
Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

author:Lijiang Hotline

On October 28, the Yulong County New Era Civilization Practice Center held the 2021 "Big Hands Holding Small Hands Civilization Walking Together" volunteer service activity. 10 volunteers from Yulong County No. 1 Middle School distributed brochures and explanations to other students and passers-by at the scene. Let the students participating in the activities experience the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", further practice the core values of socialism, and strive to be civilized and courteous Lijiang people!

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

Tong Xiaoyu of the Yulong County Creative Culture Office told reporters: I hope that through the publicity of volunteer service activities, it will play a role in advocating civilization and sowing it into the young soul, and it is also through such a civilized practice activity that we can learn to start from ourselves, start from the things around us, strive to be civilized and courteous practitioners, strive to be civilized and courteous supervisors, and work together to build a civilized, green, harmonious, and livable great beautiful river and a beautiful jade dragon.

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison
Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

A volunteer is a banner, a volunteer service is a dedication of love, and a volunteer activity is a full embodiment of a volunteer responsibility. At the event, students and parent representatives should go to the stage to sign the pledge in turn!

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

Volunteer service is not only a very glorious and noble cause, but also a full embodiment of helping others and inheriting the virtues of the Chinese nation, especially the spirit of volunteerism, which is an important cultural soft power and a warm moral stream, which can fully reflect the consciousness, activity and advanced nature of contemporary outstanding young people.

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

To do volunteer service is to really grasp the role and "live" it. Volunteering is available to everyone, everything can be done, and everything can be done at all times. Start from yourself, start from the small things around you, and from now on, enthusiastically participate in and actively participate in social welfare volunteer service activities such as advocating civilization, maintaining order, and loving the environment. After distributing the brochures, under the leadership of teachers and volunteer service team members, the students carried out actions such as picking up cigarette butts, sweeping leaves, and cleaning garbage cans around the cultural center, so that volunteer service activities could truly participate in practice.

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison
Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

Xu Ya, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Yulong County CPC Committee, stressed in her speech to the students that volunteers are an important symbol of urban civilization and an important guarantee for creating a civilized city. It is necessary to further give play to the leading role of volunteerism and promote volunteer service to become a conscious action of the general public. She said: "The society is beautiful because of dedication, youth is bright because of display, dedicate to society with true feelings, fulfill promises with actions, and strive to be a good teenager in the new era by constantly practicing the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress"!"

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison

New Media Editor: Li Hong

Editor: Li Xia, Zhao Wenli

Final Judgement: Ma Xiang and the Red Army

Big hands holding small hands Civilization walks in unison