.S. federal government will basically open a backdoor, leave a side, even if this has not happened, these American technology giants are still going their own way today, not controlled by laws and regulations.

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

On the other hand, under the influence of the global epidemic, the poor population in the United States is also soaring, although the United States seems to be beautiful, the world's most economically developed, the overall richest country, but the gap between rich and poor is also the world's largest, a large number of people live below the poverty line, in the wave of the epidemic even life safety can not be guaranteed, sleeping in the street or even tragic death on the street no one cares. In contrast, China's achievements in the epidemic and its responsible attitude towards the people are obvious to all countries around the world and do not need to be debated. But the actual actions of many Western media are to turn a blind eye to this, amplifying or even fabricating negative news about China and making a big report and slandering rumors, which Merkeley believes actually reflects a real phenomenon: the West is trying to use its own propaganda means and vocal machines to portray China as "such a terrible villain".

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

Under the sway of such a propaganda offensive in the West, Merklee admitted that few people in India are willing to believe that there is any good aspect of China, which is the current mainstream sentiment in India, and prefer to believe that "it is wise not to oppose the world boss of the United States, but to make friends with the United States." But this selective and deliberate bias does not represent the truth, and Merklee stressed that India, as a neighbor of China, cannot only make friends with the United States and befriend China, which has no benefit to India at all. India is only optional to the United States, because the United States only cares about its own interests. China, on the other hand, must face it for India, because it is a matter of India's national development and future destiny. Merklee called on India to re-examine its relations with China and not to listen to Western rhetoric that only messes up at home and smears China while fooling India.

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

From the above content, it has to be admitted that the content expounded by this Indian expert does have its objective and fair points. Everyone who pays attention to international current affairs must also know that the collective rot of the entire Western world, including the United States, is not a day or two, and this is not a day or two for Poplar to put here for everyone to talk nonsense. Just look at the United States, from the "black life expensive" and "zero dollar purchase" activities that swept the United States, to the campaign riots in the Trump and Biden elections, the martial law in Washington, the impact on Congress, and finally counting the worsening of the United States today, all the way to the end of the raging epidemic, and then there are a variety of shootings as a foil. The US federal government either does nothing and does not care at all, or pretends to shout slogans and pretends to be in charge, but in fact it should be like this and does not manage it at all, which means that the United States is not the world's number one "rotten" country, then there is no country on this earth that is estimated to be worthy of the word "rotten". Looking back at what China did when the United States was in a mess, how obvious and how different the gap between the two is, but anyone with a clear eye must see clearly and need not say more.

The West smears China as a villain, Indian experts: who believes who is stupid! The West will only mess with India

At the end of the day, there are still a handful of people in India like Meklay who keep their heads clear and can see the facts. Irrational, westernly fooled, and some voices with ulterior motives dominate the mainstream, if not, Sino-Indian relations would not have come to this point because of India's unilateral reasons. However, as Indian expert Meckley said, in the end, it is still hoped that India can re-examine its relations with China as soon as possible, do more positive and good things, and put the relations between the two countries back on track. After all, the United States never cares about India's future and life and death, only cares about "America First", "America First", "American Interests", and seeing through the western fools and lies is a key step that India must take to truly face the future.