
New discoveries in the deep sea – researchers find mysterious "blood-red jellyfish" 700 meters underwater

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"深海新发现——研究人员在水下 700 米处发现神秘“血红色水母”","en":"New discoveries in the deep sea – researchers find mysterious \"blood-red jellyfish\" 700 meters underwater"},"description":{"content":"Hi,潜水员都关注了IFdiving!由于超过80%的海洋尚未被开发,科学家估计约有91%的海洋物种还没有被人们发现和分...","en":"Hi, divers are following IFdiving! Since more than 80 percent of the oceans are unexplored, scientists estimate that about 91 percent of marine species have yet to be discovered and divided into..."}},"items":[]}