
"Sweeping Black Storm" "Sun Xing" became an audience nightmare Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills were praised

author:1905 Movie Network
"Sweeping Black Storm" "Sun Xing" became an audience nightmare Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills were praised

1905 film network news Recently, in the "Sweeping Black Storm" actor Wu Xiaoliang, who played Sun Xing, was concerned by netizens because of his superb acting skills, Sun Xing attracted the audience with vivid micro-expression changes as soon as he appeared, in the plot of exposing his identity after drunkenness, he said to himself in the mirror that "Sun Xing is Gao He after plastic surgery" This key identity information, a look, a smile, will Sun Xing's fierce and vicious and almost crazy state of expression to the fullest, interpreting the character's inner madness.

"Sweeping Black Storm" "Sun Xing" became an audience nightmare Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills were praised

This smile has also become one of Sun Xing's iconic features, triggering widespread discussion among the audience. Topics such as "killed by Sun Xing" and "Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills" appeared on the hot search, detonating the heat of the whole network, and some netizens commented that "now I see Sun Xing's face is afraid.". Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills have once again been unanimously recognized by the public.

"Sweeping Black Storm" "Sun Xing" became an audience nightmare Wu Xiaoliang's acting skills were praised

As a young actor, Wu Xiaoliang has been low-key and concentrated on honing his acting skills, from Cao Baoyan, who shouted "the stars in the sky cannot be slaves" in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", to His brother Gu Liang, who suffered from his livelihood in "Under the Sun" who won the Double Film Emperor, he has always proved himself with his works and continued to move forward on the road of acting.

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