
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

author:Monkey brother is also

The era of cold weapons was the era when human beings took real swords and real swords to fight, and there was no gunpowder and no explosion at that time. Only the knife to see the flesh of the battle, Xiaobian today to take stock, those foreign epic costume war blockbusters, see if there is a shock to you?

TOP.10 "King Arthur"

Arthur Pendragon, also known as Arthur Pendragon, is known as King Arthur, the legendary king of ancient Britain. His sensibility is more from Celtic mythology and some medieval literature, and no one has dabbled heavily in the real life of King Arthur. Legend has it that he was the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, an almost mythical legend.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.9 "Alexander the Great"

Alexander the great (356-323 BC), ancient Macedonian king, Emperor Alexander, famous military and statesman in the ancient history of the world. He was resourceful and had a great deal of brilliance during his short 13 years as King of Macedonia. The Crusades first established dominance throughout Greece and then destroyed the Persian Empire. In the vast land spanning Europe and Asia, a huge empire with Babylon as its capital was established, stretching from Greece and Macedonia in the west to the Indus Valley in the east, the first waterfall of the Nile river in the south, and the medicine and killing water in the north. It has created brilliant achievements unprecedented in the past, promoted the exchange of cultures between the East and the West and the development of the economy, and had a major impact on the progress of human society.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.8 Gladiator

The era of epic blockbusters in the 1950s and 1960s has long passed, and the stories of jingo iron horses and sword and light sword shadow have been forgotten by most viewers. Today, director Ridley Scott is about to revisit the subject, recreating the magnificent Roman arena on the screen and telling a story of courage and revenge.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.7 "Heaven Dynasty"

Kingdom of Heaven is a film directed by Ridley Scott and released on May 6, 2005. The film stars Orlando Bloom, Eva Green, Jeremy Irons, David Zellless, and others. The film tells the story of the 12th-century kingdom of Jerusalem in crisis, when a blacksmith, Balian of Ibelin, defends the city of Jerusalem against The Islamic leader Sarah, who wants to retake Jerusalem from christians.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.6 "The Centurion"

The name Centurion comes from the Hundred they led. The Hundred has always been an important formation in the Roman army, dating back to the Roman monarchy of the 6th century BC. As the name suggests, the Hundred were originally made up of about 100 people. Later, the Hundred became a squad of 60 men, with two Hundred men forming a squad (Latin: Manipulus), one of whom had a higher authority. After Malleus' reforms, the standard hundred-man establishment was changed to 80.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.5 Robin Hood

Robin Hood is a heroic figure of British folklore rogue style. He is known as the Earl of Huntington. From the middle of the 12th century, folk songs and legends about Robin Hood began to circulate in the folk. In the 14th century, stories about Robin Hood first appeared as literature. Since then, writers have continued to use this as a material to write many popular works. Robin Hood is a work created by the French literary hero Alexandre Dumas on the basis of his predecessors.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.4 Knights of the Holy War

The story tells that the young and handsome William, who came from a British civilian family, practiced swordplay and horsemanship from childhood, and always dreamed of becoming a knight. Unfortunately, at that time, the social hierarchy was strict, and there was an insurmountable gap between the commoners and the nobles, and the adult William could only serve as a servant for the real noble knights. [1] In the middle and middle ages of the 14th century, there were clear social classes, and no matter how hard and struggling the lowly-born commoners worked and struggled, they could not cross the class system and become rich. William (Heath Ledger), a young farmer from a humble background, wanted to become a knight from an early age, although this ideal was an unattainable wish for the poor William, and under the encouragement of his father, William practiced swordplay and horsemanship. William's noble knights were killed in a sword fight, and William seized the opportunity to impersonate himself as a nobleman and embark on a heroic adventure in search of ideals.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.3 "Braveheart"

The mention of William Wallace's name immediately reminds one of the glory days of the Scottish National Independence Movement in the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Indeed, Wallace is arguably one of the most legendary heroes in British history. For 7 centuries, the interest and admiration of him by later generations can be said to be enduring. In the 15th century, the bard Harry became famous for his eleven-volume, twelve-thousand-line Celtic legendary epic The Wallace, which was read by the cultural class. Since its publication in the 16th century, the book has been second only to the Bible in Scotland.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.2 "Troy"

In the romantic and spectacular and evocative ancient Greece, the love and hate legend between the gods and humans in Olympia is still talked about, and among them, the Battle of Troy recorded in Homer's epic poem "Iliad" is a classic work repeatedly performed by later playwrights and viewers. When Prince Paris (Orlando Bloom) of Troy is invited to a banquet by the king of Sparta in Greece, he is infatuated with the king's wife, Helen (Diane Kruger), who is overwhelmed by his overwhelming appearance and brings Helen back to his country. The move provoked the wrath of the Greek nations, and at the call of the Mycenaean king Agamemnon (Brian Cox), a powerful coalition marched towards Troy. In the decade-long war that followed, heroes such as Achilles (Brad Pitt), Odysseus (Sean Bin Sean Bean), and Hector (Eric Barna Eric Bana) each wrote a legendary epic that was full of anger and humiliation...

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters
Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

TOP.1 "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta"

In 480 BC, king Xerxes I of Persia (Rodrigo Santoro) led an army of 500,000 men (known as 5 million) and more than 1,000 warships to attack Greece. And all the way south to approach the Demobilly Pass. The invincible Xerxes I also sent letters of persuasion to the Greek city-states, hoping that the small states would surrender without a fight. This, of course, includes spartan city.

As a result, Xerxes's emissaries suffered in the revolt of many Greeks. At this time, in order to resist the strong enemy, the brave Spartan king Leonidas (Gerald Butler) personally led a Greek coalition of about 7,000 people assembled from all over the place, and took the lead in rushing to the hot spring pass to hold the dangerous pass.

On the other hand, the Persian army, which had already consumed a great deal in the fierce naval battle, was obviously unable to organize any strong offensive in the land battle in two days, so the short engagement between the two armies did not touch at once. But two days later, after the cunning Xerxes sent an elite force to sneak up on the pass, the unprepared Greek defenders were quickly defeated.

In order to preserve his strength, Leonidas, in the case of being attacked on his stomach and back, ordered the main force of the Greek coalition to quickly retreat to preserve his strength. He personally led three hundred Spartan warriors behind the mat. A bloody and deadly battle ensued with tens of thousands of Persian troops. In the end, all three hundred warriors were killed, and the Persian army paid a terrible price of 20,000 deaths and injuries in the battle to break through the hot spring pass.

Europe's top ten epic costume war blockbusters

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