
Pear stem bees are coming, so prevented! Morphological characteristics of pear stem beesLittle stem bees Life habits Pear stem bees Hazard characteristics Pear stem bees Control methods

author:Orchard steward of Nongda

Pear stem bees are commonly known as folding insects, pruners, head shears and so on. It belongs to the order Hymenoptera, stem bees. Distributed in various pear-producing areas in China, it is one of the main pests of pear trees. Pear stem bees occur once a year, and the larvae eat the tender shoots of the pulp, and the perturbeds turn black and die. The main harm is the spring shoots of pear trees, the adult worms first use a saw-shaped egg layer to saw open the new shoots or petioles, and then lay eggs; the larvae eat the marrow of the branches, and the insect dung is piled in the worm passage. Pear stem bee larvae not only endanger new shoots, but also decay biennial branches, the affected branches become black, and finally dry up, seriously affecting the growth and development of the tree; if the adult pear tree is killed, it will cause zombie fruit and fruit drop, reducing yield. So how to control the pest of pear stem bees? Come and learn from the butler!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > morphological characteristics of pear stem bees</h1>

Pear stem bees are coming, so prevented! Morphological characteristics of pear stem beesLittle stem bees Life habits Pear stem bees Hazard characteristics Pear stem bees Control methods

The eggs of the pear stem bee are oblong oval, about 1 mm long, milky white, translucent. Pupae are 7 to 10 mm long and initially milky white and fade to black. The mature larvae are 8 to 11 mm long, slightly flattened, white gradient yellowish at the beginning of hatching, yellowish brown head, bent head and thorax, and upturned tail, showing a "~" shape. The chest foot is extremely small and there is no abdominal foot. Adults are 7 to 10 mm long, black, and shiny. The antennae are filamentous, black. The mouthparts, the sides of the posterior margin of the anterior thoracic dorsal plate, the mid-thoracic lateral plate, the sides of the posterior thorax, and the posterior end of the posterior thorax dorsal plate are all yellow. Females have a saw-shaped ovipositor in their abdomen.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the habits of pear stem bees</h1>

Pear stem bees are coming, so prevented! Morphological characteristics of pear stem beesLittle stem bees Life habits Pear stem bees Hazard characteristics Pear stem bees Control methods

Pear stem bees occur in one generation per year and overwinter in thin white cocoons in the infested stalks or biennial branches. Pupates in March of the following year, and adults feather from late March to early to mid-April. Adults feather after 3 to 6 days before biting a round feathered hole and flying out. Adults prefer to move, copulate, and lay eggs around noon, and perch on the back of the lower leaves of the canopy in the morning and evening. Before spawning, the adult worm first uses a saw-shaped egg layer to saw the young shoots from 4 to 5 leaves, and then lays eggs in the tender tissue 2 to 3 mm below the wound, and after laying the eggs, the petioles in the lower part of the fracture are sawn one by one, and a female worm can serrate 20 to 30 young shoots, and the egg stage is 7 to 10 days. After hatching, the larvae feed on the underside of the branches, and the affected young branches gradually become black and dry, filling them with insect droppings. In order to enter the marrow of the biennial branch from June to July or continue to stay in the annual branch, turn the body, head down, head up, stop feeding. From September to October, the larvae mature and overwinter in cocoons.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the hazard characteristics of pear stem bees</h1>

When the adult pear stem bee lays eggs, it hurts the young shoots and petioles on the tips with a saw-shaped egg layer, and the affected stems and leaves wilt and droop after being injured, drying and falling off within a few days, forming short branches. The larvae feed on the lower part of the branches, and the moth-eating part turns black and withers. The damage of large trees affects the tree posture and yield, and the damage of young trees seriously affects the growth of branches and the enlargement and shaping of the canopy. The leading technical service team of fruit trees in China focuses on orchard planning, fruit seedling promotion, fruit tree management, and fruit sales. Help you save work, medicine and fertilizer, help you increase production and income!

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > method for controlling pear stem bees</h1>

Pear stem bees are coming, so prevented! Morphological characteristics of pear stem beesLittle stem bees Life habits Pear stem bees Hazard characteristics Pear stem bees Control methods

The peak period of pear stem bee feathering and spawning is in the blooming period of fragrant pears, and the larvae immediately drill into the new shoots of people to eat hidden moths, which is more difficult to control. Therefore, comprehensive governance should be implemented.

(1) Pruning measures

Combined with winter and summer pruning, the dead branches of adult trees are cut off and taken out of the garden to burn down, eliminating overwintering and summer larvae. For pear larvae, the bee egg stage and the initial incubation period of the larvae should be removed or pruned in early May to eliminate the eggs and larvae and prevent the larvae from harming the 2-year-old branches.

(2) Chemical control

 The young trees that have not yet borne fruit are sprayed with insecticide after they have been extracted from the new shoots. For seriously affected orchards, insecticides such as 0.5% neem emulsion 2000-3000 times liquid or 1.2% matrine emulsion 1000 times liquid or 1.2% matrine emulsion 1000 times liquid can be sprayed at the end of the flowering period of pear trees.

(3) Use of mump plate anti-pests

 In the pear stem bee sting endangering the new shoots of pear trees at the beginning of the flowering period, the yellow double-sided armyworm board is evenly hung on the 2-3 year old branches at a height of 1.5 to 2.0 meters, and it is appropriate to hang 20 pieces per acre in the east-west direction of the plate surface.

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Orchard steward of Nongda: The leading fruit tree technical service team in China, the disseminator of advanced cultivation management technology in agricultural universities, and the provider of systematic management technology for orchards. Welcome to pay attention to the orchard housekeeper headline number, we have the most professional orchard technical service team, to provide you with orchard technical hosting, high-quality seedling promotion, agricultural materials distribution, fruit collection and sales and other business to help you solve any problems in the orchard.

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