
Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know

author:Health Hangzhou

Life is getting better and better

Abalone, oysters, clams

They are all regulars at the dinner table

Eat the meat inside

Are people habitually throwing away the shells?

In fact, these are discarded shells

But the "baby" in the Chinese medicine pharmacy medicine bucket

Today Xiaobian will teach you

A TCM trivia

# Seafood set #

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know



Name in the medicine bucket: Stone Cassia

Source: Shells of the abalone family Variegated Abalone, Wrinkled Plate Abalone, Sheep Abalone, Australian Abalone, Ear Abalone or White Abalone. Among them, Australian abalone is the majority, flat oval, the surface is brick red, the end is 7-9 holes, and the orifice protrudes from the shell surface.

Properties: The stone cassia in the medicine bucket is irregular fragments, grayish white, with a pearl-like color luster. Hard. Slightly airy and slightly salty.

Efficacy: Stone cassia has the effect of leveling the liver and clearing the liver. There are also sedative, antispasmodic, blood pressure lowering, analgesia, hemostasis, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticoagulant, liver protection, lipid lowering and other effects.

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know


Hyperactivity of liver and yang, headache and dizziness: good treatment of liver and kidney yin deficiency, yin does not control yang and cause headache dizziness of hyperactivity of liver and yang, often compatible with mother of pearl, oysters and other drugs. For the treatment of dizziness, headache, irritability and irritability of hepatic and yang hyperactivity, it can be used with antelope horn, summer dry grass, white peony and other medicines, such as antelope horn soup.

Red eye impairment, visual dizziness, green blind finch: longer than clear liver fire, beneficial liver yin, eye diseases regardless of virtual reality, can be applied. To cure wind and heat, it can be compatible with cicadas, chrysanthemums, wood thieves and other medicines; to cure eye diseases, often with wood thieves, thorn mustard, mulberry leaves, etc., such as stone cassia.

Dosage: Decoction, 6-20g each time, fry first. Flat liver, clear liver should be used for raw use, external use of points of eye should be calcined, water flying.

Use note: Stone cassia salty cold, easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, so the spleen and stomach deficiency cold, eat less stool and loose people use caution.

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know



Alias: Oysters

Source: Shells of oysters, Dalian Bay oysters or Omi oysters. In the case of the Dalian Bay oyster, it is triangular, with a "figure eight" shape on the dorsal and ventral margin, a pale yellow on the outside of the right shell, loose concentric scales, and a white inner surface. The concentric scales of the left shell are thick and box-shaped under the concave inner surface.

Properties: The oysters in the medicine bucket are irregular fragments, slightly cold, and salty.

Efficacy: Oysters have the effect of submerging yang and yin, calming the spirit, soft and firm loose knots, astringent and astringent, acid and pain relief. There are also sedation, analgesia, anti-epileptic, anti-tumor, anti-aging, anti-gastric ulcer, hypolipidemic and other effects.

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know

Hyperactivity of the liver and yang, dizziness and tinnitus: often used with turtle shells, keels, white peonies, etc.

Palpitation insomnia: often used with keel, such as guizhi licorice keel oyster soup.

Fistula phlegm nucleus: often compatible with Zhejiang shellfish, Xuan Ginseng and so on, such as anti-fisted pills.

Self-sweating night sweats: often used with ephedra root, floating wheat, etc., such as oyster scatter.

Sperm slip essence: often compatible with sand garden, dragon bone, qi shi and so on, such as golden lock solid essence pills.

Stomach pain swallowing acid: calcined oysters have the effect of acid making and relieving pain, with pantothenic acid for stomach pain, often used with sea mantis, corrugated seeds, sea clam shells and other drugs.

Dosage: Decoction, 9-30 grams each time, fry first. Latent yang tonic yin, heavy calm, soft and firm loose knot should be used raw, convergence and astringency, acid and pain relief should be calcined.

Use note: Oysters mainly contain calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and calcium sulfate, but also contain copper, iron, zinc and other trace elements and a variety of amino acids. Therefore, it is suitable for men and women of all ages, but it is also necessary to control the amount, so as not to pass it, causing physical discomfort!

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know



Name in the medicine bucket: clam shell (ge qiao)

Traits: cold, bitter and salty

Efficacy: It has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, soft and firm loose knots, acid making and pain relief, external use has the effect of collecting wet sores, as well as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostasis effect.

Application: Use it to grind powder to treat eczema, burns.

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know

Literature source: "Criterion of Evidence and Treatment", "On Typhoid Fever", "Medical Enlightenment", "Heshi Bureau Fang", "Medical Formula Collection"

· END·

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Source 丨Chun'an County Health Bureau

Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

Cold knowledge of medicine 丨The seafood on the table can still be used in this way, you certainly don't know