
This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

author:Floral mesh
This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

When I was a child, I would see a lot of wild grass and wild vegetables by the river or on the mountain, and sometimes some slight bruises or diarrhea and headaches adults could find the corresponding plants to apply or boil water to drink, and after a few times it would be fine. Because of the development of science and technology now, those Chinese herbs are no longer needed. But now I still miss it after all, it is a pure natural green plant.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

Some high-quality varieties will still be planted in batches for the production of proprietary Chinese medicines. For example, huanglian, forsythia, honeysuckle and so on. Today we are going to talk about a weed-like plant that grows by the river, the paved centipede. The paved centipede is a small tree green plant of the genus Lithophalus in the family Lithomassidae. Because its leaves are numerous and as slender as the feet of a centipede, it got its name.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

Because it prefers a humid environment, it is mostly found by the river, and it is very viable, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, and can survive even at minus 20 degrees. Ground-paved centipedes prefer to grow in an environment with abundant scattered light, and can grow well in semi-shaded environments. Most of them are distributed in Sichuan, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. But now it's getting less and less.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

Some friends will transplant it home to carefully maintain it and let it breed when they see it. It looks a bit like a caterpillar. Soft to the touch. It grows very fast and it won't be long before it fills the pots. It can also be used as a green plant to maintain. The floor centipede also has a name called Bone Grass. It has a good effect on gout, can dispel rheumatism, activate blood and stop bleeding. If the eyes are red with fire, you can also take some boiled water to drink will also have a good effect.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

If you want to plant the ground centipede in batches, you can use dry seeds for sowing, and the seeds collected are generally placed in a ventilated and cool place to dry and preserve. Seeds can be sown in February and March of the following spring. Batch planting of paved centipedes requires fertile soil, preferably loose and breathable, somewhat alkaline soil. Such soil is suitable for the growth of paved centipedes.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

If it is a family-grown potted plant, it can be propagated by cuttings. Use its leaves to cut directly into the prepared fertile soil and place them in a place where the scattered light is not too strong for maintenance, and when the roots are fully developed, they can be moved. It is best to move the pot in the spring when the weather has just warmed up.

This weed grows furry, known as the "paving centipede", and the number is small and the effect is more

Wild paved centipedes are more abundant in water along the river, and if they are home potted, they need to be watered frequently to ensure that their soil is moist. If you can water in the morning and evening in the summer, proper shade at noon, although the vitality is tenacious, but there is still a certain difference between pot soil and nature, and it also needs to be carefully maintained.