
Liu Jian, chief procurator of Licheng District of Jinan City: Consciously accept supervision and promote the standardized exercise of procuratorial power

author:Bright Net
Liu Jian, chief procurator of Licheng District of Jinan City: Consciously accept supervision and promote the standardized exercise of procuratorial power

Liu Jian, chief procurator of the Licheng District Procuratorate in Jinan City, Shandong Province

"This activity allowed us to see the efforts of the procuratorial organs to serve and ensure the development of private enterprises, and also felt the determination of the procuratorial organs to take the initiative to accept the supervision of all parties in society." After visiting the Licheng Financial Procuratorial Service Center and listening to the report on the private economic work of the Licheng Procuratorial Service, Jiang Liufan, member of the CPPCC District Committee and general manager of Jinan Yashide New Material Technology Co., Ltd., talked about his feelings.

This is the procuratorial open day activity of "serving the 'six stability' and 'six guarantees' escorting the development of private enterprises" carried out by the procuratorate of Licheng District of Jinan City, Shandong Province recently, and it is also the third procuratorial open day organized by the procuratorate this year. Each procuratorial open day focuses on a theme, inviting people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, and personnel supervisors to "come in" and listen to their opinions and suggestions. Strengthening communication and contacts with people's congress deputies and actively listening to people's congress deputies' criticisms, opinions, and suggestions on procuratorial work is one of the important ways for procuratorial organs to take the initiative to accept external supervision. In recent years, the Licheng District Procuratorate has consciously enhanced the awareness that supervisors should accept supervision even more, innovated ways to accept supervision, strengthened liaison with deputies and committee members, and continuously promoted the institutionalization, normalization, and diversification of external supervision mechanisms, and achieved good results. Increase the intensity of public hearings to promote judicial fairness. Fairness and justice are the soul and life of justice. During the epidemic this year, the Licheng District Procuratorate held a hearing for the first time on a case in which a private enterprise falsely issued a special VAT invoice and intended not to prosecute, put the nature, facts, reasons and basis of the case on the table, publicly reviewed, not only explained the law and reasoned, but also listened to everyone's opinions, and consciously accepted social supervision to promote justice through openness. The party group of the people's court has repeatedly called for increasing the intensity of public hearings, expanding the scope of public hearings, and being able to hear and make full hearings in some cases with major impact and typical significance, strengthening external supervision, and promoting fair administration of justice. This year, the Licheng District Procuratorate has conducted 13 public hearings and achieved good results. Expanding the scope of open inspections promotes in-depth supervision. Deputies and members are actively invited to inspect special procuratorial work. In August 2020, deputies to the National and Provincial People's Congress inspected the procuratorial organs' work of "protecting the Mother River", went to the site of the demolition of illegal buildings in the Gaijiagou Section of the Yellow River Licheng District, and inspected the demolition of illegal buildings in the Licheng section of the Yellow River after the procuratorial recommendations were issued. In September, the provincial people's congress deputies inspected the juvenile procuratorial work, and placed the achievements and experience of juvenile procuratorial work and the shortcomings of the juvenile procuratorial work under the supervision of the deputies to the people's congress. Every year, in combination with the current work priorities of the procuratorial organs, open activities with different themes are carried out, and this year, more than 100 representatives and committee members have been invited to participate in inspections and investigations. Deepen the openness of procuratorial affairs and promote sunshine justice. Increase the transparency of procuratorial work, and better accept supervision by the masses. Actively use the "two micro and one end", portal sites, electronic touch screens and other carriers to broaden open channels. The province's first "24-hour self-service procuratorial service center" was built, providing all-weather and all-round services for the masses to inquire about procuratorial information. Promptly and proactively disclose procedural information on cases, information on important cases, and all kinds of legal documents. Promote the institutionalization and normalization of liaison between deputies and members. In order to better accept the supervision of deputies and members, the Licheng District Procuratorate has set up a liaison office for deputies and members, issued work opinions, established a fixed liaison mechanism, divided the liaison work into people, and required everyone to take the initiative to "go out" to achieve full coverage of visits and contacts. At the end of each year, send contact letters to the deputies and members of the jurisdiction, report on the procuratorial work in the past year, solicit opinions and suggestions, better accept the supervision of the deputies and members, and continuously promote the regularization, standardization, and institutionalization of liaison work.

Source: People's Watch

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