
Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

author:Slow life in the movie


Before the advent of spears and artillery, cold weapons ruled mankind for thousands of years. Gunpowder was invented Chinese, but the musket was not. Zhang Yimou's "The Great Wall" is obsessed with the Europeans' voyeurism of "black powder", and has been hidden for many years only for that exclusive "secret recipe". I still remember the first chemistry class I just had in high school, and the middle-aged chemistry teacher said: Our ancestors invented gunpowder, the Europeans used it to make cannons, and we used them to make firecrackers. One for conquest, one for scaring ghosts.

What the sharing meeting recommends to you today is the war movie in the era of cold weapons, which is the fight of human beings with swords, the accumulation of blood and flesh, and the extreme of human cruelty! Of course, not only is it bloody violence, but also magnificent war scenes, during which it is mixed with children's love, family and country feelings, very thick, fans who like war epics can not miss!

1. Brave Heart (1995)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 8.9 IMDb 8.3

Director: Mel Gibson

Writers: Randall Wallace

Starring: Mel Gibson / Sophie Marceau / Brian Cox

Genre: Drama / Action / Biography / History / War

Country of Production: United States


The film's famous director Mel Gibson directed and starred himself, and there are famous movie stars such as Sophie Marceau, Brian Cox, James Cassamo and so on, which can be described as a luxurious lineup. The film won five awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

The film tells the story of Wallace, who lost his father at an early age, led an uprising and fought indomitably against the rulers of England, spurred by the tragic murder of his beloved woman. During the struggle, he meets the honest and brave Isabella, and the love between the two is quietly breeding in war and conspiracy...

It's a tragic epic that fuses legends of blood and tears, with the Scottish national hero Wallace's dying roar: Freedom! It is the call of all enslaved and stripped of power, you can take my life, but you can't take away my belief in freedom!

2. Revelation (2006)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 8.6 IMDb 7.8

Writers: Mel Gibson / Farhad Savnia

Starring: Rudy Janbrad / Dalia Hernandez / Jonathan Breville

Genre: Drama / Action / Adventure

Also directed by Mel Gibson, the film is an R-rated film of adventurous action, and Mel Gibson uses his masterful approach to gorgeously show the audience the original aesthetic of violence. A true restoration of the great Mayan civilization.

At the end of the lavish and lavish Maya civilization, in order to pay tribute to the newly completed pyramids and to dispel the wrath of the gods, the king sent armies to invade the weak tribes and brutally behead prisoners of war as sacrifices to the heavens. The young warrior Tiger Claw was accidentally captured while hiding his wife and children. In the face of the heads of prisoners of war who have fallen one after another, for the sake of his wife and children, tiger claws decide to resist...

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

If you have seen the triumphant pictures of the Mayan murals in that year, it is common to sacrifice with captives, beheading, digging out hearts, and cutting teeth and pulling nails, which is enough to prove the tragic degree of this movie, which is called an epic scene.

3. Knights of the Holy War (2001)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 7.3 IMDb 6.9

Director: Brian Helgrand

Writers: Brian Helgaland

Starring: Heath Ledger / Luves Sevier / Shani Sausamon

Genre: Action / Romance / Adventure

In the Middle Ages of Europe, the knight was a very special and proud grassroots. The film shows you the more special knightly competition in cold weapons. So through The Paladin Knight, we learned about this fierce sport in Europe, which has a very historical tradition. The film was directed by Brian Haiergrand of the Academy Award for Best Adaptation and starred the handsome and charming Heath Ledger.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

The film tells the story of a nobleman who died unexpectedly in a competition, and his attendant William, in his name, impersonated him to participate in the knightly competition and won the competition to become a real knight, and finally embraced the beauty. As a costume comedy, the film is very suitable for casual viewing!

4. Battle of Mingliang (2014)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 7.1 IMDb 7.1

Director: Kim Han-min

Writers: Jeon Chul-hong / Kim Han-min

Starring: Choi Min-sik / Yoo Seung-yong / Cho Jin-hung / Jin-joo

Genre: Drama / Action / Biography / War

Country/Region of Production: South Korea

When it comes to the glorious works in the history of Korean cinema, the naval battle epic "The Battle of Mingliang" should occupy a place. It is another box office success by South Korean director Kim Han-min after the 2011 South Korean best-grossing film "The Final Weapon: Bow", telling the legendary story of North Korean general Lee Sun-sun who led 12 warships to defeat dozens of times more Japanese sailors than himself in the Mingliang Strait.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

The bloody war scenes in the movie are exhilarating, and likewise, as an "anti-Japanese drama", we still have a long way to go!

5, Heaven Dynasty (2005)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 8.5 IMDb 7.2

Director: Ridley Scott

Writers: William Monaghan

Starring: Orlando Bloom / Eva Green / Edward Norton

Genre: Drama / History / War

Country of production: USA / UK / Spain / Germany / Morocco

Director Ridley Scott is one of the few "defective" directors in Hollywood. "Alien", "Blade Runner", "The End of the Wild Flower", "Gladiator", "The Martian", "Black Hawk Down" and other well-known works, in 2018 also won the 71st British Academy Film Awards Lifetime Achievement Award. And this "Heavenly Dynasty" is also an ancient war movie masterpiece worth entering the history of cinema. The film revolves around the final years of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and presents us with a grand epic.

Most of the characters in Dynasty of Heaven are based on historical figures, with a Columbia University professor as the film's chief academic advisor. It tells the story of saladin, an Islamic leader who wanted to retake Jerusalem from The 12th century when the Kingdom of Jerusalem was in crisis, and a blacksmith, Iberian, defended the city of Jerusalem and confronted Saladin, an Islamic leader who wanted to retake Jerusalem from the Christians.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

It is worth mentioning that the film was forcibly cut by the producer for an hour and released, resulting in a mediocre reputation of the film. After 10, the director's cut version was released, and people suddenly realized that this is what the film should look like! Bloom, who became popular worldwide with the elf prince in "The Lord of the Rings", starred in this film.

6. Final Weapon: Bow (2011)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 7.1 IMDb 7.2

Writers: Kim Han-min

Starring: Park Hei-il / Yanagi Jo-hyun / Otani Ryohei / Bunsaimoto

Genre: Action / History

The position of the bow and arrow in the cold weapons of the East is very important, it is a powerful weapon of the Nomadic peoples such as the Mongols and Jurchens, and it is also a sharp weapon for the ancients to conquer the world. In the chaotic times, countless heroes of armed intelligence have died or been disabled by bows and arrows. This movie revolves around the theme of "bow", and the position of the sword in the cold weapon movie. The film reached more than 7 million viewers and became the highest-grossing film in South Korea in 2011.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

The film takes the Manchu post-Jin regime's invasion of Korea as the historical background, and tells the story of the Korean sharpshooter "Nam-il", who carried a bow and arrow and broke into the Manchu army camp alone in order to rescue his captured sister. Although it is a Korean film based on the theme of national history, this film does not tend to promote nationalism or patriotism, and takes the route of small people in the general environment, once again showing the superiority of Korean films.

7. Mongol King (2007)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 6.8 IMDb 7.2

Director: Sergei Bodrov

Writers: Arif Aliyev / Sergei Podrov

Starring: Tadanobu Asano / Sun Honglei / Hulan Chulong / Arya

Genre: Drama / Romance / Biography / War

Country of production: Kazakhstan / Russia / Mongolia / Germany

Directed by the famous director Sergei Bodrov, "The Mongol King" was nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture and starred Tadanobu Asano and Sun Honglei, a famous actor in China. The scale of film production is a small step towards the maturity of Kazakhstan's films, and then it enters the battlefield of the Oscars, which can be said to be a big step in the development of the country's film art. The film mainly tells the early life of Genghis Khan, a generation of arrogant people.

8. Cecia: Sword of Vengeance (2018)

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Douban 6.7 IMDb 6.2

Director: Rastam Moshafir

Writers: Vadim Glovanov / Rastam Moshafir

Starring: Alexei Fadiev / Alexander Kuznetsov

Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy

Country/Region of Production: Russia

Russia is a veritable "fighting nation", and in recent years Russian cinema has made great progress, especially "combat cinema", which has formed its own unique aesthetic of violence. Both the subject matter and the production level have a trend that leads Asia.

The "Cecia" in this film, also known as the "Scythians", turned out to be a people who were not only belligerent and bloodthirsty, but also drank from the heads of their enemies. And the film is about the "history" of this nation. In Eastern Europe in the 11th century, it was in an era of Nordic Vikings. Endless villages and cities are extinct, and a group of young and illustrious warriors who are protagonists vow to uphold justice, and they go around attacking the Vikings.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

Through a large number of fights and descriptions of costume war scenes, the film recreates the epic and magnificent battles, which are very exciting, and do not need too many taboos, showing violence and bloodshed to the fullest, so that the audience can firmly remember the heroes who were once heroes.

Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

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Ginger Iron Horse, War Masterpiece: Cold Weapons Movie

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